常见的MAC算法(PBOC_3DES_MAC、ANSI X9.9MAC算法、ANSI x9.19算法)

来源:互联网 发布:视频转换格式软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 02:57

public final class Pboc3DesMACUtils {public static final byte[] ZERO_IVC = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };/** * 计算MAC(hex) PBOC_3DES_MAC(符合ISO9797Alg3Mac标准) * (16的整数补8000000000000000) 前n-1组使用单长密钥DES 使用密钥是密钥的左8字节) 最后1组使用双长密钥3DES (使用全部16字节密钥) *  * 算法步骤:初始数据为D,初始向量为I,3DES秘钥为K0,秘钥低8字节DES秘钥K1; * 1、数据D分组并且填充:将字节数组D进行分组,每组8个字节,分组编号从0开始,分别为D0...Dn;最后一个分组不满8字节的,先填充一个字节80,后续全部填充00,满8字节的,新增一个8字节分组(80000000 00000000); * 2、进行des循环加密:(1)D0和初始向量I进行按位异或得到结果O0;(2)使用秘钥K1,DES加密结果O0得到结果I1,将I1和D1按位异或得到结果D1;(3)循环第二步骤得到结果Dn; * 3、将Dn使用16字节秘钥K0进行3DES加密,得到的结果就是我们要的MAC。 * @param data 带计算的数据 * @param key 16字节密钥 * @param icv 算法向量 * @return mac签名 * @throws Exception */public static byte[] calculatePboc3desMAC(byte[] data, byte[] key, byte[] icv) throws Exception {if (key == null || data == null) throw new RuntimeException("data or key is null.");if(key.length != 16) throw new RuntimeException("key length is not 16 byte.");byte[] leftKey = new byte[8];System.arraycopy(key, 0, leftKey, 0, 8);// 拆分数据(8字节块/Block)final int dataLength = data.length;final int blockCount = dataLength / 8 + 1;final int lastBlockLength = dataLength % 8;byte[][] dataBlock = new byte[blockCount][8];for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; i++) {int copyLength = i == blockCount - 1 ? lastBlockLength : 8;System.arraycopy(data, i * 8, dataBlock[i], 0, copyLength);}dataBlock[blockCount - 1][lastBlockLength] = (byte) 0x80;byte[] desXor = DesUtils.xOr(dataBlock[0], icv);for (int i = 1; i < blockCount; i++) {byte[] des = DesUtils.encryptByDesCbc(desXor, leftKey);desXor = DesUtils.xOr(dataBlock[i], des);}desXor = DesUtils.encryptBy3DesCbc(desXor, key);return desXor;}}import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;/** * 关键字:Java MAC计算  *  * 为了检查通讯报文是否被篡改,常需要在报文中加上一个MAC(Message Authentication Code,报文校验码)。 *  * 在 JDK 1.4里,已包含一个 Mac 类(javax.crypto.Mac),可以生成MAC。 但它是参照HMAC(Hash-based Message Authentication Code,基于散列的消息验证代码)实现的。 有时,需要采用ANSI-X9.9算法计算MAC。 *  * 1. 算法描述 参与ANSI X9.9 MAC计算的数据主要由三部分产生:初始数据、原始数据、补位数据。  * 1) 算法定义:采用DEC CBC(zeroICV)或ECB算法  * 2) 初始数据:0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00  * 3) 原始数据:  * 4) * 补位数据:若原始数据不是8的倍数,则右补齐0x00;若原始数据位8的整数倍,则不用补齐0x00。 * 5) 密钥: MAC密钥 *  * MAC的产生由以下方式完成:(最后一组数据长度若不足8的倍数,则右补齐0x00;若数据长度为8的整数倍,则无需补充0x00)  * 初始数据 BLOCK #1 BLOCK #2 BLOCK #3 ... BLOCK #N | | | | | +-----> XOR +---> XOR +---> XOR +---> XOR | | | | | | | DES * ---+ DES ---+ DES ---+ DES ---> MAC | | | | KEY KEY KEY KEY *  * 返回 -- 加密后的缓冲区 */public class ANSIMacUtils {/** * ANSI X9.9MAC算法  <br/> * (1) ANSI X9.9MAC算法只使用单倍长密钥。  <br/> * (2)  MAC数据先按8字节分组,表示为D0~Dn,如果Dn不足8字节时,尾部以字节00补齐。 <br/> * (3) 用MAC密钥加密D0,加密结果与D1异或作为下一次的输入。 <br/> * (4) 将上一步的加密结果与下一分组异或,然后再用MAC密钥加密。<br/> * (5) 直至所有分组结束,取最后结果的左半部作为MAC。<br/> * 采用x9.9算法计算MAC (Count MAC by ANSI-x9.9). *  * @param key  8字节密钥数据 * @param data 待计算的缓冲区 * @throws GeneralSecurityException  */public static byte[] calculateANSIX9_9MAC(byte[] key, byte[] data) throws GeneralSecurityException {final int dataLength = data.length;final int lastLength = dataLength % 8;final int lastBlockLength = lastLength == 0 ? 