
来源:互联网 发布:集成招标大数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/05 20:17
Denlee, 2009年6月4日

图1 函数堆栈示意图


;变长参数子程序示例;Denlee, 2009/06/03.386.model flat, coption casemap:noneincludelib msvcrt.libprintfproto c, :ptr byte, :varargscanfproto c, :ptr byte, :varargexitproto c, :dwordpublic main.dataxdd 1000ydd -9807zdd 8976sumdd ?sintipdb "please input integer for x,y,z", 0ah, 0stipdb "the sum of x+y+z = %d", 0ah, 0sindcdb "%d%d%d", 0.codemain:invoke printf, addr sintipinvoke scanf, addr sindc, addr x, addr y, addr zpush zpush ypush xpush 3call qsum1add esp, 16mov sum, eaxinvoke printf, addr stip, suminvoke exit, 0;结束程序;result in eax;求若干整型变量的和qsum1 proc;建立堆栈帧push ebpmov ebp, esp;局部变量空间sub esp, 16push ebx;取参数个数mov ecx, [ebp+8];第二个参数(变长参数的第一个)在栈中的地址lea ebx, [ebp+12]mov eax, 0next1:add eax, ss:[ebx]add ebx, 4loop next1pop ebxmov esp, ebppop ebpretqsum1 endpend main


  在C语言中,有几个宏专门用于变长参数,在Microsoft Visual Studio/VC98/Include/stdarg.h中的定义如下所示:

typedef char *  va_list;#define _INTSIZEOF(n)   ( (sizeof(n) + sizeof(int) - 1) & ~(sizeof(int) - 1) )#define va_start(ap,v)  ( ap = (va_list)&v + _INTSIZEOF(v) )#define va_arg(ap,t)    ( *(t *)((ap += _INTSIZEOF(t)) - _INTSIZEOF(t)) )#define va_end(ap)      ( ap = (va_list)0 )


(1)首先在函数里定义一个va_list型的变量,这个变量是指向参数的指针。如va_list ap;(2)然后用va_start宏初始化变量ap,使ap指向第一个可变参数,这个宏的第二个参数是第一个可变参数的前一个参数,是一个固定的参数。如va_start(ap, frs_v);(3)然后用va_arg返回可变的参数,va_arg的第二个参数是你要返回的参数的类型,实型都按double。如:va_arg(ap, double);(4)最后用va_end宏结束可变参数的获取,如:va_end(ap);然后就可以在函数里使用所获得的参数。如果函数有多个可变参数的,依次调用va_arg获取各个参数。


/**变长参数示例*通过队列分析参数指示串*Denlee, 2009/06/04  */#ifndef _INC_LINKQUEUE#include "LinkQueue.h"#endif#ifndef _INC_STDARG#include #endif#ifndef _INC_STDIO#include #endif//类型引导标识符char header = '#';void DemoFunc(char *sind, ...){int i = 0, num;va_list ap;char ch;void *pdata;pLinkQueue pqueue;//构造空队列InitQueue(&pqueue);while(sind[i]){    //跳过空格while(sind[i] == ' ')i++;if(sind[i++] != header)break;        //2个连续的#为结束或无变长参数if(sind[i] == '#')break;EnQueue(pqueue, sind[i]);i++;}va_start(ap, sind);num = QueueLength(pqueue);for(i = 0; i < num; i++){DeQueue(pqueue, &ch);switch(ch){case 'd':pdata = (void *)&va_arg(ap, int);printf("%d's argument is :%d/n", i+1, *((int *)pdata));break;case 'f':pdata = (void *)&va_arg(ap, double);printf("%d's argument is :%f/n", i+1, *((double *)pdata));break;case 's':pdata = (void *)va_arg(ap, char*);printf("%d's argument is :%s/n", i+1, (char *)pdata);break;}}va_end(ap);DestroyQueue(pqueue);}int main(void){printf("DemoFunc(/"##/") is called/n");DemoFunc("##");printf("DemoFunc(/"#d/",1) is called/n");DemoFunc("#d",1);printf("DemoFunc(/"#f#d/", 1.0, 2) is called/n");DemoFunc("#f#d", 1.0, 2);printf("DemoFunc(/"#d#d#f#d#f/", 10, 20, 10.12, 30, 30.30) is called/n");DemoFunc("#d#d#f#d#f", 10, 20, 10.12, 30, 30.30);printf("DemoFunc(/"#d#s#f/", 50, /"this is a example/", 10.09) is called/n");DemoFunc("#d#s#f", 50, "this is a example", 10.09);}

DemoFunc("##") is calledDemoFunc("#d",1) is called1's argument is :1DemoFunc("#f#d", 1.0, 2) is called1's argument is :1.0000002's argument is :2DemoFunc("#d#d#f#d#f", 10, 20, 10.12, 30, 30.30) is called1's argument is :102's argument is :203's argument is :10.1200004's argument is :305's argument is :30.300000DemoFunc("#d#s#f", 50, "this is a example", 10.09) is called1's argument is :502's argument is :this is a example3's argument is :10.090000Press any key to continue


1. stdarg.h中三个宏va_start ,va_arg和va_end的应用,http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4e1ac22c0100b93s.html
2. 关于变长参数,http://blog.csdn.net/piao_polar/archive/2007/03/22/1537902.aspx
3. 也谈C语言变长参数, http://bigwhite.blogbus.com/logs/20468193.html
4. 严蔚敏 吴伟民,数据结构(C语言版),清华大学出版社,2008