EmpExample (entity)

来源:互联网 发布:网络打印机新添加纸张 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 16:49
package cn.et.food.entity;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.List;public class EmpExample {    /**     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.     * This field corresponds to the database table emp     *     * @mbg.generated Wed Dec 13 09:46:59 CST 2017     */    protected String orderByClause;    /**     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.     * This field corresponds to the database table emp     *     * @mbg.generated Wed Dec 13 09:46:59 CST 2017     */    protected boolean distinct;    /**     * This field was generated by MyBatis Generator.     * This field corresponds to the database table emp     *     * @mbg.generated Wed Dec 13 09:46:59 CST 2017     */    protected List<Criteria> oredCriteria;    /**     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.     * This method corresponds to the database table emp     *     * @mbg.generated Wed Dec 13 09:46:59 CST 2017     */    public EmpExample() {        oredCriteria = new ArrayList<Criteria>();    }    /**     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.     * This method corresponds to the database table emp     *     * @mbg.generated Wed Dec 13 09:46:59 CST 2017     */    public void setOrderByClause(String orderByClause) {        this.orderByClause = orderByClause;    }    /**     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.     * This method corresponds to the database table emp     *     * @mbg.generated Wed Dec 13 09:46:59 CST 2017     */    public String getOrderByClause() {        return orderByClause;    }    /**     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.     * This method corresponds to the database table emp     *     * @mbg.generated Wed Dec 13 09:46:59 CST 2017     */    public void setDistinct(boolean distinct) {        this.distinct = distinct;    }    /**     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.     * This method corresponds to the database table emp     *     * @mbg.generated Wed Dec 13 09:46:59 CST 2017     */    public boolean isDistinct() {        return distinct;    }    /**     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.     * This method corresponds to the database table emp     *     * @mbg.generated Wed Dec 13 09:46:59 CST 2017     */    public List<Criteria> getOredCriteria() {        return oredCriteria;    }    /**     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.     * This method corresponds to the database table emp     *     * @mbg.generated Wed Dec 13 09:46:59 CST 2017     */    public void or(Criteria criteria) {        oredCriteria.add(criteria);    }    /**     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.     * This method corresponds to the database table emp     *     * @mbg.generated Wed Dec 13 09:46:59 CST 2017     */    public Criteria or() {        Criteria criteria = createCriteriaInternal();        oredCriteria.add(criteria);        return criteria;    }    /**     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.     * This method corresponds to the database table emp     *     * @mbg.generated Wed Dec 13 09:46:59 CST 2017     */    public Criteria createCriteria() {        Criteria criteria = createCriteriaInternal();        if (oredCriteria.size() == 0) {            oredCriteria.add(criteria);        }        return criteria;    }    /**     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.     * This method corresponds to the database table emp     *     * @mbg.generated Wed Dec 13 09:46:59 CST 2017     */    protected Criteria createCriteriaInternal() {        Criteria criteria = new Criteria();        return criteria;    }    /**     * This method was generated by MyBatis Generator.     * This method corresponds to the database table emp     *     * @mbg.generated Wed Dec 13 09:46:59 CST 2017     */    public void clear() {        oredCriteria.clear();        orderByClause = null;        distinct = false;    }    /**     * This class was generated by MyBatis Generator.     * This class corresponds to the database table emp     *     * @mbg.generated Wed Dec 13 09:46:59 CST 2017     */    protected abstract static class GeneratedCriteria {        protected List<Criterion> criteria;        protected GeneratedCriteria() {            super();            criteria = new ArrayList<Criterion>();        }        public boolean isValid() {            return criteria.size() > 0;        }        public List<Criterion> getAllCriteria() {            return criteria;        }        public List<Criterion> getCriteria() {            return criteria;        }        protected void addCriterion(String condition) {            if (condition == null) {                throw new RuntimeException("Value for condition cannot be null");            }            criteria.add(new Criterion(condition));        }        protected void addCriterion(String condition, Object value, String property) {            if (value == null) {                throw new RuntimeException("Value for " + property + " cannot be null");            }            criteria.add(new Criterion(condition, value));        }        protected void addCriterion(String condition, Object value1, Object value2, String property) {            if (value1 == null || value2 == null) {                throw new RuntimeException("Between values for " + property + " cannot be null");            }            criteria.add(new Criterion(condition, value1, value2));        }        public Criteria andIdIsNull() {            addCriterion("id is null");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andIdIsNotNull() {            addCriterion("id is not null");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andIdEqualTo(Integer value) {            addCriterion("id =", value, "id");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andIdNotEqualTo(Integer value) {            addCriterion("id <>", value, "id");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andIdGreaterThan(Integer value) {            addCriterion("id >", value, "id");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andIdGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Integer value) {            addCriterion("id >=", value, "id");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andIdLessThan(Integer value) {            addCriterion("id <", value, "id");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andIdLessThanOrEqualTo(Integer value) {            addCriterion("id <=", value, "id");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andIdIn(List<Integer> values) {            addCriterion("id in", values, "id");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andIdNotIn(List<Integer> values) {            addCriterion("id not in", values, "id");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andIdBetween(Integer value1, Integer value2) {            addCriterion("id between", value1, value2, "id");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andIdNotBetween(Integer value1, Integer value2) {            addCriterion("id not between", value1, value2, "id");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andEnameIsNull() {            addCriterion("ename is null");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andEnameIsNotNull() {            addCriterion("ename is not null");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andEnameEqualTo(String value) {            addCriterion("ename =", value, "ename");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andEnameNotEqualTo(String