8 : lastLength;final int blockCount = dataLength / 8 + (lastLength > 0 ? 1 : 0);// 拆分数据(8字节块/Block)byte[][] dataBlock = new byte[blockCount][8];for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; i++) {int copyLength = i == blockCount - 1 ? lastBlockLength : 8;System.arraycopy(data, i * 8, dataBlock[i], 0, copyLength);}byte[] desXor = new byte[8];for (int i = 0; i < blockCount; i++) {byte[] tXor = DesUtils.xOr(desXor, dataBlock[i]);desXor = DesUtils.encryptByDesEcb(tXor, key); // DES加密}return desXor;}/** * 采用ANSI x9.19算法计算MAC (Count MAC by ANSI-x9.19).<br/> * 将ANSI X9.9的结果做如下计算<br/> * (6) 用MAC密钥右半部解密(5)的结果。 <br/> * (7) 用MAC密钥左半部加密(6)的结果。<br/> * (8) 取(7)的结果的左半部作为MAC。<br/> * @param key  16字节密钥数据 * @param data 待计算的缓冲区 * @throws GeneralSecurityException  */public static byte[] calculateANSIX9_19MAC(byte[] key, byte[] data) throws GeneralSecurityException {if (key == null || data == null)return null;if (key.length != 16) {throw new RuntimeException("秘钥长度错误.");}byte[] keyLeft = new byte[8];byte[] keyRight = new byte[8];System.arraycopy(key, 0, keyLeft, 0, 8);System.arraycopy(key, 8, keyRight, 0, 8);byte[] result99 = calculateANSIX9_9MAC(keyLeft, data);byte[] resultTemp = DesUtils.decryptByDesEcb(result99, keyRight);return DesUtils.encryptByDesEcb(resultTemp, keyLeft);}}import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;import java.security.SecureRandom;import javax.crypto.Cipher;import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator;import javax.crypto.SecretKey;import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory;import javax.crypto.spec.DESKeySpec;import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;public final class DesUtils {public static final byte[] ZERO_IVC = new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };/** * 生成秘钥 * @return 16字节3des秘钥 * @throws GeneralSecurityException */public static byte[] create3DESKey() throws GeneralSecurityException { KeyGenerator kg = KeyGenerator.getInstance("DESede");kg.init(112);//must be equal to 112 or 168byte[] key24 =  kg.generateKey().getEncoded();byte[] result = new byte[16];System.arraycopy(key24, 0, result, 0, 16);return result;}/** * 3DES加密cbc模式 * @param content 待加密数据 * @param key 秘钥 * @param ivb 向量 * @return 加密结果 * @throws GeneralSecurityException */public static byte[] encryptBy3DesCbc(byte[] content, byte[] key, byte[] ivb) throws GeneralSecurityException { byte[] _3deskey = new byte[24];System.arraycopy(key, 0, _3deskey, 0, 16);System.arraycopy(key, 0, _3deskey, 16, 8);        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/CBC/NoPadding");          SecretKey secureKey = new SecretKeySpec(_3deskey, "DESede");          IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(ivb);        cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secureKey, iv);          return cipher.doFinal(content);      }/** * 3DES解密cbc模式 * @param content 待解密数据 * @param key 秘钥 * @param ivb 向量 * @return 解密结果 * @throws GeneralSecurityException */public static byte[] decryptBy3DesCbc(byte[] content, byte[] key, byte[] ivb) throws GeneralSecurityException { byte[] _3deskey = new byte[24];System.arraycopy(key, 0, _3deskey, 0, 16);System.arraycopy(key, 0, _3deskey, 16, 8);Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/CBC/NoPadding");  SecretKey