
来源:互联网 发布:mysql case 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 03:46


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[General]Name=ConsoleAppAuthor=阿良Version=1.0ModuleType=EXEFileName=ConsoleApp.exeComments=Exe type ButtonType=M2Plugin_BUTTONIcon=Icon.ico
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ConsoleApp.exe -h=Maxthon的句柄 -u=当前页面URL -wie=当前页面Internet Explorer_Server的句柄

下面就是通过Internet Explorer_Server句柄获得IHTMLDocument2和IHTMLWindow2的接口。获得接口后就可以对HTML页面进行更改了。 


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using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Text.RegularExpressions;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;using System.Windows.Forms;using SHDocVw;using mshtml;namespace ConsoleApp{    class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            string commandLine = Environment.CommandLine;            string url = GetUrlFromCommandLine(commandLine);            int maxthonHandle = GetMaxthonHandleFromCommandLine(commandLine);            int explorerHandle = GetExplorerHandleFromCommandLine(commandLine);            string message = "URL=" + url + Environment.NewLine                 + "MaxthonHandle=" + maxthonHandle + Environment.NewLine                 + "ExplorerHandle=" + explorerHandle + Environment.NewLine;            IntPtr ptr = (IntPtr)explorerHandle;            IHTMLDocument2 doc;            IHTMLWindow2 win;            GetInterfacesByHandleOfInternetExplorer_Server(ptr, out win, out doc);            if (doc == null || win == null)            {                message += "GetInterfacesByHandleOfInternetExplorer_Server失败" + Environment.NewLine;                MessageBox.Show(message);            }            else            {                message += "url from IHTMLDocument2=" + doc.url + Environment.NewLine;                message += "url from IHTMLWindow2=" + win.location.href + Environment.NewLine;                MessageBox.Show(message);                win.execScript(@"var changeColor = confirm('真的要改背景颜色为绿色吗?'); if (changeColor)     document.body.style.backgroundColor='green';",                    "javascript");            }                   }             static void GetInterfacesByHandleOfInternetExplorer_Server(IntPtr hwndInterneExplorer_Server,            out IHTMLWindow2 window, out IHTMLDocument2 document)        {            window = null;            document = null;            Guid IID_IWebBrowser2 = typeof(SHDocVw.IWebBrowser2).GUID;            Guid IID_IServiceProvider = typeof(IServiceProvider).GUID;            Guid IID_IHTMLDocument2 = typeof(IHTMLDocument2).GUID;            Guid IID_IHTMLWindow2 = typeof(IHTMLWindow2).GUID;            Guid SID_SWebBrowserApp = typeof(SHDocVw.IWebBrowserApp).GUID;            try            {                int nMsg = WinApi.RegisterWindowMessage("WM_HTML_GETOBJECT");                UIntPtr lRes;                WinApi.SendMessageTimeout(hwndInterneExplorer_Server, nMsg, 0, 0,                    WinApi.SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 1000, out lRes);                if (!(bool)(lRes.ToUInt32() == 0))                {                    int hr = WinApi.ObjectFromLresult((int)lRes.ToUInt32(),                        ref IID_IHTMLDocument2, 0, out document);                    if ((document != null))                    {                        IntPtr puk = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(document);                        IServiceProvider pro = document as IServiceProvider;                        //Console.Write((pro == null).ToString());                        object objIWebBrowser2;                        pro.QueryService(ref SID_SWebBrowserApp, ref IID_IWebBrowser2, out objIWebBrowser2);                        IWebBrowser2 web = objIWebBrowser2 as IWebBrowser2;                        object objHtmlWindow;                        pro.QueryService(ref IID_IHTMLWindow2, ref IID_IHTMLWindow2, out objHtmlWindow);                        window = objHtmlWindow as IHTMLWindow2;                    }                }            }            catch            {            }        }        #region        static string GetUrlFromCommandLine(string commandLine)        {            Regex regex = new Regex(@" -u=(?<Url>.+?) -wie");            Match match = regex.Match(commandLine);            if (match.Success)            {                return match.Groups["Url"].Value;            }            else            {                return string.Empty;            }        }        static int GetMaxthonHandleFromCommandLine(string commandLine)        {            Regex regex = new Regex(@" -h=(?<Handle>/d+)");            Match match = regex.Match(commandLine);            if (match.Success)            {                return int.Parse(match.Groups["Handle"].Value);            }            else            {                return 0;            }        }        static int GetExplorerHandleFromCommandLine(string commandLine)        {            Regex regex = new Regex(@" -wie=(?<Handle>/d+)");            Match match = regex.Match(commandLine);            if (match.Success)            {                return int.Parse(match.Groups["Handle"].Value);            }            else            {                return 0;            }        }        #endregion    }}

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using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;namespace ConsoleApp{    [    ComImport, Guid("6d5140c1-7436-11ce-8034-00aa006009fa"),    InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)    ]    public interface IServiceProvider    {        void QueryService(ref Guid guidService,            ref Guid riid,            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out object ppvObject);    }}

WinApi.cs,在google code搜索的,我也不知道怎样定义的 
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using System;using System.Text;using System.Windows.Forms;using System.Drawing;using System.Runtime.InteropServices;using Accessibility;using mshtml;namespace ConsoleApp{    public sealed class WinApi    {        //Not allow to create instance        private WinApi()        {        }        public const uint MAX_PATH = 260;        #region Hooks - user32.dll        /// <summary>        /// Defines the layout of the MouseHookStruct        /// </summary>        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]        public struct MSLLHOOKSTRUCT        {            public Point Point;            public int MouseData;            public int Flags;            public int Time;            public int ExtraInfo;        }        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]        public struct POINT        {            public int x;            public int y;        }        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]        public struct MouseHookStruct        {            /// <summary>            /// Specifies a POINT structure that contains the x- and y-coordinates of the cursor, in screen coordinates.            /// </summary>            public POINT Point;            public UInt32 MouseData;            public UInt32 Flags;            public UInt32 Time;            public UInt32 ExtraInfo;        }        /// <summary>        /// &frac14;ü&Aring;&Igrave;&sup1;&sup3;×&Oacute;&Ecirc;&Acirc;&frac14;&thorn;&frac12;á&sup1;&sup1;&para;¨&Ograve;&aring;        /// </summary>        /// <remarks>&Iuml;ê&Iuml;&cedil;&Euml;&micro;&Atilde;÷&Ccedil;&euml;&sup2;&Icirc;&iquest;&frac14;MSDN&Ouml;&ETH;&sup1;&Oslash;&Oacute;&Uacute; KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT &micro;&Auml;&Euml;&micro;&Atilde;÷</remarks>        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]        public struct KeyboardHookStruct        {            /// <summary>            /// Specifies a virtual-key code. The code must be a value in the range 1 to 254.            /// </summary>            public UInt32 VKCode;            /// <summary>            /// Specifies a hardware scan code for the key.            /// </summary>            public UInt32 ScanCode;            /// <summary>            /// Specifies the extended-key flag, event-injected flag, context code,            /// and transition-state flag. This member is specified as follows.            /// An application can use the following values to test the keystroke flags.            /// </summary>            public UInt32 Flags;            /// <summary>            /// Specifies the time stamp for this message.            /// </summary>            public UInt32 Time;            /// <summary>            /// Specifies extra information associated with the message.            /// </summary>            public UInt32 ExtraInfo;        }        /// <summary>        ///  EventArgs class for use as parameters by HookEventHandler delegates        /// </summary>        public class HookEventArgs : EventArgs        {            private int _code;            private IntPtr _wParam;            private IntPtr _lParam;            /// <summary>            /// Initializes a new instance of the HookEventArgs class            /// </summary>            /// <param name="code">the hook code</param>            /// <param name="wParam">hook specific information</param>            /// <param name="lParam">hook specific information</param>            public HookEventArgs(int code, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)            {                _code = code;                _wParam = wParam;                _lParam = lParam;            }            /// <summary>            /// The hook code            /// </summary>            public int Code            {                get                {                    return _code;                }            }            /// <summary>            /// A pointer to data            /// </summary>            public IntPtr wParam            {                get                {                    return _wParam;                }            }            /// <summary>            /// A pointer to data            /// </summary>            public IntPtr lParam            {                get                {                    return _lParam;                }            }        }        /// <summary>        /// Event delegate for use with the HookEventArgs class        /// </summary>        public delegate void HookEventHandler(object sender, HookEventArgs e);        /// <summary>        /// Defines the various types of hooks that are available in Windows        /// </summary>        public enum HookTypes : int        {            WH_JOURNALRECORD = 0,            WH_JOURNALPLAYBACK = 1,            WH_KEYBOARD = 2,            WH_GETMESSAGE = 3,            WH_CALLWNDPROC = 4,            WH_CBT = 5,            WH_SYSMSGFILTER = 6,            WH_MOUSE = 7,            WH_HARDWARE = 8,            WH_DEBUG = 9,            WH_SHELL = 10,            WH_FOREGROUNDIDLE = 11,            WH_CALLWNDPROCRET = 12,            WH_KEYBOARD_LL = 13,            WH_MOUSE_LL = 14        }        public enum ShellHookMessages        {            HSHELL_WINDOWCREATED = 1,            HSHELL_WINDOWDESTROYED = 2,            HSHELL_ACTIVATESHELLWINDOW = 3,            HSHELL_WINDOWACTIVATED = 4,            HSHELL_GETMINRECT = 5,            HSHELL_REDRAW = 6,            HSHELL_TASKMAN = 7,            HSHELL_LANGUAGE = 8,            HSHELL_ACCESSIBILITYSTATE = 11        }        public enum WM_MOUSE : int        {            /// <summary>            /// &Ecirc;ó±ê&iquest;&ordf;&Ecirc;&frac14;            /// </summary>            WM_MOUSEFIRST = 0x200,            /// <summary>            /// &Ecirc;ó±ê&Ograve;&AElig;&para;&macr;            /// </summary>            WM_MOUSEMOVE = 0x200,            /// <summary>            /// ×ó&frac14;ü°&acute;&Iuml;&Acirc;            /// </summary>            WM_LBUTTONDOWN = 0x201,            /// <summary>            /// ×ó&frac14;ü&Ecirc;&Iacute;·&Aring;            /// </summary>            WM_LBUTTONUP = 0x202,            /// <summary>            /// ×ó&frac14;ü&Euml;&laquo;&raquo;÷            /// </summary>            WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x203,            /// <summary>            /// &Oacute;&Ograve;&frac14;ü°&acute;&Iuml;&Acirc;            /// </summary>            WM_RBUTTONDOWN = 0x204,            /// <summary>            /// &Oacute;&Ograve;&frac14;ü&Ecirc;&Iacute;·&Aring;            /// </summary>            WM_RBUTTONUP = 0x205,            /// <summary>            /// &Oacute;&Ograve;&frac14;ü&Euml;&laquo;&raquo;÷            /// </summary>            WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x206,            /// <summary>            /// &Ouml;&ETH;&frac14;ü°&acute;&Iuml;&Acirc;            /// </summary>            WM_MBUTTONDOWN = 0x207,            /// <summary>            /// &Ouml;&ETH;&frac14;ü&Ecirc;&Iacute;·&Aring;            /// </summary>            WM_MBUTTONUP = 0x208,            /// <summary>            /// &Ouml;&ETH;&frac14;ü&Euml;&laquo;&raquo;÷            /// </summary>            WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x209,            /// <summary>            /// &sup1;&ouml;&Acirc;&Ouml;&sup1;&ouml;&para;&macr;            /// </summary>            /// <remarks>WINNT4.0&Ograve;&Ocirc;&Eacute;&Iuml;&sup2;&Aring;&Ouml;§&sup3;&Ouml;&acute;&Euml;&Iuml;&ucirc;&Iuml;&cent;</remarks>            WM_MOUSEWHEEL = 0x020A        }        //message for list box        public enum LISTBOXMSG : int        {            LB_ADDSTRING = 0x0180,            LB_INSERTSTRING = 0x0181,            LB_DELETESTRING = 0x0182,            LB_SELITEMRANGEEX = 0x0183,            LB_RESETCONTENT = 0x0184,            LB_SETSEL = 0x0185,            LB_SETCURSEL = 0x0186,            LB_GETSEL = 0x0187,            LB_GETCURSEL = 0x0188,            LB_GETTEXT = 0x0189,            LB_GETTEXTLEN = 0x018A,            LB_GETCOUNT = 0x018B,            LB_SELECTSTRING = 0x018C,            LB_DIR = 0x018D,            LB_GETTOPINDEX = 0x018E,            LB_FINDSTRING = 0x018F,            LB_GETSELCOUNT = 0x0190,            LB_GETSELITEMS = 0x0191,            LB_SETTABSTOPS = 0x0192,            LB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT = 0x0193,            LB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT = 0x0194,            LB_SETCOLUMNWIDTH = 0x0195,            LB_ADDFILE = 0x0196,            LB_SETTOPINDEX = 0x0197,            LB_GETITEMRECT = 0x0198,            LB_GETITEMDATA = 0x0199,            