
来源:互联网 发布:文本相似算法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 20:01
#include <windows.h>#include <gl/gl.h>#include <gl/GLU.h>#include <GL/glut.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdarg.h>typedef          __int64 ll;typedef          char   int8;typedef          short  int16;typedef          int    int32;typedef ll              int64;template<class T> int8 __SETS__(T x){    if (sizeof(T) == 1)        return int8(x) < 0;    if (sizeof(T) == 2)        return int16(x) < 0;    if (sizeof(T) == 4)        return int32(x) < 0;    return int64(x) < 0;}template<class T, class U>int8 __OFSUB__(T x, U y){    if (sizeof(T) < sizeof(U))    {        U x2 = x;        int8 sx = __SETS__(x2);        return (sx ^ __SETS__(y)) & (sx ^ __SETS__(x2 - y));    }    else    {        T y2 = y;        int8 sx = __SETS__(x);        return (sx ^ __SETS__(y2)) & (sx ^ __SETS__(x - y2));    }}BOOL IsOpenGLInited = FALSE; HGLRC gGLRC = NULL; float gLookEyeX = 0.0; float gLookEyeY = 0; float gLookEyeZ;float gTargetX = 0;float gTargetY = 0;float gTargetZ = 0;HWND gHWND = NULL; LARGE_INTEGER gPerformanceCount = { { 0u, 0 } }; HDC gWndDC = NULL; DWORD gFPS = 0;class W3EFILE {public:    void DrawW3E();    W3EFILE(char *a2="war3map.w3e");public:    DWORD _value[2048*160];};W3EFILE gW3eFile; char ActiveKeyTable[0xFF]; LARGE_INTEGER PerformanceCount; LARGE_INTEGER Frequency; BOOL IsDisplaySetted; float gFpsA; float gFpsB; int cFPS; void InitOpenGL(){    glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);    glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH);    glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);    glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);    glFrontFace(GL_CW);    glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);    glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);    glLoadIdentity();    gluPerspective(60.0, 1.333333333333333, 1.0, 1000000.0);    glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);    glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL);    IsOpenGLInited = TRUE;}BOOL sub_401250(HDC hdc){    PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR ppfd =    {        40u,        1u,        37u,        0u,        32u,        0u,        0u,        0u,        0u,        0u,        0u,        0u,        0u,        0u,        0u,        0u,        0u,        0u,        16u,        0u,        0u,        0u,        0u,        0u,        0u,        0u    };    int v1 = ChoosePixelFormat(hdc, &ppfd);    return SetPixelFormat(hdc, v1, &ppfd);}void W3EFILE::DrawW3E(){    char *v1;     GLfloat *v2;     signed int v3;     GLfloat red;     GLfloat v5;     GLfloat v6;     GLfloat v7;     bool v8;     int v9;     signed int v10;     v1 = (char*)this;    glPushMatrix();    v10 = 160;    v9 = (int)(v1 + 12);    do    {        glBegin(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);        v2 = (GLfloat *)v9;        v3 = 160;        do        {            red = (*v2 * 0.0099999998 + 128.0) * 0.0039215689;            glColor3f(red, red, red);            glVertex3f(v2[2], *v2, v2[3]);            v5 = (v2[7] * 0.0099999998 + 128.0) * 0.0039215689;            glColor3f(v5, v5, v5);            glVertex3f(v2[9], v2[7], v2[10]);            v6 = (v2[1127] * 0.0099999998 + 128.0) * 0.0039215689;            glColor3f(v6, v6, v6);            glVertex3f(v2[1129], v2[1127], v2[1130]);            v7 = (v2[1134] * 0.0099999998 + 128.0) * 0.0039215689;            glColor3f(v7, v7, v7);            glVertex3f(v2[1136], v2[1134], v2[1137]);            v2 += 1127;            --v3;        } while (v3);        glEnd();        v8 = (v10 == 1);        v9 += 28;        --v10;    } while (!v8);    glPopMatrix();}BOOL SetWndTitle(HWND hWnd, char *a2, ...){    CHAR String[1024];     va_list va;     va_start(va, a2);    vsprintf(&String[0], a2, va);    return SetWindowTextA(hWnd, &String[0]);}BOOL sub_401110(){    int contain;    if (gFpsA - gFpsB < 1.0)    {        ++cFPS;    }    else    {        gFPS = cFPS;        cFPS = 0;        gFpsB = gFpsA;    }    SetWndTitle(gHWND, "W3E Viewer - Brizzard Entertainment [ FPS:%d ]", gFPS);    gLookEyeY = *(float*)(&(contain = 1176256512));    gTargetX = *(float*)(&(contain = 1176567808));    gTargetY = *(float*)(&(contain = 1124073472));    gTargetZ = *(float*)(&(contain = -970915840));    glClear(0x4100u);    glLoadIdentity();    gluLookAt(        gLookEyeX,        gLookEyeY,        gLookEyeZ,        gTargetX,        gTargetY,        gTargetZ,        0.0,        1.0,        0.0);    glTranslatef(0.0, -500.0, -200.0);    ((W3EFILE *)&gW3eFile)->DrawW3E();    glFlush();    return SwapBuffers(gWndDC);}LRESULT CALLBACK WinProc(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, unsigned int lParam){    double v4;     double v5;     LRESULT result;     GLsizei v7;     HDC v8;     signed int wParama;     if (Msg > WM_CLOSE)    {        switch (Msg)        {        case WM_KEYDOWN:            ActiveKeyTable[wParam] = 1;            return 0;        case WM_KEYUP:            result = 0;            ActiveKeyTable[wParam] = 0;            return result;        case WM_MOUSEMOVE:            return 0;        }        return DefWindowProcA(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam);    }    if (Msg == WM_CLOSE)    {        wglMakeCurrent(gWndDC, 0);        wglDeleteContext(gGLRC);        PostQuitMessage(0);        return 0;    }    if (Msg == WM_CREATE)    {        v8 = GetDC(hWnd);        gWndDC = v8;        sub_401250(v8);        gGLRC = wglCreateContext(gWndDC);        wglMakeCurrent(gWndDC, gGLRC);        return 0;    }    if (Msg != WM_SIZE)    {        if (Msg == WM_PAINT)        {            if (IsOpenGLInited)            {                QueryPerformanceCounter(&PerformanceCount);                v4 = gFpsA;                v5 = (double)(PerformanceCount.QuadPart - gPerformanceCount.QuadPart) / (double)Frequency.QuadPart;                gFpsA = v5;                sub_401110();                return 0;            }            return 0;        }        return DefWindowProcA(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam);    }    v7 = lParam >> 16;    wParama = lParam >> 16;    if (!(lParam >> 16))    {        v7 = 1;        wParama = 1;    }    glViewport(0, 0, (unsigned short)lParam, v7);    glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);    glLoadIdentity();    gluPerspective(54.0, (double)(unsigned short)lParam / (double)wParama, 1.0, 1000.0);    glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);    glLoadIdentity();    return 0;}int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd){    DWORD v5;     DWORD v6;     struct tagRECT Rect = {0,0,800,600};    WNDCLASSEXA WndClassEx;     struct tagMSG Msg;     DEVMODEA dmScreenSettings;    WndClassEx.cbSize = 48;    WndClassEx.style = 3;    WndClassEx.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC)WinProc;    WndClassEx.cbClsExtra = 0;    WndClassEx.cbWndExtra = 0;    WndClassEx.hInstance = hInstance;    WndClassEx.hIcon = LoadIconA(0, IDI_APPLICATION);    WndClassEx.hCursor = LoadCursorA(0, IDI_APPLICATION);    WndClassEx.hbrBackground = 0;    WndClassEx.lpszMenuName = 0;    WndClassEx.lpszClassName = "MyClass";    WndClassEx.hIconSm = LoadIconA(0, IDI_WINLOGO);    if (!RegisterClassExA(&WndClassEx))        return 0;    if (!IsDisplaySetted)        goto LABEL_6;    memset(&dmScreenSettings, 0, sizeof(dmScreenSettings));    dmScreenSettings.dmSize = sizeof(dmScreenSettings);    dmScreenSettings.dmPelsWidth = 800;    dmScreenSettings.dmPelsHeight = 600;    dmScreenSettings.dmBitsPerPel = 32;    dmScreenSettings.dmFields = DM_BITSPERPEL | DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT;    if (ChangeDisplaySettingsA((DEVMODEA *)&dmScreenSettings, CDS_FULLSCREEN))    {        MessageBoxA(0, "Display mode failed", 0, 0);        IsDisplaySetted = FALSE;    LABEL_6:        v5 = WS_EX_APPWINDOW | WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE;        v6 = WS_BORDER | WS_DLGFRAME | WS_SYSMENU | WS_THICKFRAME | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP;//13565952        goto LABEL_7;    }    if (!IsDisplaySetted)        goto LABEL_6;    v5 = WS_EX_APPWINDOW;    v6 = WS_POPUP;//2147483648    ShowCursor(0);LABEL_7:    AdjustWindowRectEx(&Rect, v6, 0, v5);    gHWND = CreateWindowExA(        0,        "MyClass",        "W3E Viewer - Brizzard Entertainment",        v6 | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS,        0,        0,        Rect.right - Rect.left,        Rect.bottom - Rect.top,        0,        0,        hInstance,        0);    if (!gHWND)        return 0;    QueryPerformanceFrequency(&Frequency);    QueryPerformanceCounter(&gPerformanceCount);    MessageBoxA(0, "Brian's .w3e Viewer\n\nUser the arrow keys to move the map around.\nW - Wireframe mode\nP - Point mode\nF - Fill mode\n\nPay attention to the FPS counter in the title if you are curious.