secureKey = new SecretKeySpec(_3deskey, "DESede");  IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(ivb);cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secureKey, iv);  return cipher.doFinal(content);  }/** * 3DES加密cbc模式,默认向量 * @param content 待加密数据 * @param key 秘钥 * @return 加密结果 * @throws GeneralSecurityException */public static byte[] encryptBy3DesCbc(byte[] content, byte[] key) throws GeneralSecurityException { return encryptBy3DesCbc(content, key, ZERO_IVC);}/** * 3DES解密cbc模式,默认向量 * @param content 带解密数据 * @param key 秘钥 * @return 解密结果 * @throws GeneralSecurityException */public static byte[] decryptBy3DesCbc(byte[] content, byte[] key) throws GeneralSecurityException {return decryptBy3DesCbc(content, key, ZERO_IVC);}/** * 3DES加密Ecb模式 * @param content 待加密数据 * @param key 加密秘钥 * @return 加密结果 * @throws GeneralSecurityException */public static byte[] encryptBy3DesEcb(byte[] content, byte[] key) throws GeneralSecurityException {byte[] _3deskey = new byte[24];System.arraycopy(key, 0, _3deskey, 0, 16);System.arraycopy(key, 0, _3deskey, 16, 8);Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/ECB/NoPadding");  SecretKey secureKey = new SecretKeySpec(_3deskey, "DESede");  cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secureKey);  return cipher.doFinal(content);  }/** * 3DES解密Ecb模式 * @param content 待解密数据 * @param key 秘钥 * @return 解密结果 * @throws GeneralSecurityException */public static byte[] decryptBy3DesEcb(byte[] content, byte[] key) throws GeneralSecurityException {byte[] _3deskey = new byte[24];System.arraycopy(key, 0, _3deskey, 0, 16);System.arraycopy(key, 0, _3deskey, 16, 8);Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DESede/ECB/NoPadding");  SecretKey secureKey = new SecretKeySpec(_3deskey, "DESede");  cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secureKey);  return cipher.doFinal(content);  }/** * des的cbc模式加密算法 * @param content 待加密数据 * @param key 密钥 * @return 加密结果 * @throws GeneralSecurityException */public static byte[] encryptByDesCbc(byte[] content, byte[] key) throws GeneralSecurityException {return encryptByDesCbc(content, key, ZERO_IVC);}/** * des的cbc模式解密算法 * @param content 待解密数据 * @param key 密钥 * @return 解密结果 * @throws GeneralSecurityException */public static byte[] decryptByDesCbc(byte[] content, byte[] key) throws GeneralSecurityException {return decryptByDesCbc(content, key, ZERO_IVC);}/** * des的cbc模式加密算法 * @param content 待加密数据 * @param key 加密密钥 * @return 加密结果 * @throws GeneralSecurityException */public static byte[] encryptByDesCbc(byte[] content, byte[] key, byte[] icv) throws GeneralSecurityException {SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom();DESKeySpec dks = new DESKeySpec(key);SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES");SecretKey secretKey = keyFactory.generateSecret(dks);Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES/CBC/NoPadding");IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(icv);cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey, iv, sr);return cipher.doFinal(content);}/** * des的cbc模式解密算法 * @param content 待解密数据 * @param key 密钥 * @return 解密结果 * @throws GeneralSecurityException */public static byte[] decryptByDesCbc(byte[] content, byte[] key, byte[] icv) throws GeneralSecurityException {SecureRandom sr = new SecureRandom();DESKeySpec dks = new DESKeySpec(key);SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES");SecretKey secretKey = keyFactory.generateSecret(dks);Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES/CBC/NoPadding");IvParameterSpec iv = new IvParameterSpec(icv);cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKey, iv, sr);return cipher.doFinal(content);}/** * des加密算法,ECB方式,NoPadding模式,数据字节必须是8的整数倍 * @param key * @param data 数据字节必须是8的整数倍 * @return 加密结果 * @throws GeneralSecurityException */public static byte[] encryptByDesEcb(byte[] content, byte[] key) throws GeneralSecurityException {         Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES/ECB/NoPadding");          SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES");SecretKey secretKey = keyFactory.generateSecret(new DESKeySpec(key));        cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey);          return cipher.doFinal(content);      }/** * des解密算法,ECB方式,NoPadding模式,数据字节必须是8的整数倍 * @param key 秘钥 * @param data 数据字节必须是8的整数倍 * @throws GeneralSecurityException  * @return */public static byte[] decryptByDesEcb(byte[] content, byte[] key) throws GeneralSecurityException { Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES/ECB/NoPadding");SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES");SecretKey secretKey = keyFactory.generateSecret(new DESKeySpec(key));cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, secretKey);  return cipher.doFinal(content);  }/** * 本项目用于生成外部设备认证码和校验卡认证码(javacard GP规范 SCP02安全通道)(cardCryptogram) * B.1.2.1  Full Triple DES MAC      * The full triple DES MAC is as defined in [ISO 9797-1] as MAC Algorithm 1 with output transformation 3,      * without truncation, and with triple DES taking the place of the block cipher.  * @param content 待加密数据 * @param key 加密密钥 * @return 加密结果后8字节 * @throws Exception */public static byte[] encryptBy3DesCbcLast8Mac(byte[] content, byte[] key) throws GeneralSecurityException { byte[] edata = encryptBy3DesCbc(content, key);byte[] result = new byte[8];System.arraycopy(edata, edata.length - 8, result, 0, 8);return result;}/** * 将b1和b2做异或,然后返回 * @param b1 * @param b2 * @return 异或结果 */public static byte[] xOr(byte[] b1, byte[] b2) {byte[] tXor = new byte[Math.min(b1.length, b2.length)];for (int i = 0; i < tXor.length; i++)tXor[i] = (byte) (b1[i] ^ b2[i]); // 异或(Xor)return tXor;}    /**     * 整形转字节     * @param n 整形数值     * @param buf 结果字节数组     * @param offset 填充开始位置     */    public static void int2byte(int n, byte buf[], int offset){        buf[offset] = (byte)(n >> 24);        buf[offset + 1] = (byte)(n >> 16);        buf[offset + 2] = (byte)(n >> 8);        buf[offset + 3] = (byte)n;    }        /**     * 长整形转字节     * @param n 长整形数值      * @param buf 结果字节数组     * @param offset 填充开始位置     */    public static void long2byte(long n, byte buf[], int offset){        buf[offset] = (byte)(int)(n >> 56);        buf[offset + 1] = (byte)(int)(n >> 48);        buf[offset + 2] = (byte)(int)(n >> 40);        buf[offset + 3] = (byte)(int)(n >> 32);        buf[offset + 4] = (byte)(int)(n >> 24);        buf[offset + 5] = (byte)(int)(n >> 16);        buf[offset + 6] = (byte)(int)(n >> 8);        buf[offset + 7] = (byte)(int)n;    }}