校赛总结——程序设计竞赛@HIT 2017秋季校赛

来源:互联网 发布:oa系统的数据库设计 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 05:31

这次校赛办的很棒!就是没有小姐姐送气球QAQ。但是对于菜鸡来说,还是很开心啦!混了4题,rank 24,拿了个三等奖,还得了个U盘。也算是对得起自己这几个月的算法学习啦!很多题还不会做,我就把我做出来的放出来。(很水勿喷)

Problem A
64bit Integer Format : %lld Submit

Problem Description

If we have a string s, the length of s is at least 1, and s's characters are all lowercase English letters (between 'a' and 'z'), then we call s a "q-string".Now we'll give you a "q-string" s0, you need to add "er" at the end of s0.        Such as "acm", you need to change it into "acmer".But before you do that, there are two extra steps:    [step 1] While s0 can be split into (s1 + "e"), s1 is a "q-string", you need to delete the last character of s0.    [step 2] If s0 can be split into (s1 + c + "y"), s1 is a "q-string" and c is a consonant letter (letter except 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'), then you need to change the last character of s0 to 'i'.        Such as "qwertee", you need to change it into "qwerter" .        Such as "qwertye", you need to change it into "qwertier".        Such as "qweraye", you need to change it into "qwerayer".  Input The first line contains an integer T (1<=T<=100), then T cases follow.

In each case:

One line contains one string s0 , the length of s0 is between 1 and
100. s0’s characters are all lowercase English letters.

Output For the i-th case, output one line “Case #i: s”.

You can understand the requirement of string s in the description.

Sample Input 5 e acm qwertee qwertye qweraye

Sample Output Case #1: eer Case #2: acmer Case #3: qwerter Case #4: qwertier Case #5: qwerayer

Hint If you are confused about the sample output, please check out the description carefully.

签到题,题意很简单,但是要看清。先要完成step 1,再完成step 2;注意每一步都对字符串的长度有要求,注意这些,然后模拟一遍就好了。


#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <algorithm>#include <queue>#include <cmath>#include <stack>using namespace std;const int maxl = 105;char s[maxl];int main(){    int kase;    scanf("%d", &kase);    int tt = 0;    while(kase--)    {        scanf("%s", s);        int len = strlen(s);        s[len] = '\0';        printf("Case #%d: ", ++tt);        while(s[len-1] == 'e' && len > 2)        {            s[--len] = '\0';        }               if(len == 1)        {            printf("%s", s);            printf("er\n");            continue;        }        if(len == 2)        {            if(s[len-1] == 'e')            {                printf("%c", s[0]);                printf("er\n");                continue;            }            printf("%s", s);            printf("er\n");            continue;        }        if(s[len-1] != 'y')        {            printf("%s", s);            printf("er\n");            continue;        }        else        {            if(s[len-2] == 'a' || s[len-2] == 'e' || s[len-2] == 'i' || s[len-2] == 'o' || s[len-2] == 'u')            {                printf("%s", s);                printf("er\n");                continue;            }            else            {                s[len-1] = 'i';                printf("%s", s);                printf("er\n");                continue;            }        }    }    return 0;}

Problem B
B - B
Time limit : 1 s Memory limit : 512 mb
Submitted : 349 Accepted : 67
64bit Integer Format : %lld

Problem Description
For any 4-digit integer except the ones with all the digits being the same, if we sort the digits in non-increasing order first, and then in non-decreasing order, a new number can be obtained by taking the second number from the first one. Repeat in this manner we will soon end up at the number 6174 – the “black hole” of 4-digit numbers. This number is named Kaprekar Constant.

For example, start from 6767, we’ll get:

7766 - 6677 = 1089
9810 - 0189 = 9621
9621 - 1269 = 8352
8532 - 2358 = 6174
7641 - 1467 = 6174
… …

Given any 4-digit number, you are supposed to illustrate the way it gets into the black hole.

In the first line, is a number T (1<= T <= 100), which means the number of test cases.
For each test case, there is one line contains a positive integer N in the range (0, 10000).

If all the 4 digits of N are the same, print in one line the equation “N - N = 0000”. Else print each step of calculation in a line until 6174 comes out as the difference. All the numbers must be printed as 4-digit numbers.

Sample Input

Sample Output
Case #1:
7766 - 6677 = 1089
9810 - 0189 = 9621
9621 - 1269 = 8352
8532 - 2358 = 6174
Case #2:
2222 - 2222 = 0000
Case #3:
7641 - 1467 = 6174


#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;char s[5];int main(){    int kase;    scanf("%d", &kase);    int tt = 0;    while(kase--)    {        int tmp[4];        int t1 = 0, t2 = 0;        int ans = 0;        scanf("%s", s);        int len = strlen(s);        while(len < 4)        {            s[len++] = '0';        }        printf("Case #%d:\n", ++tt);        for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)        {            tmp[i] = s[i] - '0';        }        while(ans != 6174)        {            sort(tmp, tmp+4);            for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)            {                t1 = t1 * 10 + tmp[i];            }            for(int i = 3; i >= 0; i--)            {                t2 = t2 * 10 + tmp[i];            }            if(t2 == t1)            {                printf("%04d - %04d = %04d\n", t2, t1, t2-t1);                break;            }            ans = t2 - t1;            printf("%04d - %04d = %04d\n", t2, t1, ans);            int tans = ans;            for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)            {                tmp[i] = tans % 10;                tans /= 10;            }            t1 = 0;            t2 = 0;        }    }    return 0;}