value) {            addCriterion("ename <>", value, "ename");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andEnameGreaterThan(String value) {            addCriterion("ename >", value, "ename");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andEnameGreaterThanOrEqualTo(String value) {            addCriterion("ename >=", value, "ename");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andEnameLessThan(String value) {            addCriterion("ename <", value, "ename");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andEnameLessThanOrEqualTo(String value) {            addCriterion("ename <=", value, "ename");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andEnameLike(String value) {            addCriterion("ename like", value, "ename");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andEnameNotLike(String value) {            addCriterion("ename not like", value, "ename");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andEnameIn(List<String> values) {            addCriterion("ename in", values, "ename");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andEnameNotIn(List<String> values) {            addCriterion("ename not in", values, "ename");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andEnameBetween(String value1, String value2) {            addCriterion("ename between", value1, value2, "ename");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andEnameNotBetween(String value1, String value2) {            addCriterion("ename not between", value1, value2, "ename");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andSalIsNull() {            addCriterion("sal is null");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andSalIsNotNull() {            addCriterion("sal is not null");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andSalEqualTo(Long value) {            addCriterion("sal =", value, "sal");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andSalNotEqualTo(Long value) {            addCriterion("sal <>", value, "sal");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andSalGreaterThan(Long value) {            addCriterion("sal >", value, "sal");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andSalGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Long value) {            addCriterion("sal >=", value, "sal");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andSalLessThan(Long value) {            addCriterion("sal <", value, "sal");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andSalLessThanOrEqualTo(Long value) {            addCriterion("sal <=", value, "sal");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andSalIn(List<Long> values) {            addCriterion("sal in", values, "sal");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andSalNotIn(List<Long> values) {            addCriterion("sal not in", values, "sal");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andSalBetween(Long value1, Long value2) {            addCriterion("sal between", value1, value2, "sal");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andSalNotBetween(Long value1, Long value2) {            addCriterion("sal not between", value1, value2, "sal");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andDeptidIsNull() {            addCriterion("deptid is null");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andDeptidIsNotNull() {            addCriterion("deptid is not null");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andDeptidEqualTo(Integer value) {            addCriterion("deptid =", value, "deptid");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andDeptidNotEqualTo(Integer value) {            addCriterion("deptid <>", value, "deptid");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andDeptidGreaterThan(Integer value) {            addCriterion("deptid >", value, "deptid");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andDeptidGreaterThanOrEqualTo(Integer value) {            addCriterion("deptid >=", value, "deptid");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andDeptidLessThan(Integer value) {            addCriterion("deptid <", value, "deptid");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andDeptidLessThanOrEqualTo(Integer value) {            addCriterion("deptid <=", value, "deptid");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andDeptidIn(List<Integer> values) {            addCriterion("deptid in", values, "deptid");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andDeptidNotIn(List<Integer> values) {            addCriterion("deptid not in", values, "deptid");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andDeptidBetween(Integer value1, Integer value2) {            addCriterion("deptid between", value1, value2, "deptid");            return (Criteria) this;        }        public Criteria andDeptidNotBetween(Integer value1, Integer value2) {            addCriterion("deptid not between", value1, value2, "deptid");            return (Criteria) this;        }    }    /**     * This class was generated by MyBatis Generator.     * This class corresponds to the database table emp     *     * @mbg.generated do_not_delete_during_merge Wed Dec 13 09:46:59 CST 2017     */    public static class Criteria extends GeneratedCriteria {        protected Criteria() {            super();        }    }    /**     * This class was generated by MyBatis Generator.     * This class corresponds to the database table emp     *     * @mbg.generated Wed Dec 13 09:46:59 CST 2017     */    public static class Criterion {        private String condition;        private Object value;        private Object secondValue;        private boolean noValue;        private boolean singleValue;        private boolean betweenValue;        private boolean listValue;        private String typeHandler;        public String getCondition() {            return condition;        }        public Object getValue() {            return value;        }        public Object getSecondValue() {            return secondValue;        }        public boolean isNoValue() {            return noValue;        }        public boolean isSingleValue() {            return singleValue;        }        public boolean isBetweenValue() {            return betweenValue;        }        public boolean isListValue() {            return listValue;        }        public String getTypeHandler() {            return typeHandler;        }        protected Criterion(String condition) {            super();            this.condition = condition;            this.typeHandler = null;            this.noValue = true;        }        protected Criterion(String condition, Object value, String typeHandler) {            super();            this.condition = condition;            this.value = value;            this.typeHandler = typeHandler;            if (value instanceof List<?>) {                this.listValue = true;            } else {                this.singleValue = true;            }        }        protected Criterion(String condition, Object value) {            this(condition, value, null);        }        protected Criterion(String condition, Object value, Object secondValue, String typeHandler) {            super();            this.condition = condition;            this.value = value;            this.secondValue = secondValue;            this.typeHandler = typeHandler;            this.betweenValue = true;        }        protected Criterion(String condition, Object value, Object secondValue) {            this(condition, value, secondValue, null);        }    }}