比较常用的sql 查询语句

来源:互联网 发布:java做验证码识别训练 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 17:26

create table SC


      SNo int,

      Sname nvarchar(50),

      Cname nvarchar(50),

      Score int,


insert into SC values

(1 , '张三', '数学', 89),

(1 ,'张三', '语文' ,80),

(1, '张三', '英语', 70),

(2, '李四', '数学', 90),

(2, '李四', '语文', 70),

(2, '李四', '英语', 80)


-- 计算每个人的总成绩并排名(要求显示字段:姓名,总成绩)

select Sname,SUM(Score)as SumScore from SC group by Sname order by SumScore


select distinct t1.Sname, t1.SNo, t2.SumScore from SC t1,


select SNo, SUM(Score) as SumScore from SC group by SNo)t2

where t1.SNo = t2.SNo



 select t1.Sname,t1.Cname, t2.MaxScore from SC t1,

 (select Sname, MAX(Score)as MaxScore from SC group by Sname)t2

 where t1.Sname = t2.Sname and t1.Score = t2.MaxScore


 --  计算每个人的平均成绩(要求显示字段: 学号,姓名,平均成绩)

 select distinct  t1.Sno, t1.Sname, t2.AvgScore from SC t1,

 (select Sno,AVG(Score)as AvgScore from SC group by SNo)t2

 where t1.SNo = t2.SNo


 -- 列出各门课程成绩最好的学生(要求显示字段: 学号,姓名,科目,成绩)

 select t1.Sno,t1.Sname,t2.Cname,t2.MaxScore from SC t1,

 (select Cname, MAX(Score) as MaxScore from SC group by Cname)t2

 where t1.Cname = t2.Cname and t2.MaxScore = t1.Score


--列出各门课程成绩最好的两位学生(要求显示字段: 学号,姓名,科目,成绩)


select distinct t1.* from SC t1 where t1.SNo in

(select top 2 SNo from SC where t1.Cname = SC.Cname order by Score desc)

order by t1.Cname


--   统计如下:学号姓名语文 数学 英语总分平均分

select sno,Sname,

SUM(case when cname = '语文' then score else 0 end) as 语文,

SUM(case when cname = '数学' then score else 0 end) as 数学,

SUM(case when cname = '英语' then score else 0 end) as 英语,

SUM(Score)as SumScore, AVG(score) as AvgScore

from SC

group by SNo,Sname

order by SumScore desc


-- 列出各门课程的平均成绩(要求显示字段:课程,平均成绩)


select cname, AVG(score)as AvgSum from SC group by cname



declare @temp table(Sno int, Sname nvarchar(50), Score int, Sort int)


insert @temp select sno,sname,score,null from SC where SC.Cname='数学' order by Score desc

declare @id int

set @id=0;

update @temp set @id=@id +1, Sort = @id

select * from @temp

-- 列出数学成绩在-3名的学生(要求显示字段:学号,姓名,科目,成绩)


select top 2 t1.* from

(select top 3 * from sc where Cname='数学' order by Score)t1 order by t1.Score desc


-- 求出李四的数学成绩的排名

declare @temp1 table(Sno int, Sname nvarchar(50), Score int, Sort int)


insert @temp1 select sno,sname,score,null from SC where SC.Cname='数学' order by Score desc

declare @id1 int

set @id1=0;

update @temp1 set @id1=@id1 +1, Sort = @id1

select * from @temp1 where Sname = '李四'


-- 统计如下:课程不及格(-59)个 良(-80)个 优(-100)个


select cname,

(select COUNT(*) from SC where Score < 60 and Cname = t1.cname) as 不及格,


 (select COUNT(*) from SC where Score between 60 and 80 and Cname = t1.cname) as ,


   (select COUNT(*) from SC where Score between 60 and 80 and Cname = t1.cname) as    

   from SC t1

   group by t1.Cname




declare @s varchar(1000)

set @s=''

select @s =@s+','+Sname+'('+convert(varchar(10),Score)+')' from sc where Cname='数学'

set @s=stuff(@s,1,1,'')

print '数学:'+@s
