libvirt的file injection

来源:互联网 发布:mac虚拟机玩天龙八部 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 15:23
在E:\nova\nova\virt\libvirt\ 中的_create_and_inject_local_root 检查是否需要进行injectiondef _create_and_inject_local_root(self, context, instance,                                      booted_from_volume, suffix, disk_images,                                      injection_info, fallback_from_host):        # File injection only if needed#判断是否要进行injection        need_inject = (not configdrive.required_by(instance) and                       injection_info is not None and                       CONF.libvirt.inject_partition != -2)        # NOTE(ndipanov): Even if disk_mapping was passed in, which        # currently happens only on rescue - we still don't want to        # create a base image.        if not booted_from_volume:#执行injection 操作            if need_inject:                self._inject_data(backend, instance, injection_info)        elif need_inject:            LOG.warning('File injection into a boot from volume '                        'instance is not supported', instance=instance)我们看看这里的CONF.libvirt.inject_partition为啥不能等于-2源码路径为:E:\nova\nova\conf\    cfg.IntOpt('inject_partition',               default=-2,               min=-2,               help="""Possible values:* -2 => disable the injection of data.* -1 => find the root partition with the file system to mount with libguestfs*  0 => The image is not partitioned* >0 => The number of the partition to use for the injection可以看到-2就表示禁止injection在实际运行的机器上通过cat /etc/nova/nova-computer.conf可以返现这个参数一般情况下是被设置成-1的这样就我们看看_inject_data的实现    def _inject_data(self, disk, instance, injection_info):        """Injects data in a disk image        Helper used for injecting data in a disk image file system.        :param disk: The disk we're injecting into (an Image object)        :param instance: The instance we're injecting into        :param injection_info: Injection info        """        # Handles the partition need to be used.        LOG.debug('Checking root disk injection %(info)s',                  info=str(injection_info), instance=instance)        target_partition = None#找到要inject data的硬盘路径        if not instance.kernel_id:            target_partition = CONF.libvirt.inject_partition            if target_partition == 0:                target_partition = None        if CONF.libvirt.virt_type == 'lxc':            target_partition = None        # Handles the key injection.#处理key injection的case,我们的case中这个值为none        if CONF.libvirt.inject_key and instance.get('key_data'):            key = str(instance.key_data)        else:            key = None        # Handles the admin password injection.#处理key injection的case,我们的case中这个值为none        if not CONF.libvirt.inject_password:            admin_pass = None        else:            admin_pass = injection_info.admin_pass        # Handles the network injection.#处理key injection的case,我们的case中这个值为none        net = netutils.get_injected_network_template(            injection_info.network_info,            libvirt_virt_type=CONF.libvirt.virt_type)        # Handles the metadata injection        metadata = instance.get('metadata')#可以看到可以执行injection的有key/net/metadata/admin_pass        if any((key, net, metadata, admin_pass, injection_info.files)):            LOG.debug('Injecting %(info)s', info=str(injection_info),                      instance=instance)            img_id = instance.image_ref            try:#调用具体的驱动来执行injection 动作                disk_api.inject_data(disk.get_model(self._conn),                                     key, net, metadata, admin_pass,                                     injection_info.files,                                     partition=target_partition,                                     mandatory=('files',))            except Exception as e:                with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():                    LOG.error('Error injecting data into image '                              '%(img_id)s (%(e)s)',                              {'img_id': img_id, 'e': e},                              instance=instance)E:\nova\nova\virt\disk\api.pydef inject_data(image, key=None, net=None, metadata=None, admin_password=None,                files=None, partition=None, mandatory=()):       items = {'image': image, 'key': key, 'net': net, 'metadata': metadata,             'files': files, 'partition': partition}    LOG.debug("Inject data image=%(image)s key=%(key)s net=%(net)s "              "metadata=%(metadata)s admin_password=<SANITIZED> "              "files=%(files)s partition=%(partition)s", items)    try:#可以看到执行injection的是虚拟文件系统fs,这里首先得到fs后,再执行setup        fs = vfs.VFS.instance_for_image(image, partition)        fs.setup()    except Exception as e:        # If a mandatory item is passed to this function,        # then reraise the exception to indicate the error.        