LB_SETITEMDATA = 0x019A,            LB_SELITEMRANGE = 0x019B,            LB_SETANCHORINDEX = 0x019C,            LB_GETANCHORINDEX = 0x019D,            LB_SETCARETINDEX = 0x019E,            LB_GETCARETINDEX = 0x019F,            LB_SETITEMHEIGHT = 0x01A0,            LB_GETITEMHEIGHT = 0x01A1,            LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT = 0x01A2,            LB_SETLOCALE = 0x01A5,            LB_GETLOCALE = 0x01A6,            LB_SETCOUNT = 0x01A7,        }        //message for combo box.        public enum COMBOBOXMSG : int        {            CB_OKAY = 0,            CB_ERR = (-1),            CB_ERRSPACE = (-2),            CBN_ERRSPACE = (-1),            CBN_SELCHANGE = 1,            CBN_DBLCLK = 2,            CBN_SETFOCUS = 3,            CBN_KILLFOCUS = 4,            CBN_EDITCHANGE = 5,            CBN_EDITUPDATE = 6,            CBN_DROPDOWN = 7,            CBN_CLOSEUP = 8,            CBN_SELENDOK = 9,            CBN_SELENDCANCEL = 10,            CBS_SIMPLE = 0x0001,            CBS_DROPDOWN = 0x0002,            CBS_DROPDOWNLIST = 0x0003,            CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED = 0x0010,            CBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE = 0x0020,            CBS_AUTOHSCROLL = 0x0040,            CBS_OEMCONVERT = 0x0080,            CBS_SORT = 0x0100,            CBS_HASSTRINGS = 0x0200,            CBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT = 0x0400,            CBS_DISABLENOSCROLL = 0x0800,            CBS_UPPERCASE = 0x2000,            CBS_LOWERCASE = 0x4000,            CB_GETEDITSEL = 0x0140,            CB_LIMITTEXT = 0x0141,            CB_SETEDITSEL = 0x0142,            CB_ADDSTRING = 0x0143,            CB_DELETESTRING = 0x0144,            CB_DIR = 0x0145,            CB_GETCOUNT = 0x0146,            CB_GETCURSEL = 0x0147,            CB_GETLBTEXT = 0x0148,            CB_GETLBTEXTLEN = 0x0149,            CB_INSERTSTRING = 0x014A,            CB_RESETCONTENT = 0x014B,            CB_FINDSTRING = 0x014C,            CB_SELECTSTRING = 0x014D,            CB_SETCURSEL = 0x014E,            CB_SHOWDROPDOWN = 0x014F,            CB_GETITEMDATA = 0x0150,            CB_SETITEMDATA = 0x0151,            CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT = 0x0152,            CB_SETITEMHEIGHT = 0x0153,            CB_GETITEMHEIGHT = 0x0154,            CB_SETEXTENDEDUI = 0x0155,            CB_GETEXTENDEDUI = 0x0156,            CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE = 0x0157,            CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT = 0x0158,            CB_SETLOCALE = 0x0159,            CB_GETLOCALE = 0x015A,            CB_GETTOPINDEX = 0x015b,            CB_SETTOPINDEX = 0x015c,            CB_GETHORIZONTALEXTENT = 0x015d,            CB_SETHORIZONTALEXTENT = 0x015e,            CB_GETDROPPEDWIDTH = 0x015f,            CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH = 0x0160,            CB_INITSTORAGE = 0x0161,            CB_MSGMAX = 0x0162,        }        //virtual keys        public enum VKCodes : int        {            VK_BACK = 0x08,            VK_TAB = 0x09,            VK_CLEAR = 0x0C,            VK_RETURN = 0x0D,            VK_SHIFT = 0x10,            VK_CONTROL = 0x11,            VK_MENU = 0x12,            VK_PAUSE = 0x13,            VK_CAPITAL = 0x14,            VK_KANA = 0x15,            VK_HANGEUL = 0x15,            VK_HANGUL = 0x15,            VK_JUNJA = 0x17,            VK_FINAL = 0x18,            VK_HANJA = 0x19,            VK_KANJI = 0x19,            VK_ESCAPE = 0x1B,            VK_CONVERT = 0x1C,            VK_NONCONVERT = 0x1D,            VK_ACCEPT = 0x1E,            VK_MODECHANGE = 0x1F,            VK_SPACE = 0x20,            VK_PRIOR = 0x21,            VK_NEXT = 0x22,            VK_END = 0x23,            VK_HOME = 0x24,            VK_LEFT = 0x25,            VK_UP = 0x26,            VK_RIGHT = 0x27,            VK_DOWN = 0x28,            VK_SELECT = 0x29,            VK_PRINT = 0x2A,            VK_EXECUTE = 0x2B,            VK_SNAPSHOT = 0x2C,            VK_INSERT = 0x2D,            VK_DELETE = 0x2E,            VK_HELP = 0x2F,            VK_LWIN = 0x5B,            VK_RWIN = 0x5C,            VK_APPS = 0x5D,            VK_SLEEP = 0x5F,            VK_NUMLOCK = 90,            VK_NUMPAD0 = 0x60,            VK_NUMPAD1 = 0x61,            VK_NUMPAD2 = 0x62,            VK_NUMPAD3 = 0x63,            VK_NUMPAD4 = 0x64,            VK_NUMPAD5 = 0x65,            VK_NUMPAD6 = 0x66,            VK_NUMPAD7 = 0x67,            VK_NUMPAD8 = 0x68,            VK_NUMPAD9 = 0x69,            VK_MULTIPLY = 0x6A,            VK_ADD = 0x6B,            VK_SEPARATOR = 0x6C,            VK_SUBTRACT = 0x6D,            VK_DECIMAL = 0x6E,            VK_DIVIDE = 0x6F,            VK_F1 = 0x70,            VK_F2 = 0x71,            VK_F3 = 0x72,            VK_F4 = 0x73,            VK_F5 = 0x74,            VK_F6 = 0x75,            VK_F7 = 0x76,            VK_F8 = 0x77,            VK_F9 = 0x78,            VK_F10 = 0x79,            VK_F11 = 0x7A,            VK_F12 = 0x7B,            VK_F13 = 0x7C,            VK_F14 = 0x7D,            VK_F15 = 0x7E,            VK_F16 = 0x7F,            VK_F17 = 0x80,            VK_F18 = 0x81,            VK_F19 = 0x82,            VK_F20 = 0x83,            VK_F21 = 0x84,            VK_F22 = 0x85,            VK_F23 = 0x86,            VK_F24 = 0x87        }        public enum WM_KEYBOARD : int        {            /// <summary>            /// ·&Ccedil;&Iuml;&micro;&Iacute;&sup3;°&acute;&frac14;ü°&acute;&Iuml;&Acirc;            /// </summary>            WM_KEYDOWN = 0x100,            /// <summary>            /// ·&Ccedil;&Iuml;&micro;&Iacute;&sup3;°&acute;&frac14;ü&Ecirc;&Iacute;·&Aring;            /// </summary>            WM_KEYUP = 0x101,            /// <summary>            /// &Iuml;&micro;&Iacute;&sup3;°&acute;&frac14;ü°&acute;&Iuml;&Acirc;            /// </summary>            WM_SYSKEYDOWN = 0x104,            /// <summary>            /// &Iuml;&micro;&Iacute;&sup3;°&acute;&frac14;ü&Ecirc;&Iacute;·&Aring;            /// </summary>            WM_SYSKEYUP = 0x105        }        public delegate int HookProc(int nCode, Int32 wParam, IntPtr lParam);        [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = "SetWindowsHookEx")]        public static extern IntPtr SetWindowsHookEx(HookTypes hookType, HookProc hookProc, IntPtr hInstance, int nThreadId);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern int UnhookWindowsHookEx(IntPtr hookHandle);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern int CallNextHookEx(IntPtr hookHandle, int nCode, Int32 wParam, IntPtr lParam);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern int RegisterShellHookWindow(IntPtr hWnd);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern int DeregisterShellHookWindow(IntPtr hWnd);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern int ToAscii(UInt32 uVirtKey, UInt32 uScanCode,            byte[] lpbKeyState, byte[] lpwTransKey, UInt32 fuState);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern int GetKeyboardState(byte[] pbKeyState);        #endregion Hooks        #region System - Kernel32.dll        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "GetLastError", SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true, CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)]        