Halide学习笔记----Halide tutorial源码阅读15

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// Halide tutorial lesson 15: Generators part 1// Halide入门15课:生成器// This lesson demonstrates how to encapsulate Halide pipelines into// resuable components called generators.// 本课展示如何将Halide的pipeline封装到可以重复使用的生成器中// On linux, you can compile and run it like so:// g++ lesson_15*.cpp ../tools/GenGen.cpp -g -std=c++11 -fno-rtti -I ../include -L ../bin -lHalide -lpthread -ldl -o lesson_15_generate// bash lesson_15_generators_usage.sh#include "Halide.h"#include <stdio.h>using namespace Halide;// Generators are a more structured way to do ahead-of-time// compilation of Halide pipelines. Instead of writing an int main()// with an ad-hoc command-line interface like we did in lesson 10, we// define a class that inherits from Halide::Generator.// 生成器提供了一种更结构化的提前编译Halide pipeline的方法。除了像第十课中那样写main函数,然后用特定的// 命令行接口调用那样,我们可以从Halide::Generator继承得到一个子类,由这个子类结构化生成器达到相同的目的。class MyFirstGenerator : public Halide::Generator<MyFirstGenerator> {public:    // We declare the Inputs to the Halide pipeline as public    // member variables. They'll appear in the signature of our generated    // function in the same order as we declare them.    // 定义Halide输入变量为流水线的公有变量。它们在生成器生成的函数中的顺序同他们声明时的顺序一致。    Input<uint8_t> offset{"offset"};    Input<Buffer<uint8_t>> input{"input", 2};    // We also declare the Outputs as public member variables.    // 输出变量同样声明为公有变量。    Output<Buffer<uint8_t>> brighter{"brighter", 2};    // Typically you declare your Vars at this scope as well, so that    // they can be used in any helper methods you add later.    Var x, y;    // We then define a method that constructs and return the Halide    // pipeline:    // 定义generate,在这个函数中定义算法描述的的pipeline    // 这个函数的名字就是generate,如同main函数一样,名字规定就是这样,不要变动。    void generate() {        // In lesson 10, here is where we called        // Func::compile_to_file. In a Generator, we just need to        // define the Output(s) representing the output of the pipeline.        // 在第十课中,我们调用compile_to_file函数。这里我们只需要定义整个pipeline        brighter(x, y) = input(x, y) + offset;        // Schedule it.        brighter.vectorize(x, 16).parallel(y);    }};// We compile this file along with tools/GenGen.cpp. That file defines// an "int main(...)" that provides the command-line interface to use// your generator class. We need to tell that code about our// generator. We do this like so:// 通过调用tools/GenGen.cpp内的函数来编译这个文件。这个cpp文件定义了main函数,提供了对应的接口来使用// 自定义的生成器类。我们需要按照如下格式来告诉gengen.cpp中的代码如何编译你的生成器类HALIDE_REGISTER_GENERATOR(MyFirstGenerator, my_first_generator)// If you like, you can put multiple Generators in the one file. This// could be a good idea if they share some common code. Let's define// another more complex generator:// 如果有需要,可以将多个生成器放在一个文件中。如果有公用代码,这样的做法可以共用代码。class MySecondGenerator : public Halide::Generator<MySecondGenerator> {public:    // This generator will take some compile-time parameters    // too. These let you compile multiple variants of a Halide    // pipeline. We'll define one that tells us whether or not to    // parallelize in our schedule:    // 这个生成器在编译时接受编译时参数。这将允许我们编译出多个不同的Halide pipeline。    // 我们将定义一个运行时决定是否并行化的调度策略。    GeneratorParam<bool> parallel{"parallel", /* default value */ true};    // ... and another representing a constant scale factor to use:    GeneratorParam<float> scale{"scale",            1.0f /* default value */,            0.0f /* minimum value */,            100.0f /* maximum value */};    // You can define GeneratorParams of all the basic scalar    // types. For numeric types you can optionally provide a minimum    // and maximum value, as we did for scale above.    // 对于数值类型的参量,除可以提供默认值之外,还可以提供一个范围限制    // You can also define GeneratorParams for enums. To make this    // work you must provide a mapping from strings to your enum    // values.    // 可以定义枚举类型的的生成器变量,为了让它正常工作,你还必须提供字符串到枚举类型值的映射。    