ASP Array function enhance

来源:互联网 发布:华讯网络 华三 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 15:31



    Dim arr()
    使用这种方式声明的空数组如果用LBound()和UBound()取值的话会出现错误,但可以使用For Each:
    Dim arr()
    For Each v In arr
        Response.Write v

   Dim arr




        '网址 |
    'ArrayList.Reverse()将整个 ArrayList 中元素的顺序反转

Class ArrayList

        Private arrList'//内部数组
    Private arrLength'//记录数组的长度
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
        Erase arrList
        End Sub
    Public Property Get Length
    End Property

    Public Default Property Get Item(index)
        If Not isNum(index) Then
            showErr "ArrayList.Item(index),非法的参数index":Exit Property
        End If
        If index < 0 or index > arrLength-1 Then
            showErr "ArrayList.Item(index),index下标越界":Exit Property
        End If
        setValue Item,arrList(index)
    End Property
    Public Property Let Item(index,v)
        If Not isNum(index) Then
            showErr "ArrayList.Item(index,v),非法的参数index":Exit Property
        End If
        If index < 0 or index > arrLength-1 Then
            showErr "ArrayList.Item(index,v),index下标越界":Exit Property
        End If
        setValue arrList(index),v
    End Property
    Public Function GetValue(index)
        If Not isNum(index)  Then
            showErr "ArrayList.GetValue(index),非法的参数index":Exit Function
        End If
        On Error Resume Next
        setValue GetValue,arrList(index)
        If Err Then showErr "ArrayList.GetValue(index),index"&Err.Description:Err.Clear:Exit Function
    End Function
        Public Function GetArray()
    End Function
    Public Function Add(v)
            ReDim Preserve arrList(arrLength)
        setValue arrList(arrLength),v
    End Function

    Public Sub AddArray(arr)
        If Not IsArray(arr) Then showErr "ArrayList.AddArray(arr),arr参数不是数组:":Exit Sub
        Dim I,L,J
        On Error Resume Next
            If arrLength = 0 Then '//如果ArrayList为空则直接附值
                ReDim Preserve arrList(L)
            For I = arrLength To L
            setValue arrList(I),arr(J)
        End If
        If Err Then showErr "ArrayList.AddArray(arr)"&Err.Description:Err.Clear:Exit Sub
    End Sub

    Public Sub Insert(index,v)
        If Not isNum(index)  Then
            showErr "ArrayList.Insert(index,v),非法的参数index":Exit Sub
        End If
        Dim I,v2
        If index<arrLength And index>=0 Then
            ReDim Preserve arrList(arrLength)
        For I = index To arrLength - 1
            setValue v2,arrList(I)'//交换值
            setValue arrList(I),v
            setValue v,v2
                showErr "ArrayList.Insert(index,v),index下标越界"
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub InsertArray(index,arr)
        If Not isNum(index) Then
            showErr "ArrayList.InsertArray(index,arr),非法的参数index":Exit Sub
        End If
        If index < 0 or index > arrLength-1 Then
            showErr "ArrayList.InsertArray(index,arr),index下标越界":Exit Sub
        End If
        If Not IsArray(arr) Then showErr "ArrayList.InsertArray(index,arr),arr参数不是数组":Exit Sub
        Dim I,L1,L2,J:J=0
        On Error Resume Next
        ReDim Preserve arrList(L2)
        For I = arrLength -1 To index Step -1
        setValue arrList(I+L1+1),arrList(I)'//把index之后的值往后移
        For I = index To index+L1
        setValue arrList(I),arr(J)
        If Err Then showErr "ArrayList.InsertArray(index,arr),"&Err.Description:Err.Clear:Exit Sub
    End Sub