Problem C
C - C
Time limit : 1 s Memory limit : 512 mb
Submitted : 357 Accepted : 30
64bit Integer Format : %lld

Problem Description
Boss Lee likes frogs,because frogs looks like dogs.
He owns some frogs,but they are too puny.They can’t give him power,so he turn around,go over the mountains,and then finally find a 91-years-old man.
The man has strong power,and also like frogs.
So The man gives Boss Lee a unbelievable magic.
If Boss Lee has two frogs,with x and y power,he can use the magic,and gets a new frog with x+y power,however,he’ll lose two initial frogs.
Though The man has strong magic,he doesn’t want Boss Lee can easily use it without any costs.Boss Leeo he uses a trick.When Boss Lee gets a new frog,with x+y power,he must speak ”Were it to benefit my country I would lay down my life;What then is risk to me?” x+y times.
Boss Lee hate to read that!So he want to know how many times if he wants to get all frogs in one.

There are many test case.The last case must be 0 and you do not need to deal with him.
For each case,first line is an integer n,which mains how many frogs he has.
Next line has n integers,which main each frog power.

For each case,a line includes an integer,that how many times Boss Lee reads the sentence.

Sample Input
1 2 3

Sample Output

All data are guaranteed n≤100000
And each frogs power is less than 1000
And in this case,you first magic 1 and 2,speak 3 times,magic 3 and 3,speak 6 times.So total times is 9.


#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <algorithm>#include <queue>using namespace std;int main(){int n;while(scanf("%d", &n) != EOF && n){int x;priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int> > q;for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){scanf("%d", &x);q.push(x);}int ans = 0;for(int i = 0; i < n-1; i++){int a = q.top();q.pop();int b = q.top();q.pop();ans += a+b;q.push(a+b);}printf("%d\n", ans);}return 0;}

Problem K
K - K
Time limit : 1 s Memory limit : 512 mb
Submitted : 128 Accepted : 28
64bit Integer Format : %lld

Problem Description

Remilia Scarlet is the owner of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, she doesn’t like coprime integers. The Scarlet Devil Mansion is now hiring Fairy Maids, there are n candidates, the strength of the i-th candidate is si. The head maid, Izayoi Sakuya, is going to choose some candidates to employ. To please her mistress, the gcd (greatest common divisor) of all chosen candidates’ strengths must not be 1, and she wants to choose as many candidates as possible. Can you help Sakuya find out the maximum number of candidates she can choose?


The first line contains an integer T (1<=T<=10), then T cases follow.

In each case:

The first line contains 1 integer: n (1<=n<=100000), the number of candidates.

The next line contains n integers, where the i-th of them denotes si (1<=si<=100000), the strength of the i-th candidate.


For each case, output one integer, the maximum number of candidates Sakuya can choose.

Sample Input
2 3 4
2 3 4 6 7

Sample Output



#include <cstdio>#include <cstring>#include <algorithm>#include <queue>#include <cmath>#include <stack>using namespace std;const int maxn = 100005;int s[maxn];int main(){    int kase;    scanf("%d", &kase);    while(kase--)    {        int n;        scanf("%d", &n);        int maxs = 0;        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)        {            scanf("%d", &s[i]);            if(s[i] > maxs)                maxs = s[i];        }        if(n == 1)        {            printf("1\n");            continue;        }        int ans = 2;        int g = maxn;        for(int i = 2; i < sqrt(maxs); i++)        {            if(i > 3 && (i % 2 == 0 || i % 3 == 0))                continue;            if(i > 5 &&  i % 5 == 0)                continue;            int tans = 0;            for(int j = 0; j < n; j++)            {                if(s[j] % i == 0)                    tans++;            }            if(tans > ans)                ans = tans;            else                break;        }        printf("%d\n", ans);    }    return 0;}


'); })();
0 0
热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 接电话紧张怎么办 电话恐惧症怎么办 说话有点磕巴怎么办 后天口吃怎么办 孩子说话难听怎么办 两岁半说话结巴怎么办 说话紧张怎么办? 小孩说话口吃怎么办 宝宝不爱说话怎么办 不喜欢说话怎么办啊 宝宝突然口吃怎么办 宝宝讲话结巴怎么办 宝宝两岁就口臭怎么办? 孩子老是口臭怎么办 幼儿卤门不闭合怎么办 嗓子说话费劲怎么办 唱歌咬字不清楚怎么办 宝宝肋骨凹陷怎么办 大人口齿不清怎么办 月宝宝拉肚子怎么办 生理性腹泻怎么办 小孩突然叫不出怎么办 说不清楚话怎么办 说话不利索怎么办 宝宝拉肚子呕吐怎么办 小孩磕巴怎么办 宝宝受凉拉稀怎么办 小儿呕吐腹泻怎么办 小孩发热呕吐怎么办 小孩子发烧呕吐怎么办 孩子吐怎么办? 一岁半宝宝拉肚子怎么办 小儿腹胀便秘怎么办 小儿腹胀腹泻怎么办 月子宝宝腹胀怎么办 2周岁拉肚子怎么办 小孩受凉拉肚子怎么办 儿童发烧呕吐怎么办 宝宝呕吐发烧怎么办 幼儿腹胀呕吐怎么办 儿童腹胀呕吐怎么办