
来源:互联网 发布:网络不稳定不能玩dnf 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/17 03:59


#include<iostream>   //输入字符串用gets函数,故i,j从0开始 #include<cstring>#define OK 1#define ERROR -1#define Status int#define MAXSIZE 255using namespace std;typedef struct               //定长存储 {   char ch[MAXSIZE+1];    //存储串的一维数组    int length;            //串的当前长度 }SString;//BF算法 int Index_BF(SString S,SString T,int pos){//返回模式T在主串S中第pos个字符开始第一次出现的位置。若不存在,则返回值为0. //其中,T非空,0<=pos<S.length      int i=pos;      int j=0;                //初始化      while(i<S.length && j<T.length )  //两个串均未比较到串尾      {     if( S.ch [i] == T.ch [j] )   //继续比较后继字符       {     ++i;   ++j;   }         else                       //指针后退开始重新匹配             {   i=i-j+1;    j=0;   }    }       if(j+1>T.length )             //匹配成功           return i-T.length+1 ;     else                        //匹配失败          return 0;  } int main(){int pos=-1;int n1,n2;SString  S,T;cout<<"\t\t\t请输入字符串S:   ";gets(S.ch );cout<<"\t\t\t请输入字符串T:   "; gets(T.ch );    cout<<endl;S.length =strlen(S.ch );T.length =strlen(T.ch );//cout<<S.length <<" and "<<T.length <<endl;for(int i=0; i<S.length ; i++) { if(S.ch [i]  == T.ch [0])  {  pos = i;  break;      }             }        cout<<"\t\t*——————————————————————————————————————————*"<<endl;     cout<<"\t\t|    若不匹配输出0,否则输出和模式T中第pos(1<=pos<=T.length)个字符在主串S中的序号   |"<<endl;     cout<<"\t\t*——————————————————————————————————————————*"<<endl<<endl;        if(pos == -1)     {    cout<<"\t\t\t匹配结果:0"<<endl;}else{  cout<<"\t\t\t匹配结果:"<<Index_BF( S,  T,  pos);}  return 0;}


#include<iostream>  //输入字符串用gets函数,故i,j及next[]从0开始#include<cstring>#define OK 1#define ERROR -1 #define OVERFLOW -1 #define Status int#define MAXSIZE 255using namespace std;int next[255];int nextval[255];typedef struct               //定长存储 {   char ch[MAXSIZE+1];    //存储串的一维数组    int length;            //串的当前长度 }SString;//KMP算法int Index_KMP(SString S, SString T, int pos){int i = pos, j = 0;    while (i < S.length && j < T.length)  //两个串均未比较到串尾     {    if (j == -1 || S.ch[i] == T.ch[j])       //继续比较后继字符          {++i;++j; }   else      //模式串向右移动 j = next[j]; //  j = nextval[j];   //next修正值 }if (j+1 > T.length)   //匹配成功         return i - T.length+1 ;    elsereturn 0;      //匹配失败  }void get_next(SString T){//求模式串T的next函数值并存入数组next        int i=0,j=0;next[0]=-1;    j=next[i];    while(i<T.length )   {   if(j==-1  || T.ch[i]==T.ch[j])          {    ++i;     ++j;    next[i]=j;    } else     j=next[j];    } }// next修正值 /*void get_nextval(SString T){//求模式串T的next函数值并存入数组next        int i=0,j=0;nextval[0]=-1;    j=nextval[i];    while(i<T.length )   {   if(j==-1  || T.ch[i]==T.ch[j])          {    ++i;     ++j;     if(T.ch[i]!=T.ch[j])     nextval[i]=j;    else      nextval[i]=nextval[j];    } else     j=nextval[j];    } } */ int main(){int pos=-1;int n1,n2;SString  S,T;cout<<"\t\t\t请输入字符串S:   "; gets(S.ch );cout<<"\t\t\t请输入字符串T:   "; gets(T.ch );    cout<<endl;S.length = strlen( S.ch );T.length = strlen( T.ch );//cout<<S.length <<" and "<<T.length <<endl;for(int i=0; i<S.length ; i++) { if(S.ch [i]  == T.ch [0])  {  pos = i;  break;      }             }    cout<<"\t\t*——————————————————————————————————————————*"<<endl;     cout<<"\t\t|    若不匹配输出0,否则输出和模式T中第pos(1<=pos<=T.length)个字符在主串S中的序号   |"<<endl;     cout<<"\t\t*——————————————————————————————————————————*"<<endl;        cout<<endl;    get_next( T );    //  get_nextval( T );   //next修正值     if(pos == -1)     {      cout<<"\t\t\t匹配结果:0"<<endl;}else{  cout<<"\t\t\t匹配结果:"<<Index_KMP( S, T,  pos );}  return 0;}
