
来源:互联网 发布:三国杀mac版本 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 19:34

第二步:进入VMware的安装目录(比如我的安装目录为:D:/Program Files/VMware/VMware Workstation),在命令提示符后输入"vmware-vdiskmanager",什么参数也不加直接按回车键,可显示这一命令的说明。
第三步:参考说明,执行类似下面的命令:vmware-vdiskmanager -x l6Gb "D:/VMware/WinXP/Windows XP Professional.vmdk" 参数"-X"表示要扩展虚拟机硬盘空间,紧随其后的数字是要扩展的大小(本例为扩展到16GB,这是一个磁盘总量,包含了原先的磁盘容量)。最后是指定要操作的虚拟机磁盘的具体文件,因为路径名中有空格,所以必须以双引号括起来。按回车键开始执行,执行完毕,退出命令提示符窗口,重启VMware,会发现虚拟机硬盘空间已变成16GB了。



1、开始-->运行 输入 cmd

2、set path=d:/vmware/vmware workstation

其中d:/vmware/vmware workstation是VMware的安装路径。

3、切换到ubuntu硬盘的存放目录,我的是存放在F:/ubuntu下。即:cd f:/ubuntu

4、查看当前目录下的*.vmdk文件。使用 dir 命令即可。可以看到你要修改的虚拟机硬盘的文件,我的是ubuntu.vmdk


vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -x 20Gb "ubuntu.vmdk"



     Grow: 100% done


VMware Virtual Disk Manager - build 118166.
Usage: vmware-vdiskmanager.exe OPTIONS <disk-name> | <mount-point>
Offline disk manipulation utility
  Operations, only one may be specified at a time:
     -c                   : create disk.  Additional creation options must
                            be specified.  Only local virtual disks can be
     -d                   : defragment the specified virtual disk. Only
                            local virtual disks may be defragmented.
     -k                   : shrink the specified virtual disk. Only local
                            virtual disks may be shrunk.
     -n <source-disk>     : rename the specified virtual disk; need to
                            specify destination disk-name. Only local virtual
                            disks may be renamed.
     -p                   : prepare the mounted virtual disk specified by
                            the drive-letter for shrinking.
     -r <source-disk>     : convert the specified disk; need to specify
                            destination disk-type.  For local destination disks
                            the disk type must be specified.
     -x <new-capacity>    : expand the disk to the specified capacity. Only
                            local virtual disks may be expanded.
     -R                   : check a sparse virtual disk for consistency and atte
                            to repair any errors.

  Other Options:
     -q                   : do not log messages

  Additional options for create and convert:
     -a <adapter>         : (for use with -c only) adapter type
                            (ide, buslogic or lsilogic)
     -s <size>            : capacity of the virtual disk
     -t <disk-type>       : disk type id

  Options for remote disks:
     -h <hostname>        : hostname of remote server
     -u <username>        : username for remote server
     -f <filename>        : file containing password
     -P <port>            : optional TCP port number (default: 902)
     -S                   : specifies that the source disk is remote, by default

                            the remote options are assumed to refer to the
  Disk types:
      0                   : single growable virtual disk
      1                   : growable virtual disk split in 2GB files
      2                   : preallocated virtual disk
      3                   : preallocated virtual disk split in 2GB files
      4                   : preallocated ESX-type virtual disk
      5                   : compressed disk optimized for streaming

     The capacity can be specified in sectors, KB, MB or GB.
     The acceptable ranges:
                           ide adapter : [1MB, 950.0GB]
                           scsi adapter: [1MB, 950.0GB]


ex 1: vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -c -s 850MB -a ide -t 0 myIdeDisk.vmdk
ex 2: vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -d myDisk.vmdk
ex 3: vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -r sourceDisk.vmdk -t 0 destinationDisk.vm dk
ex 4: vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -x 36GB myDisk.vmdk
ex 5: vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -n sourceName.vmdk destinationName.vmdk
ex 6: vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -r sourceDisk.vmdk -t 4 -h esx-name.mycomp any.com -u username -f passwordfile "[storage1]/path/to/targetDisk.vmdk"
ex 7: vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -k myDisk.vmdk
ex 8: vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -p <mount-point>
       (A virtual disk first needs to be mounted at <mount-point>)



