
来源:互联网 发布:网络推广代运营公司 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 18:03

题目: Heapsort implementation(堆实现)

总Time Limit: 
Memory Limit: 

Given a Array, initially empty, with twokinds of operations:

1. Add an element, insert a new elementinto the array.

2. Output and delete the smallest number inthe array.

Use heap to implement a efficient algorithmwith functions above.

The first line is an integer t, which represents the number of groups of the test data.
For each group data, the first line is an integer n. n represents the number of operations.
First of each operation there is an integer ‘type’. 
When type=1, it means an adding operation, followed by an integer u, which represent the element to be inserted. 
When type=2, it means a deleting operation, output and delete the smallest element in the array.
Output the number deleted in each operation.
Sample Input
251 11 21 32241 51 11 72
Sample Output
#include <cstdio>#include <iostream>#include <cstring>using namespace std;const int maxn = 100005;int m,n,size;int val[maxn];//新插入元素从堆顶往上放到合适位置void up(){int tmp = size,valInsert = val[size],parx = size/2;while((val[parx] > valInsert) && (parx >= 1)) {    val[tmp] = val[parx];    tmp = parx;    parx = tmp/2;}val[tmp] = valInsert;}//删除堆顶元素void down(){val[1] = val[size--];//删除堆顶元素int tmp = 1,valDown = val[1],y = 2;while(y <= size) {    if(val[y] > val[y+1]) y++;//找到子节点中最小值    if (val[y] < valDown)    {    val[tmp] = val[y];    tmp = y;    y = 2*tmp;    }else break;}val[tmp] = valDown;}void insert(int b){val[++size] = b;up();}void del(){if(size == 0) return;else printf("%d\n",val[1]);down();}int main(){cin >> m;while(m--) {    cin >> n;    memset(val,0,sizeof(val));    //如果这里不初始化,需要在判断子节点最小值时加上y<=size或y+1<=size    size = 0;    while(n--) {    int a,b;        cin >> a;        if(a == 1) {cin >> b;insert(b);}        else del();    }}return 0;}

'); })();
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