Effective TensorFlow Chapter 9: TensorFlow模型原型的设计和利用python ops的高级可视化

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Effective TensorFlow Chapter 9: TensorFlow模型原型的设计和利用python ops的高级可视化

本文翻译自: 《Prototyping kernels and advanced visualization with Python ops》, 如有侵权请联系删除,仅限于学术交流,请勿商用。如有谬误,请联系指出。


import numpy as npimport tensorflow as tfimport uuiddef relu(inputs):    # Define the op in python    def _relu(x):        return np.maximum(x, 0.)    # Define the op's gradient in python    def _relu_grad(x):        return np.float32(x > 0)    # An adapter that defines a gradient op compatible with TensorFlow    def _relu_grad_op(op, grad):        x = op.inputs[0]        x_grad = grad * tf.py_func(_relu_grad, [x], tf.float32)        return x_grad    # Register the gradient with a unique id    grad_name = "MyReluGrad_" + str(uuid.uuid4())    tf.RegisterGradient(grad_name)(_relu_grad_op)    # Override the gradient of the custom op    g = tf.get_default_graph()    with g.gradient_override_map({"PyFunc": grad_name}):        output = tf.py_func(_relu, [inputs], tf.float32)    return output

通过TensorFlow的gradient checker,你可以确认这些梯度是否计算正确:

x = tf.random_normal([10])y = relu(x * x)with tf.Session():    diff = tf.test.compute_gradient_error(x, [10], y, [10])    print(diff)

compute_gradient_error() computes the gradient numerically and returns the difference with the provided gradient. What we want is a very low difference.

compute_gradient_error()数值化地计算梯度,返回与理论上的梯度的差别,我们所期望的是一个非常小的差别。(译者:这里我们引用ref_1, 这里有梯度检查gradient check API的解释,见附录

image = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)tf.summary.image("image", image)


import ioimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport numpy as npimport PILimport tensorflow as tfdef visualize_labeled_images(images, labels, max_outputs=3, name="image"):    def _visualize_image(image, label):        # Do the actual drawing in python        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3, 3), dpi=80)        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)        ax.imshow(image[::-1,...])        ax.text(0, 0, str(label),          horizontalalignment="left",          verticalalignment="top")        fig.canvas.draw()        # Write the plot as a memory file.        buf = io.BytesIO()        data = fig.savefig(buf, format="png")        buf.seek(0)        # Read the image and convert to numpy array        img = PIL.Image.open(buf)        return np.array(img.getdata()).reshape(img.size[0], img.size[1], -1)    def _visualize_images(images, labels):        # Only display the given number of examples in the batch        outputs = []        for i in range(max_outputs):            output = _visualize_image(images[i], labels[i])            outputs.append(output)        return np.array(outputs, dtype=np.uint8)    # Run the python op.    figs = tf.py_func(_visualize_images, [images, labels], tf.uint8)    return tf.summary.image(name, figs)


梯度检查(Gradient checking)


操作 描述 tf.test.compute_gradient(x, x_shape, y, y_shape, x_init_value=None, delta=0.001, init_targets=None) 计算并返回理论的和数值的Jacobian矩阵 tf.test.compute_gradient_error(x, x_shape, y, y_shape, x_init_value=None, delta=0.001, init_targets=None) 计算梯度的error。在计算所得的与数值估计的Jacobian中 为dy/dx计算最大的error
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