public static extern Int32 GetLastError();        #endregion        #region Windows - user32.dll        public const int GWL_HWNDPARENT = (-8);        public const int GWL_EXSTYLE = (-20);        public const int GWL_STYLE = (-16);        public const int GCL_HICON = (-14);        public const int GCL_HICONSM = (-34);        public const int WM_QUERYDRAGICON = 0x37;        public const int WM_GETICON = 0x7F;        public const int WM_SETICON = 0x80;        public const int ICON_SMALL = 0;        public const int ICON_BIG = 1;        public const int SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG = 0x2;        public const int TRUE = 1;        public const int FALSE = 0;        public const int WHITE_BRUSH = 0;        public const int LTGRAY_BRUSH = 1;        public const int GRAY_BRUSH = 2;        public const int DKGRAY_BRUSH = 3;        public const int BLACK_BRUSH = 4;        public const int NULL_BRUSH = 5;        public const int HOLLOW_BRUSH = NULL_BRUSH;        public const int WHITE_PEN = 6;        public const int BLACK_PEN = 7;        public const int NULL_PEN = 8;        public const int OEM_FIXED_FONT = 10;        public const int ANSI_FIXED_FONT = 11;        public const int ANSI_VAR_FONT = 12;        public const int SYSTEM_FONT = 13;        public const int DEVICE_DEFAULT_FONT = 14;        public const int DEFAULT_PALETTE = 15;        public const int SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT = 16;        public const int RDW_INVALIDATE = 0x0001;        public const int RDW_INTERNALPAINT = 0x0002;        public const int RDW_ERASE = 0x0004;        public const int RDW_VALIDATE = 0x0008;        public const int RDW_NOINTERNALPAINT = 0x0010;        public const int RDW_NOERASE = 0x0020;        public const int RDW_NOCHILDREN = 0x0040;        public const int RDW_ALLCHILDREN = 0x0080;        public const int RDW_UPDATENOW = 0x0100;        public const int RDW_ERASENOW = 0x0200;        public const int RDW_FRAME = 0x0400;        public const int RDW_NOFRAME = 0x0800;        //enum to how to navigate in InternetExplorer.        public enum BrowserNavConstants        {            /// <summary>            /// Open the resource or file in a new window.            /// </summary>            navOpenInNewWindow = 0x1,            /// <summary>            /// Do not add the resource or file to the history list. The new page replaces the current page in the list.            /// </summary>            navNoHistory = 0x2,            /// <summary>            /// Do not consult the Internet cache; retrieve the resource from the origin server (implies BINDF_PRAGMA_NO_CACHE and BINDF_RESYNCHRONIZE).            /// </summary>            navNoReadFromCache = 0x4,            /// <summary>            /// Do not add the downloaded resource to the Internet cache. See BINDF_NOWRITECACHE.            /// </summary>            navNoWriteToCache = 0x8,            /// <summary>            /// If the navigation fails, the autosearch functionality attempts to navigate common root domains (.com, .edu, and so on). If this also fails, the URL is passed to a search engine.            /// </summary>            navAllowAutosearch = 0x10,            /// <summary>            /// Causes the current Explorer Bar to navigate to the given item, if possible.            /// </summary>            navBrowserBar = 0x20,            /// <summary>            /// Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 for Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) and later. If the navigation fails when a hyperlink is being followed, this constant specifies that the resource should then be bound to the moniker using the BINDF_HYPERLINK flag.            /// </summary>            navHyperlink = 0x40,            /// <summary>            /// Internet Explorer 6 for Windows XP SP2 and later. Force the URL into the restricted zone.            /// </summary>            navEnforceRestricted = 0x80,            /// <summary>            /// Internet Explorer 6 for Windows XP SP2 and later. Use the default Popup Manager to block pop-up windows.            /// </summary>            navNewWindowsManaged = 0x0100,            /// <summary>            /// Internet Explorer 6 for Windows XP SP2 and later. Block files that normally trigger a file download dialog box.            /// </summary>            navUntrustedForDownload = 0x0200,            /// <summary>            /// Internet Explorer 6 for Windows XP SP2 and later. Prompt for the installation of Microsoft ActiveX controls.            /// </summary>            navTrustedForActiveX = 0x0400,            /// <summary>            /// Windows Internet Explorer 7. Open the resource or file in a new tab. Allow the destination window to come to the foreground, if necessary.            /// </summary>            navOpenInNewTab = 0x0800,            /// <summary>            /// Internet Explorer 7. Open the resource or file in a new background tab; the currently active window and/or tab remains open on top.            /// </summary>            navOpenInBackgroundTab = 0x1000,            /// <summary>            /// Internet Explorer 7. Maintain state for dynamic navigation based on the filter string entered in the search band text box (wordwheel). Restore the wordwheel text when the navigation completes.            /// </summary>            navKeepWordWheelText = 0x2000        }        public enum ShowWindowCmds        {            SW_HIDE = 0,            SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1,            SW_NORMAL = 1,            SW_SHOWMINIMIZED = 2,            SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED = 3,            SW_MAXIMIZE = 3,            SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE = 4,            SW_SHOW = 5,            SW_MINIMIZE = 6,            SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE = 7,            SW_SHOWNA = 8,            SW_RESTORE = 9,            SW_SHOWDEFAULT = 10,            SW_FORCEMINIMIZE = 11,            SW_MAX = 11        }        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]        public struct MOUSEINPUT        {            public int dx;            public int dy;            public uint mouseData;            public uint dwFlags;            public uint time;            public IntPtr dwExtraInfo;        }        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]        public struct KEYBDINPUT        {            public ushort wVk;            public ushort wScan;            public uint dwFlags;            public uint time;            public IntPtr dwExtraInfo;        }        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)]        public struct HARDWAREINPUT        {            public uint uMsg;            public ushort wParamL;            public ushort wParamH;        }        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)]        public struct INPUT        {            [FieldOffset(0)]            public int type;            [FieldOffset(4)]            public MOUSEINPUT mi;            [FieldOffset(4)]            public KEYBDINPUT ki;            [FieldOffset(4)]            public