enum class Rotation { None, Clockwise, CounterClockwise };    GeneratorParam<Rotation> rotation{"rotation",            /* default value */            Rotation::None,            /* map from names to values */            {{ "none", Rotation::None },             { "cw",   Rotation::Clockwise },             { "ccw",  Rotation::CounterClockwise }}};    // We'll use the same Inputs as before:    Input<uint8_t> offset{"offset"};    Input<Buffer<uint8_t>> input{"input", 2};    // And a similar Output. Note that we don't specify a type for the Buffer:    // at compile-time, we must specify an explicit type via the "output.type"    // GeneratorParam (which is implicitly defined for this Output).    // 我们不指定输出buffer的数据类型,但是在编译时必须通过output.type显式指出其数据类型。    Output<Buffer<>> output{"output", 2};    // And we'll declare our Vars here as before.    Var x, y;    void generate() {        // Define the Func. We'll use the compile-time scale factor as        // well as the runtime offset param.        Func brighter;        brighter(x, y) = scale * (input(x, y) + offset);        // We'll possibly do some sort of rotation, depending on the        // enum. To get the value of a GeneratorParam, cast it to the        // corresponding type. This cast happens implicitly most of        // the time (e.g. with scale above).        Func rotated;        switch ((Rotation)rotation) {        case Rotation::None:            rotated(x, y) = brighter(x, y);            break;        case Rotation::Clockwise:            rotated(x, y) = brighter(y, 100-x);            break;        case Rotation::CounterClockwise:            rotated(x, y) = brighter(100-y, x);            break;        }        // We'll then cast to the desired output type.        // 将数据类型转换成编译时指定的数据类型        output(x, y) = cast(output.type(), rotated(x, y));        // The structure of the pipeline depended on the generator        // params. So will the schedule.        // pipeline的结构依赖于生成器变量。        // Let's start by vectorizing the output. We don't know the        // type though, so it's hard to pick a good factor. Generators        // provide a helper called "natural_vector_size" which will        // pick a reasonable factor for you given the type and the        // target you're compiling to.        // 由于不知道数据类型,很难选择一个合适的因子去进行向量化,生成器提供了一个函数,在编译时给定了        // 数据类型时,会自适应去选择一个合适的因子进行向量化。        output.vectorize(x, natural_vector_size(output.type()));        // Now we'll possibly parallelize it:        if (parallel) {            output.parallel(y);        }        // If there was a rotation, we'll schedule that to occur per        // scanline of the output and vectorize it according to its        // type.        if (rotation != Rotation::None) {            rotated                .compute_at(output, y)                .vectorize(x, natural_vector_size(rotated.output_types()[0]));        }    }};// Register our second generator:HALIDE_REGISTER_GENERATOR(MySecondGenerator, my_second_generator)// After compiling this file, see how to use it in// lesson_15_generators_build.sh
1. 结构化生成器编写格式class MyGenerator : public Halide::Generator<MyGenerator>{    Input a, b; //...    Output c, d; //...    GeneratorParam<T> ...    void generate()    {    }};HALIDE_REGIRTER_GENERATOR(MyGenerator, my_generator)
# Halide tutorial lesson 15: Generators part 2# 本课讲述了如何用编译好的生成器来生成对应的头文件和静态库# This shell script demonstrates how to use a binary containing# Generators from the command line. Normally you'd call these binaries# from your build system of choice rather than running them manually# like we do here.# This script assumes that you're in the tutorials directory, and the# generator has been compiled for the current system and is called# "lesson_15_generate".# To run this script:# bash lesson_15_generators_usage.sh# First we define a helper function that checks that a file existscheck_file_exists(){    FILE=$1    if [ ! -f $FILE ]; then        echo $FILE not found        exit -1    fi}# And another helper function to check if a symbol exists in an object filecheck_symbol(){    FILE=$1    SYM=$2    if !