    '//by xilou 39949376
    Public Sub Update(index,v)
        If Not isNum(index) Then
            showErr "ArrayList.Update(index,v),非法的参数index:":Exit Sub
        End If
        If index < 0 or index > arrLength-1 Then
            showErr "ArrayList.Update(index,v),index下标越界":Exit Sub
        End If
        setValue arrList(index),v
    End Sub
    Public Sub Remove(v)
        Dim I,index
        index = -1 '//第一个匹配的索引
        For I = 0 To arrLength - 1
            If arrList(I)=v Then index = I : Exit For
        If index <> -1 Then
            For I = index To arrLength - 2
            setValue arrList(I),arrList(I+1)'//值向前填充
        ReDim Preserve arrList(arrLength-1)'//收缩数组
        arrLength = arrLength - 1
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub RemoveAt(index)
        If Not isNum(index) Then
            showErr "ArrayList.RemoveAt(index),非法的参数index":Exit Sub
        End If
        If index < 0 or index > arrLength-1 Then
            showErr "ArrayList.RemoveAt(index,v),index下标越界":Exit Sub
        End If
        If index > 0 Then
            For I = index To arrLength - 2
            setValue arrList(I),arrList(I+1)'//值向前填充
            ReDim Preserve arrList(arrLength-1)'//收缩数组
            arrLength = arrLength - 1
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Function Splice(m,n)
        If Not isNum(m) Then
            showErr "ArrayList.Splice(m,n),非法的参数m":Exit Function
        End If
        If Not isNum(n) Then
            showErr "ArrayList.Splice(m,n),非法的参数n":Exit Function
        End If
        If m < 0 or m > arrLength - 1 Then
            showErr "ArrayList.Splice(),m下标越界":Exit Function
        End If
        If n < 0 or n > arrLength - 1 Then
            showErr "ArrayList.Splice(),n下标越界":Exit Function
        End If
        Dim newArr,x,L,I,J
        If m > n Then x=m:m=n:n=x '//交换数值
        ReDim Preserve newArr(L)
        For I = m To n      
        setValue newArr(J),arrList(I)'要移除的元素
        For I = (n+1) To arrLength -1
        setValue arrList(I-L-1),arrList(I)
        ReDim Preserve arrList(arrLength)
    End Function

    Public Sub Clear()
        Erase arrList
    End Sub

    '//将整个 ArrayList 中元素的顺序反转
    Public Sub Reverse()
        Dim L,I,J,v
            If arrLength > 0 Then
        For I = 0 To L-1
            setValue v,arrList(I)
            setValue arrList(I),arrList(J)
            setValue arrList(J),v
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Function Implode(separator)
        On Error Resume Next
        If Err Then showErr "ArrayList.Implode(separator),"&Err.Description:Err.Clear:Exit Function
    End Function

    Public Function Slice(m,n)
        If Not isNum(m) Then
            showErr "ArrayList.Slice(m,n),非法的参数m":Exit Function
        End If
        If Not isNum(n) Then
            showErr "ArrayList.Slice(m,n),非法的参数n":Exit Function
        End If
        If m < 0 or m > arrLength-1 Then
            showErr "ArrayList.Slice(m,n),m下标越界":Exit Function
        End If
        If n < 0 or n > arrLength-1 Then
            showErr "ArrayList.Slice(m,n),n下标越界":Exit Function
        End If
        Dim I,J,newArr()
        If m<=n Then
            ReDim Preserve newArr(n-m)
        For I = m To n
            setValue newArr(J),arrList(I)
            ReDim Preserve newArr(m-n)
        For I = n To m
            setValue newArr(J),arrList(I)
        End If
        Erase newArr
    End Function
    '//by xilou 39949376
    Public Function IndexOf(v)
        Dim I
        For I = 0 To arrLength - 1
        If arrList(I)=v Then IndexOf=I:Exit Function
    End Function

    Public Function LastIndexOf(v)
        Dim I
        If arrLength=0 Then
            LastIndexOf=-1:Exit Function
            For I = (arrLength-1) To 0 Step -1
            If arrList(I)=v Then LastIndexOf=I:Exit Function
        End If
    End Function
    Private Sub setValue(byref v1,v2)
        If IsObject(v2) Then
            Set v1=v2
        End If
    End Sub
    '//判断是否是数字,返回true or false
    Private Function isNum(v)
        If Not IsNumeric(v) or IsEmpty(v) Then
        End If
    End Function
    Private Sub showErr(errInfo)
        Response.Write "<div id=""ERRORINFO"" style=""font-size:12px;color:#990000;font-family:""新宋体"", Arial"">"
        Response.Write errInfo
        Response.Write "</div>"
    End Sub
End Class