HARDWAREINPUT hi;        }        public const int HIDE_WINDOW = 0;        public const int SHOW_OPENWINDOW = 1;        public const int SHOW_ICONWINDOW = 2;        public const int SHOW_FULLSCREEN = 3;        public const int SHOW_OPENNOACTIVATE = 4;        public const int SW_PARENTCLOSING = 1;        public const int SW_OTHERZOOM = 2;        public const int SW_PARENTOPENING = 3;        public const int SW_OTHERUNZOOM = 4;        public const int SWP_NOSIZE = 0x0001;        public const int SWP_NOMOVE = 0x0002;        public const int SWP_NOZORDER = 0x0004;        public const int SWP_NOREDRAW = 0x0008;        public const int SWP_NOACTIVATE = 0x0010;        public const int SWP_FRAMECHANGED = 0x0020; /* The frame changed: send WM_NCCALCSIZE */        public const int SWP_SHOWWINDOW = 0x0040;        public const int SWP_HIDEWINDOW = 0x0080;        public const int SWP_NOCOPYBITS = 0x0100;        public const int SWP_NOOWNERZORDER = 0x0200; /* Don't do owner Z ordering */        public const int SWP_NOSENDCHANGING = 0x0400;  /* Don't send WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING */        public const int SWP_DRAWFRAME = SWP_FRAMECHANGED;        public const int SWP_NOREPOSITION = SWP_NOOWNERZORDER;        public const int SWP_DEFERERASE = 0x2000;        public const int SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS = 0x4000;        public const int HWND_TOP = 0;        public const int HWND_BOTTOM = 1;        public const int HWND_TOPMOST = -1;        public const int HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2;        public enum PeekMessageFlags        {            PM_NOREMOVE = 0,            PM_REMOVE = 1,            PM_NOYIELD = 2        }        public enum MouseEventFlags        {            Move = 0x0001,            LeftDown = 0x0002,            LeftUp = 0x0004,            RightDown = 0x0008,            RightUp = 0x0010,            MiddleDown = 0x0020,            MiddleUp = 0x0040,            Wheel = 0x0800,            Absolute = 0x8000        }        public enum ScrollBarMsg        {            SB_LINEUP = 0,            SB_LINELEFT = 0,            SB_LINEDOWN = 1,            SB_LINERIGHT = 1,            SB_PAGEUP = 2,            SB_PAGELEFT = 2,            SB_PAGEDOWN = 3,            SB_PAGERIGHT = 3,            SB_THUMBPOSITION = 4,            SB_THUMBTRACK = 5,            SB_TOP = 6,            SB_LEFT = 6,            SB_BOTTOM = 7,            SB_RIGHT = 7,            SB_ENDSCROLL = 8,            WM_PAINT = 0x000F        }        public enum WindowMessages : int        {            WM_NULL = 0x0000,            WM_CREATE = 0x0001,            WM_DESTROY = 0x0002,            WM_MOVE = 0x0003,            WM_SIZE = 0x0005,            WM_ACTIVATE = 0x0006,            WM_SETFOCUS = 0x0007,            WM_KILLFOCUS = 0x0008,            WM_ENABLE = 0x000A,            WM_SETREDRAW = 0x000B,            WM_SETTEXT = 0x000C,            WM_GETTEXT = 0x000D,            WM_GETTEXTLENGTH = 0x000E,            WM_PAINT = 0x000F,            WM_CLOSE = 0x0010,            WM_QUERYENDSESSION = 0x0011,            WM_QUIT = 0x0012,            WM_QUERYOPEN = 0x0013,            WM_ERASEBKGND = 0x0014,            WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE = 0x0015,            WM_ENDSESSION = 0x0016,            WM_SHOWWINDOW = 0x0018,            WM_CTLCOLOR = 0x0019,            WM_WININICHANGE = 0x001A,            WM_SETTINGCHANGE = 0x001A,            WM_DEVMODECHANGE = 0x001B,            WM_ACTIVATEAPP = 0x001C,            WM_FONTCHANGE = 0x001D,            WM_TIMECHANGE = 0x001E,            WM_CANCELMODE = 0x001F,            WM_SETCURSOR = 0x0020,            WM_MOUSEACTIVATE = 0x0021,            WM_CHILDACTIVATE = 0x0022,            WM_QUEUESYNC = 0x0023,            WM_GETMINMAXINFO = 0x0024,            WM_PAINTICON = 0x0026,            WM_ICONERASEBKGND = 0x0027,            WM_NEXTDLGCTL = 0x0028,            WM_SPOOLERSTATUS = 0x002A,            WM_DRAWITEM = 0x002B,            WM_MEASUREITEM = 0x002C,            WM_DELETEITEM = 0x002D,            WM_VKEYTOITEM = 0x002E,            WM_CHARTOITEM = 0x002F,            WM_SETFONT = 0x0030,            WM_GETFONT = 0x0031,            WM_SETHOTKEY = 0x0032,            WM_GETHOTKEY = 0x0033,            WM_QUERYDRAGICON = 0x0037,            WM_COMPAREITEM = 0x0039,            WM_GETOBJECT = 0x003D,            WM_COMPACTING = 0x0041,            WM_COMMNOTIFY = 0x0044,            WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING = 0x0046,            WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED = 0x0047,            WM_POWER = 0x0048,            WM_COPYDATA = 0x004A,            WM_CANCELJOURNAL = 0x004B,            WM_NOTIFY = 0x004E,            WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST = 0x0050,            WM_INPUTLANGCHANGE = 0x0051,            WM_TCARD = 0x0052,            WM_HELP = 0x0053,            WM_USERCHANGED = 0x0054,            WM_NOTIFYFORMAT = 0x0055,            WM_CONTEXTMENU = 0x007B,            WM_STYLECHANGING = 0x007C,            WM_STYLECHANGED = 0x007D,            WM_DISPLAYCHANGE = 0x007E,            WM_GETICON = 0x007F,            WM_SETICON = 0x0080,            WM_NCCREATE = 0x0081,            WM_NCDESTROY = 0x0082,            WM_NCCALCSIZE = 0x0083,            WM_NCHITTEST = 0x0084,            WM_NCPAINT = 0x0085,            WM_NCACTIVATE = 0x0086,            WM_GETDLGCODE = 0x0087,            WM_SYNCPAINT = 0x0088,            WM_NCMOUSEMOVE = 0x00A0,            WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = 0x00A1,            WM_NCLBUTTONUP = 0x00A2,            WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x00A3,            WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN = 0x00A4,            WM_NCRBUTTONUP = 0x00A5,            WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x00A6,            WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN = 0x00A7,            WM_NCMBUTTONUP = 0x00A8,            WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x00A9,            WM_KEYDOWN = 0x0100,            WM_KEYUP = 0x0101,            WM_CHAR = 0x0102,            WM_DEADCHAR = 0x0103,            WM_SYSKEYDOWN = 0x0104,            WM_SYSKEYUP = 0x0105,            WM_SYSCHAR = 0x0106,            WM_SYSDEADCHAR = 0x0107,            WM_KEYLAST = 0x0108,            WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION = 0x010D,            WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION = 0x010E,            WM_IME_COMPOSITION = 0x010F,            WM_IME_KEYLAST = 0x010F,            WM_INITDIALOG = 0x0110,            WM_COMMAND = 0x0111,            WM_SYSCOMMAND = 0x0112,            WM_TIMER = 0x0113,            WM_HSCROLL = 0x0114,            WM_VSCROLL = 0x0115,            WM_INITMENU = 0x0116,            WM_INITMENUPOPUP = 0x0117,            WM_MENUSELECT = 0x011F,            WM_MENUCHAR = 0x0120,            WM_ENTERIDLE = 0x0121,            WM_MENURBUTTONUP = 0x0122,            WM_MENUDRAG = 0x0123,            WM_MENUGETOBJECT = 0x0124,            WM_UNINITMENUPOPUP = 0x0125,            WM_MENUCOMMAND = 0x0126,            WM_CTLCOLORMSGBOX = 0x0132,            WM_CTLCOLOREDIT = 0x0133,            WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX = 0x0134,            WM_CTLCOLORBTN = 0x0135,            WM_CTLCOLORDLG = 0x0136,            WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR = 0x0137,            WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC = 0x0138,            WM_MOUSEMOVE = 0x0200,            WM_LBUTTONDOWN = 0x0201,            WM_LBUTTONUP = 0x0202,            WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0203,            WM_RBUTTONDOWN = 0x0204,            WM_RBUTTONUP = 0x0205,            WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0206,            WM_MBUTTONDOWN = 0x0207,            WM_MBUTTONUP = 0x0208,            WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK = 0x0209,            WM_MOUSEWHEEL = 0x020A,            WM_PARENTNOTIFY = 0x0210,            WM_ENTERMENULOOP = 0x0211,            WM_EXITMENULOOP = 0x0212,            WM_NEXTMENU = 0x0213,            WM_SIZING = 0x0214,            WM_CAPTURECHANGED = 0x0215,            WM_MOVING = 0x0216,            WM_DEVICECHANGE = 0x0219,            WM_MDICREATE = 0x0220,            WM_MDIDESTROY = 0x0221,            WM_MDIACTIVATE = 0x0222,            WM_MDIRESTORE = 0x0223,            WM_MDINEXT = 0x0224,            WM_MDIMAXIMIZE = 0x0225,            WM_MDITILE = 0x0226,            WM_MDICASCADE = 0x0227,            WM_MDIICONARRANGE = 0x0228,            WM_MDIGETACTIVE = 0x0229,            WM_MDISETMENU = 0x0230,            WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE = 0x0231,            WM_EXITSIZEMOVE = 0x0232,            WM_DROPFILES = 0x0233,            WM_MDIREFRESHMENU = 0x0234,            WM_IME_SETCONTEXT = 0x0281,            WM_IME_NOTIFY = 0x0282,            WM_IME_CONTROL = 0x0283,            WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL = 0x0284,            WM_IME_SELECT = 0x0285,            WM_IME_CHAR = 0x0286,            WM_IME_REQUEST = 0x0288,            WM_IME_KEYDOWN = 0x0290,            WM_IME_KEYUP = 0x0291,            WM_MOUSEHOVER = 0x02A1,            WM_MOUSELEAVE = 0x02A3,            WM_CUT = 0x0300,            WM_COPY = 0x0301,            WM_PASTE = 0x0302,            WM_CLEAR = 0x0303,            WM_UNDO = 0x0304,            WM_RENDERFORMAT = 0x0305,            WM_RENDERALLFORMATS = 0x0306,            WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD = 0x0307,            WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD = 0x0308,            WM_PAINTCLIPBOARD = 0x0309,            WM_VSCROLLCLIPBOARD = 0x030A,            WM_SIZECLIPBOARD = 0x030B,            WM_ASKCBFORMATNAME = 0x030C,            WM_CHANGECBCHAIN = 0x030D,            WM_HSCROLLCLIPBOARD = 0x030E,            WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE = 0x030F,            WM_PALETTEISCHANGING = 0x0310,            WM_PALETTECHANGED = 0x0311,            WM_HOTKEY = 0x0312,            WM_PRINT = 0x0317,            WM_PRINTCLIENT = 0x0318,            WM_HANDHELDFIRST = 0x0358,            WM_HANDHELDLAST = 0x035F,            WM_AFXFIRST = 0x0360,            WM_AFXLAST = 0x037F,            WM_PENWINFIRST = 0x0380,            WM_PENWINLAST = 0x038F,            WM_APP = 0x8000,            WM_USER = 0x0400,            WM_REFLECT = WM_USER + 0x1c00        }        //define the window menu message.        public enum WindowMenuMessage : int        {            SC_SIZE = 0xF000,            SC_MOVE = 0xF010,            SC_MINIMIZE = 0xF020,            SC_MAXIMIZE = 0xF030,            SC_NEXTWINDOW = 0xF040,            SC_PREVWINDOW = 0xF050,            SC_CLOSE = 0xF060,            SC_VSCROLL = 0xF070,            SC_HSCROLL = 0xF080,            SC_MOUSEMENU = 0xF090,            SC_KEYMENU = 0xF100,            SC_ARRANGE = 0xF110,            SC_RESTORE = 0xF120,            SC_TASKLIST = 0xF130,            SC_SCREENSAVE = 0xF140,            SC_HOTKEY = 0xF150,            SC_DEFAULT = 0xF160,            SC_MONITORPOWER = 0xF170,            SC_CONTEXTHELP = 0xF180,            SC_SEPARATOR = 0xF00F        }        /// <summary>        /// Defines the style bits that a window can have        /// </summary>        public enum WindowStyles : uint        {            WS_BORDER = 0x800000,            WS_CAPTION = 0xC00000,//               '  WS_BORDER Or WS_DLGFRAME            WS_CHILD = 0x40000000,            WS_CHILDWINDOW = (WS_CHILD),            WS_CLIPCHILDREN = 0x2000000,            WS_CLIPSIBLINGS = 0x4000000,            WS_DISABLED = 0x8000000,            WS_DLGFRAME = 0x400000,            WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES = 0x10,            WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME = 0x1,            WS_EX_NOPARENTNOTIFY = 0x4,            WS_EX_TOPMOST = 0x8,            WS_EX_TRANSPARENT = 0x20,            WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW = 0x80,            WS_EX_APPWINDOW = 0x40000,            WS_GROUP = 0x20000,            WS_HSCROLL = 0x100000,            WS_MAXIMIZE = 0x1000000,            WS_MAXIMIZEBOX = 0x10000,            WS_MINIMIZE = 0x20000000,            WS_MINIMIZEBOX = 0x20000,            WS_OVERLAPPED = 0x0,            WS_POPUP = 0x80000000,            WS_SYSMENU = 0x80000,            WS_TABSTOP = 0x10000,            WS_THICKFRAME = 0x40000,            WS_VISIBLE = 0x10000000,            WS_VSCROLL = 0x200000,            WS_ICONIC = WS_MINIMIZE,            WS_POPUPWINDOW = (WS_POPUP | WS_BORDER | WS_SYSMENU),            WS_SIZEBOX = WS_THICKFRAME,            WS_TILED = WS_OVERLAPPED,            WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW = (WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | WS_THICKFRAME | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_MAXIMIZEBOX)        }        public struct WindowInfo        {            public int size;            public Rectangle window;            public Rectangle client;            public int style;            public int exStyle;            public int windowStatus;            public uint xWindowBorders;            public uint yWindowBorders;            public short atomWindowtype;            public short creatorVersion;        }        public struct WindowPlacement        {            public int length;            public int flags;            public int showCmd;            public Point minPosition;            public Point maxPosition;            public Rectangle normalPosition;        }        public struct Rect        {            public int left;            public int top;            public int right;            public int bottom;            public int Width            {                get                {                    return right - left;                }            }            public int Height            {                get                {                    return bottom - top;                }            }        }        //constant for IACC.        public enum IACC : int        {            //constant for MSAA interface.            