Inserting Sort, Shell Sort, Heap Sort and Quick Sort

来源:互联网 发布:孤岛危机2优化补丁 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 14:18

Inserting Sort, Shell Sort, Heap Sort and Quick Sort

This passage contains the application of four Sorting Algorithms in the title Inserting Sort, Shell Sort, Heap Sort and Quick Sort . Sorting algorithms are fundamental in Computer Science and these four algorithms are basic for new hand.


Below is the C code

#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>void InsertingSort(int A[], int N);void ShellSort(int A[], int N);void Swap(int A[] ,int a, int b);void PrecDown(int A[], int i, int N);void HeapSort(int A[], int N);int Median3(int A[], int left, int right);void Qsort(int A[], int left, int right);void QuickSort(int A[], int N);int main(){    int size;    scanf("%d", &size);    int* A = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*size);    for(int i=0; i<size;i++){        scanf("%d", &A[i]);    }    InsertingSort(A, size);    ShellSort(A, size);    HeapSort(A, size);    QuickSort(A, size);    for(int i=0; i<size; i++){        printf("%d ", A[i]);    }}void InsertingSort(int A[], int N){    int Tmp;    int P, j;    for(P=1; P<N; P++){        Tmp = A[P];        for(j=P; j>0&&A[j-1]>Tmp; j--){        //important 1.cmpare with Tmp; start just from P        //remember j is the place to fit in            A[j] = A[j-1];          }        A[j] = Tmp;    }}void ShellSort(int A[], int N){    int Tmp;    int P, j;    int Increment = N/2;    for(; Increment>0; Increment/=2){    //stop after Increment become 1        for(P=Increment; P<N; P++){            Tmp = A[P];            for(j=P; j>=Increment&&A[j-Increment]>Tmp; j-=Increment){                A[j] = A[j-Increment];              }            A[j] = Tmp;        }    }}void Swap(int A[] ,int a, int b){    int Tmp = A[a];    A[a] = A[b];    A[b] = Tmp;    return;}void PrecDown(int A[], int i, int N){    //be careful that generally when we apply a heap, we start from 1 instead of 0    int Tmp = A[i];    int child;    child = 2*i+1;     for(; child<N; child = 2*i+1){    //notice that left child is not naively i*2        if(child!=N-1&&A[child+1]>A[child])            child++;        if(A[child]>Tmp){            A[i] = A[child];            i = child;        }        else            break;    }    A[i] = Tmp;}void HeapSort(int A[], int N){    //pay attention that it's a Max heap    for(int i = N/2-1; i>=0; i--){        PrecDown(A, i, N);    }    int size = N;    //intitializing the heap    for(int i=0; i<size; i++){        Swap(A, 0, N-1);        PrecDown(A, 0, N-1);        N--;        }    return;}int Median3(int A[], int left, int right){    int mid = (left+right)/2;    if(A[left]>A[mid])        Swap(A, left, mid);    if(A[left]>A[right])        Swap(A, left, right);    if(A[mid]>A[right])        Swap(A, mid, right);    Swap(A, mid, right-1);    //the right item > mid, so hide mid just bufore right, instead of at right    return A[right-1];    //simple while complex  }void Qsort(int A[], int left, int right){    //Not as easy as first sight    if(right - left >10){        int mid = Median3(A, left, right);        int i=left;        int j = right-1;        for(;;){            while(A[++i]<mid);            //actually i start from left+1, because after running Median3 the item at left must<mid            while(A[--j]>mid);            //j start from right-2            if(i>j)                break;            Swap(A, i, j);        }        Swap(A, i, right-1);        Qsort(A, left, i-1);        Qsort(A, i+1, right);    }    else        InsertingSort(A+left,  right-left+1);}void QuickSort(int A[], int N){    Qsort(A, 0, N-1);} 
'); })();
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