(nm $FILE | grep $SYM > /dev/null); then        echo "$SYM not found in $FILE"    exit -1    fi}# Bail out on error#set -e# Set up LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that we can find libHalide.soexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:../binexport DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}:../bin########################## Basic generator usage ########################### First let's compile the first generator for the host system:./lesson_15_generate -g my_first_generator -o . target=host# That should create a pair of files in the current directory:# "my_first_generator.a", and "my_first_generator.h", which define a# function "my_first_generator" representing the compiled pipeline.check_file_exists my_first_generator.acheck_file_exists my_first_generator.hcheck_symbol my_first_generator.a my_first_generator###################### Cross-compilation ####################### We can also use a generator to compile object files for some other# target. Let's cross-compile a windows 32-bit object file and header# for the first generator:./lesson_15_generate \    -g my_first_generator \    -f my_first_generator_win32 \    -o . \    target=x86-32-windows# This generates a file called "my_first_generator_win32.lib" in the# current directory, along with a matching header. The function# defined is called "my_first_generator_win32".check_file_exists my_first_generator_win32.libcheck_file_exists my_first_generator_win32.h################################# Generating pipeline variants ################################## The full set of command-line arguments to the generator binary are:# 重点解释一下generator参数如何使用# -g generator_name : Selects which generator to run. If you only have# one generator in your binary you can omit this.# -g 生成器名:选择使用那个生成器来执行,生成对应的头文件和库# -o directory : Specifies which directory to create the outputs# in. Usually a build directory.# -o 目录:指定生成文件的目录# -f name : Specifies the name of the generated function. If you omit# this, it defaults to the generator name.# -f 函数名:指定生成的函数名# -n file_base_name : Specifies the basename of the generated file(s). If# you omit this, it defaults to the name of the generated function.# -n 文件名: 指定生的头文件和静态库的文件名前缀# -e static_library,o,h,assembly,bitcode,stmt,html: A list of# comma-separated values specifying outputs to create. The default is# "static_library,h". "assembly" generates assembly equivalent to the# generated object file. "bitcode" generates llvm bitcode for the pipeline.# "stmt" generates human-readable pseudocode for the pipeline (similar to# setting HL_DEBUG_CODEGEN). "html" generates an html version of the# pseudocode, which can be much nicer to read than the raw .stmt file.# -e 生成的文件的类型:指定生成什么类型的目标文件,比如静态库/头文件/字节码/html等等# -r file_base_name : Specifies that the generator should create a# standalone file for just the runtime. For use when generating multiple# pipelines from a single generator, to be linked together in one# executable. See example below.# -r 文件名:指定生成器必须声场一个即使运行的单独文件。用来从一个生成器生成多个pipeline,然后链接到一起# 构成一个可执行文件# -x .old=new,.old2=.new2,... : A comma-separated list of file extension# pairs to substitute during file naming.# -x :逗号分隔符构成的文件列表,用来替换文件名# target=... : The target to compile for.# garget=... :用来指定编译的目标平台# my_generator_param=value : The value of your generator params.# my_generator_param=value: 用来指定生成器变量的值# Let's now generate some human-readable pseudocode for the first# generator:# 下面是一些具体使用生成器的例子,以lesson15的第一部分的生成器为例进行实验,再次不再赘述./lesson_15_generate -g my_first_generator -e stmt -o . target=hostcheck_file_exists my_first_generator.stmt# The second generator has generator params, which can be specified on# the command-line after the target. Let's compile a few different variants:./lesson_15_generate -g my_second_generator -f my_second_generator_1 -o . \target=host parallel=false scale=3.0 rotation=ccw output.type=uint16./lesson_15_generate -g my_second_generator -f my_second_generator_2 -o . \target=host scale=9.0 rotation=ccw output.type=float32./lesson_15_generate -g my_second_generator -f my_second_generator_3 -o . \target=host parallel=false output.type=float64check_file_exists my_second_generator_1.acheck_file_exists my_second_generator_1.hcheck_symbol      my_second_generator_1.a my_second_generator_1check_file_exists my_second_generator_2.acheck_file_exists my_second_generator_2.hcheck_symbol      my_second_generator_2.a my_second_generator_2check_file_exists my_second_generator_3.acheck_file_exists my_second_generator_3.hcheck_symbol      my_second_generator_3.a my_second_generator_3# Use of these generated object files and headers is exactly the same# as in lesson 10.