OBJID_WINDOW = 0,            OBJID_CLIENT = -4,        }        public delegate bool EnumWindowEventHandler(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 lParam);        [DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "GetCursorPos")]        public static extern int GetCursorPos(ref POINT lpPoint);        //public static unsafe extern int GetCursorPos(POINT* lpPoint);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public extern static void mouse_event(int dwFlags, int dx, int dy, int dwData, IntPtr dwExtraInfo);        [DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "SetCursorPos")]        public static extern bool SetCursorPos(int x, int y);        [DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "WindowFromPoint")]        public static extern IntPtr WindowFromPoint(int xPoint, int yPoint);        [DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "FindWindow")]        public static extern IntPtr FindWindow(string lpClassName, string lpWindowName);        [DllImport("user32.dll", EntryPoint = "FindWindowEx")]        public static extern IntPtr FindWindowEx(IntPtr hwndParent, IntPtr hwndChildAfter, string lpszClass, string lpszWindow);        //GUID of IAccessible interface        public static Guid IACCUID = new Guid("618736e0-3c3d-11cf-810c-00aa00389b71");        [DllImport("oleacc.dll")]        public static extern uint GetStateText(uint dwStateBit, [Out] StringBuilder lpszStateBit, uint cchStateBitMax);        [DllImport("oleacc.dll")]        public static extern uint GetRoleText(uint dwRole, [Out] StringBuilder lpszRole, uint cchRoleMax);        [DllImport("oleacc.dll")]        public static extern IntPtr AccessibleObjectFromPoint(POINT pt, [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out IAccessible accObj, [Out] out object ChildID);        [DllImport("oleacc.dll", ExactSpelling = true, PreserveSig = false)]        [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)]        public static extern object AccessibleObjectFromWindow(IntPtr hwnd, int dwObjectID, ref Guid riid, ref IAccessible ppvObject);        [DllImport("Oleacc.dll")]        public static extern int AccessibleChildren(IAccessible paccContainer, int iChildStart, int cChildren, [Out] object[] rgvarChildren, out int pcObtained);        [DllImport("oleacc.dll", PreserveSig = false)]        [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)]        public static extern object ObjectFromLresult(UIntPtr lResult,             [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] Guid refiid, IntPtr wParam);        [DllImport("oleacc.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]        public  static extern Int32 ObjectFromLresult(Int32 lResult, ref Guid riid, Int32 wParam, out IHTMLDocument2 ppvObject);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern int GetWindowModuleFileName(IntPtr hWnd, StringBuilder lpString, int nMaxCount);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern int SetWindowPos(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr hWndInsertAfter, int X, int Y, int cx, int cy, uint uFlags);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern bool MoveWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int X, int Y, int nWidth, int nHeight, bool bRepaint);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern bool GetWindowPlacement(IntPtr window, ref WindowPlacement position);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public static extern int RegisterWindowMessage(string message);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public static extern void EnumWindows(EnumWindowEventHandler callback, Int32 lParam);        //[DllImport("User32.dll")]        //public static extern Int32 GetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, StringBuilder lpString, Int32 nMaxCount);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public static extern bool IsWindowVisible(IntPtr hWnd);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public static extern Int32 GetWindow(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 wCmd);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public static extern bool PrintWindow(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr hDC, uint nFlags);        //[DllImport("User32.dll")]        //public static extern WindowStyles GetWindowLong(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 index);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public static extern IntPtr GetParent(IntPtr hWnd);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public static extern int GetClassName(IntPtr hWnd, StringBuilder lpClassName, int nMaxCount);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public static extern int GetWindowText(IntPtr hWnd, StringBuilder lpString, int nMaxCount);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public static extern WindowStyles GetWindowLong(IntPtr hWnd, int index);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public static extern int SendMessageTimeout(IntPtr hWnd, int uMsg, int wParam, int lParam, int fuFlags, int uTimeout, out UIntPtr lpdwResult);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public static extern int GetClassLong(IntPtr hWnd, int index);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public static extern int GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, out int processId);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public unsafe static extern UInt32 SendInput(UInt32 nInputs, INPUT* pInputs, int cbSize);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public static extern UInt32 SendInput(UInt32 nInputs, INPUT[] pInputs, int cbSize);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public static extern int SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int uMsg, int wParam, int lParam);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public static extern int SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int Msg, IntPtr wParam, string lParam);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public static extern int PostMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int uMsg, int wParam, int lParam);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public static extern void SwitchToThisWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int altTabActivated);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public static extern int ShowWindowAsync(IntPtr hWnd, int command);        [DllImport("User32.dll")]        public static extern bool ShowWindow(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern IntPtr GetDesktopWindow();        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern bool BringWindowToTop(IntPtr window);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern bool GetWindowInfo(IntPtr hwnd, ref WindowInfo info);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern IntPtr GetWindowDC(IntPtr hwnd);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern IntPtr GetDC(IntPtr hwnd);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern Int32 ReleaseDC(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr hdc);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern bool GetWindowRect(IntPtr hwnd, ref Rect rectangle);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern bool GetClientRect(IntPtr hwnd, ref Rect rectangle);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern IntPtr GetMessageExtraInfo();        //[DllImport("user32.dll")]        //public static extern IntPtr WindowFromPoint(Point