leetcode题解-147. Insertion Sort List

来源:互联网 发布:好的收纳箱 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 09:39


分析:Insertion Sort就是把一个一个元素往已排好序的list中插入的过程。忘记插入排序过程的同学可以看插入排序维基百科

初始时,sorted list是空,把一个元素插入sorted list中。然后,在每一次插入过程中,都是找到最合适位置进行插入。因为是链表的插入操作,需要维护pre,cur和next3个指针。


当sorted list为空以及pre.next所指向的元素比cur指向的元素值要大时,将cur节点插入pre和pre.next之间。。否则,pre指针后移。最后返回dummyhead的next即可。

class Solution {    public static ListNode insertionSortList(ListNode head) {        if( head == null ){            return head;        }        ListNode dummy = new ListNode(0); //new starter of the sorted list        ListNode cur = head; //the node will be inserted        ListNode pre = dummy; //insert node between pre and pre.next        ListNode next = null; //the next node will be inserted        //not the end of input list        while( cur != null ){            next = cur.next;            //find the right place to insert            while( pre.next != null && pre.next.val < cur.val ){                pre = pre.next;            }            //insert between pre and pre.next            cur.next = pre.next;            pre.next = cur;            pre = dummy;            cur = next;        }        return dummy.next;    }    public static void print(ListNode head){        while(head != null){            System.out.println(head.val);            head = head.next;        }    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        ListNode l1 = new ListNode(3);        ListNode l2 = new ListNode(4);        ListNode l3 = new ListNode(2);        ListNode l4 = new ListNode(1);        ListNode l5 = new ListNode(5);        l1.next = l2;        l2.next = l3;        l3.next = l4;        l4.next = l5;        print(insertionSortList(l1));    }}