ConfigSection 配置

来源:互联网 发布:java多久可以学会 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 08:03


用于完整的一个可插入套件配置,因为 AppSettings 给人的感觉有点零散,什么都可以往里面堆


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><configuration>    <configSections>        <section name="work" type="BackgroundWorker.Configuration.WorkSection, BackgroundWorker" />     </configSections>     <work>        <tasks>            <task name="StartupReactor">                <details>                    <add name="time" value="2014-01-01T00:00:00" />                    <add name="powerOutput" value="50%" />                </details>            </task>            <task name="ProduceElectricity" />            <task name="ShutdownReactor">                <details>                    <add name="time" value="2014-12-31T23:59:59" />                </details>            </task>        </tasks>    </work></configuration>








//具体调用方式var work = (WorkSection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("work");foreach (var task in work.Tasks.Cast<TaskElement>()){    Console.Out.WriteLine(task.Name);    foreach (var detail in task.Details.Cast<DetailElement>())    {        Console.Out.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}={1}", detail.Name, detail.Value));    }}

WorkSection.cs 具体的代码

public class WorkSection : ConfigurationSection{    private static ConfigurationProperty tasks;    private static ConfigurationPropertyCollection properties;    static WorkSection()    {        tasks = new ConfigurationProperty("tasks", typeof(TaskElementCollection), null, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsRequired);         properties = new ConfigurationPropertyCollection        {            tasks        };    }    public TaskElementCollection Tasks    {         get        {            return (TaskElementCollection)this[tasks];        }        set        {            this[tasks] = value;        }    }    protected override ConfigurationPropertyCollection Properties    {        get        {            return properties;        }    }}

TaskElement.cs 具体的代码

public class TaskElement : ConfigurationElement{    private static ConfigurationProperty name;    private static ConfigurationProperty details;    private static ConfigurationPropertyCollection properties;    static TaskElement()    {        name = new ConfigurationProperty("name", typeof(string), string.Empty, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsRequired);        details = new ConfigurationProperty("details", typeof(DetailElementCollection));        properties = new ConfigurationPropertyCollection        {            name,            details        };    }    public TaskElement()        : base()    {    }    protected override ConfigurationPropertyCollection Properties    {        get        {            return properties;        }    }    public string Name    {        get        {            return (string)this[name];        }        set        {            this[name] = value;        }    }    public DetailElementCollection Details    {        get        {            return (DetailElementCollection)this[details];        }        set        {            this[details] = value;        }    }}

DetailElement.cs 的具体代码

public class DetailElement : ConfigurationElement{    private static ConfigurationProperty name;    private static ConfigurationProperty value;    private static ConfigurationPropertyCollection properties;    static DetailElement()    {        name = new ConfigurationProperty("name", typeof(string), string.Empty, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsRequired);        value = new ConfigurationProperty("value", typeof(string), string.Empty, ConfigurationPropertyOptions.IsRequired);        properties = new ConfigurationPropertyCollection        {            name,            value        };    }    public DetailElement()        : base()    {    }    protected override ConfigurationPropertyCollection Properties    {        get        {            return properties;        }    }    public string Name    {        get        {            return (string)this[name];        }        set        {            this[name] = value;        }    }    public string Value    {        get        {            return (string)this[value];        }        set        {            this[value] = value;        }    }}

DetailElementCollection.cs 的具体代码

public class DetailElementCollection : ConfigurationElementCollection{    public DetailElementCollection()        : base()    {    }    public override ConfigurationElementCollectionType CollectionType    {        get        {            // set the style of our collection;            // "AddRemoveClearMap" in this case            return ConfigurationElementCollectionType.AddRemoveClearMap;        }    }    protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement()    {        return new DetailElement();    }    protected override object GetElementKey(ConfigurationElement element)    {        var detailElement = (DetailElement)element;        return detailElement.Name;    }}

TaskElementCollection.cs 的具体代码

public class TaskElementCollection : ConfigurationElementCollection{    public TaskElementCollection()        : base()    {    }    public override ConfigurationElementCollectionType CollectionType    {        get        {            // set the style of our collection;            // "BasicMap" in this case            return ConfigurationElementCollectionType.BasicMap;        }    }    // set the name of the sub element;    // "task" in this case    protected override string ElementName    {        get        {            return "task";        }    }    protected override ConfigurationElement CreateNewElement()    {        return new TaskElement();    }    protected override object GetElementKey(ConfigurationElement element)    {        var taskElement = (TaskElement)element;        return taskElement.Name;    }}
'); })();
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