for inject in mandatory:            inject_val = items[inject]            if inject_val:                raise        LOG.warning('Ignoring error injecting data into image %(image)s '                    '(%(e)s)', {'image': image, 'e': e})        return False    try:#执行这个fs的injection        return inject_data_into_fs(fs, key, net, metadata, admin_password,                                   files, mandatory)    finally:        fs.teardown()我们以guestfs的fs为例E:\nova\nova\virt\disk\vfs\    def setup(self, mount=True):        LOG.debug("Setting up appliance for %(image)s",                  {'image': self.image})        try:#得到guestfs的handle,以后对guestfs操作都是通过这个handle来完成            self.handle = tpool.Proxy(                guestfs.GuestFS(python_return_dict=False,                                close_on_exit=False))        except TypeError as e:            if ('close_on_exit' in six.text_type(e) or                'python_return_dict' in six.text_type(e)):                # NOTE(russellb) In case we're not using a version of                # libguestfs new enough to support parameters close_on_exit                # and python_return_dict which were added in libguestfs 1.20.                self.handle = tpool.Proxy(guestfs.GuestFS())            else:                raise        try:#这里会根据image是local image还是rbd image 来设置不同的参数,但是都会调用add_drive_opts 将image作为一个driver添加到appliance            if isinstance(self.image, imgmodel.LocalImage):                self.handle.add_drive_opts(self.image.path,                                           format=self.image.format)            elif isinstance(self.image, imgmodel.RBDImage):                self.handle.add_drive_opts("%s/%s" % (self.image.pool,                                            ,                                           protocol="rbd",                                           format=imgmodel.FORMAT_RAW,                                           server=self.image.servers,                                           username=self.image.user,                                           secret=self.image.password)            else:                raise exception.UnsupportedImageModel(                    self.image.__class__.__name__)#运行这个appliance            self.handle.launch()#这里的mount 为true            if mount:                self.setup_os()                self.handle.aug_init("/", 0)                self.mount = True        except RuntimeError as e:            # explicitly teardown instead of implicit close()            # to prevent orphaned VMs in cases when an implicit            # close() is not enough            self.teardown()            raise exception.NovaException(                _("Error mounting %(image)s with libguestfs (%(e)s)") %                {'image': self.image, 'e': e})        except Exception:            # explicitly teardown instead of implicit close()            # to prevent orphaned VMs in cases when an implicit            # close() is not enough            self.teardown()            raise前面都是injection前的准备工作,最后的injection是在E:\nova\nova\virt\disk\api.pydef inject_data_into_fs(fs, key, net, metadata, admin_password, files,    #可以看到这个函数对不同的injection有不同的处理函数,这里以文件为例,    items = {'key': key, 'net': net, 'metadata': metadata,             'admin_password': admin_password, 'files': files}    functions = {        'key': _inject_key_into_fs,        'net': _inject_net_into_fs,        'metadata': _inject_metadata_into_fs,        'admin_password': _inject_admin_password_into_fs,        'files': _inject_files_into_fs,    }    status = True    for inject, inject_val in items.items():        if inject_val:            try:#以文件injection为例的话,最终是调用_inject_files_into_fs                inject_func = functions[inject]                inject_func(inject_val, fs)            except Exception as e:                if inject in mandatory:                    raise                LOG.warning('Ignoring error injecting %(inject)s into '                            'image (%(e)s)', {'inject': inject, 'e': e})                status = False    return statusdef _inject_files_into_fs(files, fs):    for (path, contents) in files:        # NOTE(wangpan): Ensure the parent dir of injecting file exists        parent_dir = os.path.dirname(path)        if (len(parent_dir) > 0 and parent_dir != "/"                and not fs.has_file(parent_dir)):#设定路径            fs.make_path(parent_dir)#设定为root 用户            fs.set_ownership(parent_dir, "root", "root")#设置权限为744            fs.set_permissions(parent_dir, 0o744)#调用_inject_file_into_fs        _inject_file_into_fs(fs, path, contents)def _inject_file_into_fs(fs, path, contents, append=False):    LOG.debug("Inject file fs=%(fs)s path=%(path)s append=%(append)s",              {'fs': fs, 'path': path, 'append': append})    if append:        fs.append_file(path, contents)    else:        fs.replace_file(path, contents)_inject_file_into_fs 文件找那个的append 为false,最后执行fs.replace_file 原来所谓的文件injection就是调用虚拟文件系统的fs.replace_file来讲形参contents写到形参path 表示的路径中.    def replace_file(self, path, content):        LOG.debug("Replace file path=%s", path)        path = self._canonicalize_path(path)        self.handle.write(path, content)可见如前面所说,最后还是通过handler调用guestfs的writer函数来执行injection

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