\n", "Brian's .w3e Viewer", 0);    ShowWindow(gHWND, 5);    UpdateWindow(gHWND);    InitOpenGL();    while (1)    {        PeekMessageA(&Msg, gHWND, 0, 0, 1u);        if (Msg.message == 18)            break;        if (ActiveKeyTable[29])            gLookEyeZ = gLookEyeZ - 64.0;        if (ActiveKeyTable[31])            gLookEyeZ = gLookEyeZ + 64.0;        if (ActiveKeyTable[30])            gLookEyeX = gLookEyeX + 64.0;        if (ActiveKeyTable[28])            gLookEyeX = gLookEyeX - 64.0;        if (ActiveKeyTable[87])            glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_LINE);        if (ActiveKeyTable[80])            glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_POINT);        if (ActiveKeyTable[70])            glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_FILL);        if (ActiveKeyTable[27])            break;        TranslateMessage(&Msg);        DispatchMessageA(&Msg);    }    if (IsDisplaySetted)    {        ChangeDisplaySettingsA(0, 0);        ShowCursor(1);    }    return Msg.wParam;}class W3EHEDER {public:    W3EHEDER() {        flag[4] = 0;    }public:    char flag[5];    int version;    char maintileset;    int customflag;    int numberA;    void *tilesetstable;    int numberB;    void *tilesetstableB;    int width;    int height;    float offsetX;    float offsetY;};#include <iostream>#include <ostream>using namespace std;W3EFILE::W3EFILE(char *a2){    W3EHEDER header;    FILE *fd;      int v62;     signed int v63;     int v64;     short v65;     short v66;     int v67;     int v68;     float v69;     double v70;     unsigned char v71;     unsigned char v72;     unsigned char v77;     short v78;     int v79;     int v80;     char v81[4];     char *v82;     int v83;     float v84;     v82 = (char*)this;    operator new(0x1Cu);    fd = fopen(a2, "rb");    if (!fd)    {        cout << "shat" << endl;    }    fread(header.flag, 4u, 1u, fd);    if (!strcmp((const char *)header.flag, "W3E!"))    {        cout << (char *)header.flag << " - W3E check passed." << endl;    }    fread(&header.version, 4u, 1u, fd);    if (header.version == 11)    {        cout << "Version - " << 11 << ".  Version check passed" << endl;    }    fread(&header.maintileset, 1u, 1u, fd);    cout << "Tile set - " << header.maintileset << endl;    fread(&header.customflag, 4u, 1u, fd);    cout << "Custom tile set - "<< header.customflag << endl;    fread(&header.numberA, 4u, 1u, fd);    cout << "Number of ground tile sets - "<< header.numberA << endl;    header.tilesetstable = malloc(4 * header.numberA+1);    memset(header.tilesetstable, 0, 4 * header.numberA + 1);    fread(header.tilesetstable, 4 * header.numberA, 1u, fd);    cout << "Number of cliff tile sets - "<< (char*)header.tilesetstable << endl;    fread(&header.numberB, 4u, 1u, fd);    cout << "Number of cliff tile sets - " << header.numberB << endl;    header.tilesetstableB = malloc(4 * header.numberB+1);    memset(header.tilesetstableB, 0, 4 * header.numberB + 1);    fread(header.tilesetstableB, 4 * header.numberB, 1u, fd);    cout << "Cliff tile set IDs - "<< (char*)header.tilesetstableB << endl;    fread(&header.width, 4u, 1u, fd);    cout << "Map width - "<< header.width << endl;    fread(&header.height, 4u, 1u, fd);    cout << "Map height - " << header.height << endl;    fread(&header.offsetX, 4u, 1u, fd);    cout<< "X offset - "<< header.offsetX << endl;    fread(&header.offsetY, 4u, 1u, fd);    cout << "Z offset - " << header.offsetY << endl;    v80 = 0;    v62 = (int)(v82 + 2);    do    {        v63 = 0;        v64 = v62;        *(DWORD *)v81 = 0;        v84 = (double)v80 * -128.0;        do        {            fread(&v78, 2u, 1u, fd);            fread(&v79, 2u, 1u, fd);            if ((v79 & 0xC000) == 0x4000)                *(BYTE *)(v64 + 8) = 1;            v79 &= 0x3FFFu;            fread(&v77, 1u, 1u, fd);            v65 = v77 & 0xF;            *(WORD *)(v64 - 2) = v77 >> 4;            *(WORD *)v64 = v65;            fread((void *)(v64 + 2), 1u, 1u, fd);            fread(&v77, 1u, 1u, fd);            v66 = v77 & 0xF;            v67 = v78;            *(WORD *)(v64 + 4) = v77 >> 4;            *(WORD *)(v64 + 6) = v66;            v64 += 4508;            v83 = v67 + ((v66 - 16) << 9);            v68 = (signed short)v79 - 0x2000;            *(float *)(v64 - 4498) = (double)v83 * 0.25;            v69 = v84;            v83 = v68 / 4;            ++v63;            *(float *)(v64 - 4494) = (double)(v68 / 4) - 89.599998;            v70 = (double)*(signed int *)v81;            *(DWORD *)v81 = v63;            *(float *)(v64 - 4490) = v70 * 128.0;            *(float *)(v64 - 4486) = v69;        } while (v63 < 161);        v62 += 28;        v72 = __OFSUB__(v80 + 1, 161);        v71 = (v80++ - 160 < 0);    } while (v71 ^ v72);    fclose(fd);    cout << "Done loading" << a2 << endl;}