How to detect HTTP connection break

来源:互联网 发布:linux wifi渗透工具 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 09:55

How to detect HTTP connection break
Many a times HTTP connection breaks due to some reasons. The connection may be WIFI or HTTP. Applications should be well equipped to catch these connection breaks. The HTTP Client source codes on ForumNokia comes along with the code to catch these connection breaks. The older version of this example missed this feature.

The CIAPConnectProgressNotifier class implements this.

iConnection.ProgressNotification(iProgress, iStatus);
SetActive();if the connection breaks

void CIAPConnectProgressNotifier::RunL()RunL will give the exact state of the connection.

Header File  : Es_sock.h
Link against : ESock.lib
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