Mac OS X:一些应用软件

来源:互联网 发布:手机港台电视直播软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 01:30

  • MainMenu 1.7.4 - Fix, clean, maintain, and manage your system.
  • SimplyDisk 2.1.1 - Create fully customized disk images.
  • DMGConverter 5.0.4r2 - Disk image (DMG, CDR, ISO) creation and conversion tool.
  • ChangeMAC 1.6 - Spoof your Ethernet or AirPort MAC address.
  • Cocoa Packet Analyzer 0.61 - Network protocol analyzer and packet sniffer.
  • Springy 1.5.4 - Archive/compress: zip, tar, dmg, iso, pax, cpio, gzip, bzip2, z, rar, sit, jar, ear, war.
  • Cache Out X 5.0.2 - Clear caches, swap files, browser history/cache...
  • TinkerTool System 2.0 - Professional all-in-one maintenance tool.
  • The Big Mean Folder Machine 2.0b3 - Split file collections into hierarchies & batches or merge folders together.
  • Cocktail 4.4 - (Leopard Edition) general purpose system modify/repair utility.
  • OnyX 2.0.5b2 - Maintenance, optimization and system personalization tool.
  • atMonitor 1.17.1 - System monitor and process explorer utility.
  • Net Monitor Sidekick 1.2.2 - Monitor local & remote computers' networks by IP/port.

atMonitor is a all in one view of the stateof your system. Once installed, it runs and collects data andstatistics about your system, displaying them in colorful andcustomizable graphs that will display in floating windows or in themenubar. You can set up triggers for threshold values, so you canexecute scripts or perform other functions when the system surpasses adetected level for any measurement.

The measurementsinclude the top 3 most CPU hungry processes, CPU, CPU Temperature, RAM,GPU, GPU Temperature, VRAM, FPS, Disk I/O and Net I/O. In addition, theatMonitor utility has been optimized to use minimal system resources soit should be able to run without any impact on the system.

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