安装所在盘的Program Files/VMware/VMware Workstation下有一个vmware-vdiskmanager.exe,就是它。

Usage: vmware-vdiskmanager.exe OPTIONS <disk-name> | <mount-point>

Offline disk manipulation utility

     -c                   : create disk; need to specify other create options
     -d                   : defragment the specified virtual disk
     -k                   : shrink the specified virtual disk
     -n <source-disk>     : rename the specified virtual disk; need to
                            specify destination disk-name
     -p                   : prepare the mounted virtual disk specified by
                            the drive-letter for shrinking
     -q                   : do not log messages
     -r <source-disk>     : convert the specified disk; need to specify
                            destination disk-type
     -x <new-capacity>    : expand the disk to the specified capacity

     Additional options for create and convert:
        -a <adapter>      : (for use with -c only) adapter type (ide, buslogic o
r lsilogic)
        -s <size>         : capacity of the virtual disk
        -t <disk-type>    : disk type id

     Disk types:
        0                 : single growable virtual disk
        1                 : growable virtual disk split in 2Gb files
        2                 : preallocated virtual disk
        3                 : preallocated virtual disk split in 2Gb files

     The capacity can be specified in sectors, Kb, Mb or Gb.
     The acceptable ranges:
                           ide adapter : [100.0Mb, 950.0Gb]
                           scsi adapter: [100.0Mb, 950.0Gb]

        ex 1: vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -c -s 850Mb -a ide -t 0 myIdeDisk.vmdk
        ex 2: vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -d myDisk.vmdk
        ex 3: vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -r sourceDisk.vmdk -t 0 destinationDisk.vm
        ex 4: vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -x 36Gb myDisk.vmdk
        ex 5: vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -n sourceName.vmdk destinationName.vmdk
        ex 6: vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -k myDisk.vmdk
        ex 7: vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -p <mount-point>
              (A virtual disk first needs to be mounted at <mount-point>)

如这个:vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -x 36Gb myDisk.vmdk


E:/Program Files/VMware/VMware Workstation>set path=%path%;E:/Program Files/VMwa
re/VMware Workstation

E:/Program Files/VMware/VMware Workstation>e:

E:/Program Files/VMware/VMware Workstation>cd E:/VM_Machine

E:/VM_Machine>cd Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition

E:/VM_Machine/Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition>dir *.vmdk

2007/07/20  11:17        1,588,527,104 Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition-s001
2007/07/20  11:17               65,536 Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition-s002
2007/07/20  10:56                  448 Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition.vmdk

E:/VM_Machine/Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition>vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -x 4G
 Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition-s001.vmdk
Diskname or some other argument is missing.

E:/VM_Machine/Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition>vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -x 4G
 "Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition-s001.vmdk"
Using log file C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/1/vmware-Administrator/vdiskma
The file 'Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition-s001.vmdk' appears to be a sub-co
mponent of a virtual disk.
Did you mean 'Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition.vmdk'?
Failed to open disk 'Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition-s001.vmdk' : The file
specified is not a virtual disk (16).

E:/VM_Machine/Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition>vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -x 4G
 "Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition.vmdk"
Using log file C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/1/vmware-Administrator/vdiskma
The specified disk size does not fall within acceptable range.
The acceptable ranges:
                      ide adapter : [100.0Mb, 950.0Gb]
                      scsi adapter: [100.0Mb, 950.0Gb]

E:/VM_Machine/Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition>vmware-vdiskmanager.exe -x 4G
b "Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition.vmdk"
Using log file C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/1/vmware-Administrator/vdiskma
The old geometry C/H/S of the disk is: 261/255/63
The new geometry C/H/S of the disk is: 522/255/63
Disk expansion completed successfully.

WARNING: If the virtual disk is partitioned, you must use a third-party
         utility in the virtual machine to expand the size of the
         partitions. For more information, see:


