how to make a authorware file in an environment without authorware

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝展板打印 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 13:15

How to pack the file of Authorware:

New-promulgate-pack-choose the main file then press the ok button

New-promulgate-package release then chooses the entire file except the main file and press ok button.

Cutting the Xtras file to the magnetic disk then running the .exe file, now maybe have some mistakes, finding the correct file as the instruction of the prompt dialog box.

Now edited the auto play file:

Building a new document and input some codes below and saving as .inf file:





Now if you made a bootable CD-R it can be played automatic, from now on a business CD has been made up.