####################### The Halide runtime ######################## Each generated Halide object file contains a simple runtime that# defines things like how to run a parallel for loop, how to launch a# cuda program, etc. You can see this runtime in the generated object# files.echo "The halide runtime:"nm my_second_generator_1.a | grep "[SWT] _\?halide_"# Let's define some functions to check that the runtime exists in a file.check_runtime(){    if !(nm $1 | grep "[TSW] _\?halide_" > /dev/null); then        echo "Halide runtime not found in $1"    exit -1    fi}check_no_runtime(){    if nm $1 | grep "[TSW] _\?halide_" > /dev/null; then        echo "Halide runtime found in $1"    exit -1    fi}# Declarations and documentation for these runtime functions are in# HalideRuntime.h# If you're compiling and linking multiple Halide pipelines, then the# multiple copies of the runtime should combine into a single copy# (via weak linkage). If you're compiling and linking for multiple# different targets (e.g. avx and non-avx), then the runtimes might be# different, and you can't control which copy of the runtime the# linker selects.# You can control this behavior explicitly by compiling your pipelines# with the no_runtime target flag. Let's generate and link several# different versions of the first pipeline for different x86 variants:# (Note that we'll ask the generators to just give us object files ("-e o"), # instead of static libraries, so that we can easily link them all into a # single static library.)./lesson_15_generate \    -g my_first_generator \    -f my_first_generator_basic \    -e o,h \    -o . \    target=host-x86-64-no_runtime./lesson_15_generate \    -g my_first_generator \    -f my_first_generator_sse41 \    -e o,h \    -o . \    target=host-x86-64-sse41-no_runtime./lesson_15_generate \    -g my_first_generator \    -f my_first_generator_avx \    -e o,h \    -o . \    target=host-x86-64-avx-no_runtime# These files don't contain the runtimecheck_no_runtime my_first_generator_basic.ocheck_symbol     my_first_generator_basic.o my_first_generator_basiccheck_no_runtime my_first_generator_sse41.ocheck_symbol     my_first_generator_sse41.o my_first_generator_sse41check_no_runtime my_first_generator_avx.ocheck_symbol     my_first_generator_avx.o my_first_generator_avx# We can then use the generator to emit just the runtime:./lesson_15_generate \    -r halide_runtime_x86 \    -e o,h \    -o . \    target=host-x86-64check_runtime halide_runtime_x86.o# Linking the standalone runtime with the three generated object files     # gives us three versions of the pipeline for varying levels of x86,      # combined with a single runtime that will work on nearly all x86     # processors.ar q my_first_generator_multi.a \    my_first_generator_basic.o \    my_first_generator_sse41.o \    my_first_generator_avx.o \    halide_runtime_x86.ocheck_runtime my_first_generator_multi.acheck_symbol  my_first_generator_multi.a my_first_generator_basiccheck_symbol  my_first_generator_multi.a my_first_generator_sse41check_symbol  my_first_generator_multi.a my_first_generator_avxecho "Success!"
'); })();
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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 香蕉奶昔怎么做 水果奶昔 奶昔制作 火龙果香蕉奶昔 康宝莱奶昔喝死人 阿胶蛋白奶昔 康宝莱奶昔会瘦吗 酸奶奶昔 芒果奶昔家庭做法 火龙果奶昔用纯奶还是酸奶 康宝莱奶昔怎么样 巧克力奶昔 巧克力奶昔的做法 喝奶昔减肥靠谱吗 吃康宝莱奶昔的危害 奶昔代餐减肥科学吗 奶昔减肥吗 康宝来奶昔减肥靠谱吗 营养奶昔减肥有用吗 康宝莱奶昔减肥靠谱吗 奶昔真的能减肥吗 减肥奶昔的做法 减肥奶昔怎么做 喝奶昔能减肥吗 奶昔能减肥吗 康宝莱奶昔减肥原理 火龙果奶昔的做法 自制减肥奶昔 瘦身奶昔 自制奶昔 奶昔粉 如何制作奶昔 香蕉奶昔的做法 怎么做奶昔 西瓜奶昔 宝宝奶昔 如何做奶昔 木瓜奶昔 蓝莓奶昔 怎样做奶昔 自制奶昔的做法