vim ale插件

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店铺头像大全 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/18 07:17

pip install flake8
pip install rstcheck


let g:ale_linters = {'python': ['flake8'], 'reStructuredText': ['rstcheck']}let g:ale_fixers = {'python': ['remove_trailing_lines', 'trim_whitespace', 'autopep8']}


g:ale_linters                                                     Type: |Dictionary|  Default: `{}`  The |g:ale_linters| option sets a |Dictionary| mapping a filetype to a  |List| of linter programs to be run when checking particular filetypes.  This |Dictionary| will be merged with a default dictionary containing the  following values: >  {  \   'csh': ['shell'],  \   'go': ['gofmt', 'golint', 'go vet'],  \   'help': [],  \   'perl': ['perlcritic'],  \   'python': ['flake8', 'mypy', 'pylint'],  \   'rust': ['cargo'],  \   'spec': [],  \   'text': [],  \   'zsh': ['shell'],  \}<  This option can be used to enable only a particular set of linters for a  file. For example, you can enable only `eslint` for JavaScript files: >  let g:ale_linters = {'javascript': ['eslint']}<  If you want to disable all linters for a particular filetype, you can pass  an empty list of linters as the value: >  let g:ale_linters = {'javascript': []}<  All linters will be run for unspecified filetypes. All available linters can  be enabled explicitly for a given filetype by passing the string `'all'`,  instead of a List. >  let g:ale_linters = {'c': 'all'}<  Linters can be configured in each buffer with buffer-local variables. ALE  will first look for linters for filetypes in the `b:ale_linters` variable,  then `g:ale_linters`, and then the default Dictionary mentioned above.  `b:ale_linters` can be set to a List, or the string `'all'`. When linters  for two different filetypes share the same name, the first linter loaded  will be used. Any ambiguity can be resolved by using a Dictionary specifying  which linter to run for which filetype instead. >  " Use ESLint for the buffer if the filetype includes 'javascript'.  let b:ale_linters = {'javascript': ['eslint'], 'html': ['tidy']}  " Use a List for the same setting. This will work in most cases.  let b:ale_linters = ['eslint', 'tidy']  " Disable all linters for the buffer.  let b:ale_linters = []  " Explicitly enable all available linters for the filetype.  let b:ale_linters = 'all'
'); })();
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