pt);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern IntPtr SetCapture(IntPtr hWnd);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern int ReleaseCapture();        //[DllImport("user32.dll")]        //public static extern IntPtr SelectObject(IntPtr hDc, IntPtr hObject);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern IntPtr GetStockObject(int nObject);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern int InvalidateRect(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr lpRect, int bErase);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern int UpdateWindow(IntPtr hWnd);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern int RedrawWindow(IntPtr hWnd, IntPtr lprcUpdate, IntPtr hrgnUpdate, uint flags);        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern IntPtr GetActiveWindow();        [DllImport("user32.dll")]        public static extern IntPtr SetActiveWindow(IntPtr hWnd);        #endregion Windows        #region GDI - gdi32.dll        public enum BinaryRasterOperations        {            R2_BLACK = 1,   /*  0       */            R2_NOTMERGEPEN = 2,   /* DPon     */            R2_MASKNOTPEN = 3,   /* DPna     */            R2_NOTCOPYPEN = 4,   /* PN       */            R2_MASKPENNOT = 5,   /* PDna     */            R2_NOT = 6,   /* Dn       */            R2_XORPEN = 7,   /* DPx      */            R2_NOTMASKPEN = 8,   /* DPan     */            R2_MASKPEN = 9,   /* DPa      */            R2_NOTXORPEN = 10,  /* DPxn     */            R2_NOP = 11,  /* D        */            R2_MERGENOTPEN = 12,  /* DPno     */            R2_COPYPEN = 13,  /* P        */            R2_MERGEPENNOT = 14,  /* PDno     */            R2_MERGEPEN = 15,  /* DPo      */            R2_WHITE = 16,  /*  1       */            R2_LAST = 16        }        public enum TernaryRasterOperations        {            SRCCOPY = 0x00CC0020, /* dest = source                   */            SRCPAINT = 0x00EE0086, /* dest = source OR dest           */            SRCAND = 0x008800C6, /* dest = source AND dest          */            SRCINVERT = 0x00660046, /* dest = source XOR dest          */            SRCERASE = 0x00440328, /* dest = source AND (NOT dest )   */            NOTSRCCOPY = 0x00330008, /* dest = (NOT source)             */            NOTSRCERASE = 0x001100A6, /* dest = (NOT src) AND (NOT dest) */            MERGECOPY = 0x00C000CA, /* dest = (source AND pattern)     */            MERGEPAINT = 0x00BB0226, /* dest = (NOT source) OR dest     */            PATCOPY = 0x00F00021, /* dest = pattern                  */            PATPAINT = 0x00FB0A09, /* dest = DPSnoo                   */            PATINVERT = 0x005A0049, /* dest = pattern XOR dest         */            DSTINVERT = 0x00550009, /* dest = (NOT dest)               */            BLACKNESS = 0x00000042, /* dest = BLACK                    */            WHITENESS = 0x00FF0062 /* dest = WHITE                    */        }        public const int SRCCOPY = 0x00CC0020;        [DllImport("gdi32.dll")]        public static extern bool BitBlt(IntPtr hdcDst, int xDst, int yDst, int cx, int cy, IntPtr hdcSrc, int xSrc, int ySrc, uint ulRop);        [DllImport("gdi32.dll")]        public static extern bool StretchBlt(IntPtr hdcDst, int xDst, int yDst, int cx, int cy, IntPtr hdcSrc, int xSrc, int ySrc, int cxSrc, int cySrc, uint ulRop);        [DllImport("gdi32.dll")]        public static extern IntPtr CreateDC(IntPtr lpszDriver, string lpszDevice, IntPtr lpszOutput, IntPtr lpInitData);        [DllImport("gdi32.dll")]        public static extern IntPtr DeleteDC(IntPtr hdc);        [DllImport("gdi32.dll")]        public static extern IntPtr CreateCompatibleBitmap(IntPtr hDC, int nWidth, int nHeight);        [DllImport("gdi32.dll")]        public static extern IntPtr CreateCompatibleDC(IntPtr hDC);        [DllImport("gdi32.dll")]        public static extern bool DeleteObject(IntPtr hObject);        [DllImport("gdi32.dll")]        public static extern IntPtr SelectObject(IntPtr hDC, IntPtr hObject);        #endregion        #region Shlwapi.dll        [DllImport("Shlwapi.dll")]        public static extern string PathGetArgs(string path);        public static string SafePathGetArgs(string path)        {            try            {                return WinApi.PathGetArgs(path);            }            catch (System.Exception) { }            return string.Empty;        }        [DllImport("Shlwapi.dll")]        public static extern int PathCompactPathEx(            System.Text.StringBuilder pszOut, /* Address of the string that has been altered */            System.Text.StringBuilder pszSrc, /* Pointer to a null-terminated string of max length (MAX_PATH) that contains the path to be altered */            uint cchMax,  /* Maximum number of chars to be contained in the new string, including the null character. Example: cchMax = 8, then 7 chars will be returned, the last for the null character. */            uint dwFlags);  /* Reserved */        public static string PathCompactPathEx(string source, uint maxChars)        {            StringBuilder pszOut = new StringBuilder((int)WinApi.MAX_PATH);            StringBuilder pszSrc = new StringBuilder(source);            int result = WinApi.PathCompactPathEx(pszOut, pszSrc, maxChars, (uint)0);            if (result == 1)                return pszOut.ToString();            else            {                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Win32.PathCompactPathEx failed to compact the path '" + source + "' down to '" + maxChars + "' characters.");                return string.Empty;            }        }        #endregion        #region Hotkeys        [Flags()]        public enum HotkeyModifiers        {            MOD_ALT = 0x0001,            MOD_CONTROL = 0x0002,            MOD_SHIFT = 0x0004,            MOD_WIN = 0x0008        }        [DllImport("User32")]        public static extern int RegisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id, uint modifiers, uint virtualkeyCode);        [DllImport("User32")]        public static extern int UnregisterHotKey(IntPtr hWnd, int id);        [DllImport("Kernel32")]        public static extern short GlobalAddAtom(string atomName);        [DllImport("Kernel32")]        public static extern short GlobalDeleteAtom(short atom);        #endregion        [DllImport("User32")]        public static extern int LockWindowUpdate(IntPtr windowHandle);        public static short MAKEWORD(byte a, byte b)        {            return ((short)(((byte)(a & 0xff)) | ((short)((byte)(b & 0xff))) << 8));        }        public static byte LOBYTE(short a)        {            return ((byte)(a & 0xff));        }        public static byte HIBYTE(short a)        {            return ((byte)(a >> 8));        }        public static int MAKELONG(short a, short b)        {            return (((int)(a & 0xffff)) | (((int)(b & 0xffff)) << 16));        }        public static short HIWORD(int a)        {            return ((short)(a >> 16));        }        public static short LOWORD(int a)        {            return ((short)(a & 0xffff));        }        [DllImport("Kernel32")]        public static extern int CopyFile(string source, string destination, int failIfExists);    }};
