The Complete Guide to C++ Strings, Part I - Win32 Character Encodings- By Michael Dunn

来源:互联网 发布:安全教育网络班会主题 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 14:34



You've undoubtedly seen all these various string types like TCHAR, std::string, BSTR,and so on. And then there are those wacky macros starting with _tcs. And you're staring at the screenthinking "wha?" Well stare no more, this guide will outline the purpose of each string type, show somesimple usages, and describe how to convert to other string types when necessary.

In Part I, I will cover the three types of character encodings. It is crucial that you understand howthe encoding schemes work. Even if you already know that a string is an array of characters, read this part. Onceyou've learned this, it will be clearer how the various string classes are related.

In Part II I will describe the string classes themselves, when to use which ones, and how to convert among them.

The basics of characters - ASCII, DBCS, Unicode

All string classes eventually boil down to a C-style string, and C-style strings are arrays of characters, soI'll first cover the character types. There are three encoding schemes and three character types. The first schemeis the single-byte character set, or SBCS. In this encoding scheme, all characters are exactly onebyte long. ASCII is an example of an SBCS. A single zero byte marks the end of a SBCS string.

The second scheme is the multi-byte character set, or MBCS. An MBCS encoding contains some charactersthat are one byte long, and others that are more than one byte long. The MBCS schemes used in Windows contain twocharacter types, single-byte characters and double-byte characters. Since the largest multi-bytecharacter used in Windows is two bytes long, the term double-byte character set, or DBCS, is commonlyused in place of MBCS.

In a DBCS encoding, certain values are reserved to indicate that they are part of a double-byte character. Forexample, in the Shift-JIS encoding (a commonly-used Japanese scheme), values 0x81-0x9F and 0xE0-0xFC mean "thisis a double-byte character, and the next byte is part of this character." Such values are called "leadbytes," and are always greater than 0x7F. The byte following a lead byte is called the "trailbyte." In DBCS, the trail byte can be any non-zero value. Just as in SBCS, the end of a DBCS string is markedby a single zero byte.

The third scheme is Unicode. Unicode is an encoding standard in which all characters are two bytes long.Unicode characters are sometimes called wide characters because they are wider (use more storage)than single-byte characters. Note that Unicode is not considered an MBCS - the distinguishing feature of an MBCSencoding is that characters are of different lengths. A Unicode string is terminated by two zero bytes (the encodingof the value 0 in a wide character).

Single-byte characters are the Latin alphabet, accented characters, and graphics defined in the ASCII standardand DOS operating system. Double-byte characters are used in East Asian and Middle Eastern languages. Unicode isused in COM and internally in Windows NT.

You're certainly already familiar with single-byte characters. When you use the char data type,you are dealing with single-byte characters. Double-byte characters are also manipulated using the chardata type (which is the first of many oddities that we'll encounter with double-byte characters). Unicode charactersare represented by the wchar_t type. Unicode character and string literals are written by prefixingthe literal with L, for example:

Collapse code snippet
  wchar_t  wch = L'1';      // 2 bytes, 0x0031

wchar_t* wsz = L"Hello"; // 12 bytes, 6 wide characters

How characters are stored in memory

Single-byte strings are stored one character after the next, with a single zero byte marking the end of thestring. So for example, "Bob" is stored as:










The Unicode version, L"Bob", is stored as:


42 00

6F 00

62 00

00 00





with the character 0x0000 (the Unicode encoding of zero) marking the end.

DBCS strings look like SBCS strings at first glance, but we will see later that there are subtleties that makea difference when using string manipulating functions and traversing through the string with a pointer. The string"" ("nihongo")is stored as follows (with lead bytes and trail bytes indicated by LB and TB respectively):


93 FA

96 7B








Keep in mind that the value of "ni" is not interpreted as the WORD value 0xFA93. Thetwo values 93 and FA, in that order, together encode the character "ni".(So on a big-endian CPU, the bytes would still be in the order shown above.)

Using string handling functions

We've all seen the C string functions like strcpy(), sprintf(), atol(),etc. These functions must be used only with single-byte strings. The standard library also has versionsfor use with only Unicode strings, such as wcscpy(), swprintf(), _wtol().

Microsoft also added versions to their CRT (C runtime library) that operate on DBCS strings. The strxxx()functions have corresponding DBCS versions named _mbsxxx(). If you ever expect to encounter DBCS strings(and you will if your software is ever installed on Japanese, Chinese, or other language that uses DBCS), you shouldalways use the _mbsxxx() functions, since they also accept SBCS strings. (A DBCS string mightcontain only one-byte characters, so that's why _mbsxxx() functions work with SBCS strings too.)

Let's look at a typical string to illustrate the need for the different versions of the string handling functions.Going back to our Unicode string L"Bob":


42 00

6F 00

62 00

00 00





Because x86 CPUs are little-endian, the value 0x0042 is stored in memory as 42 00. Can you seethe problem here if this string were passed to strlen()? It would see the first byte 42,then 00, which to it means "end of the string," and it would return 1. The converse situation,passing "Bob" to wcslen(), is even worse. wcslen() would firstsee 0x6F42, then 0x0062, and then keep on reading past the end of your buffer until it happened to hit a 0000 sequence or cause a GPF.

So we've covered the usage of strxxx() versus wcsxxx(). What about strxxx()versus _mbsxxx()? The difference there is extremely important, and has to do with the properway of traversing through DBCS strings. I will cover traversing strings next, then return to the subject of strxxx()versus _mbsxxx().

Traversing and indexing into strings properly

Since most of us grew up using SBCS strings, we're used to using the ++ and -- operatorson a pointer to traverse through a string. We've also used array notation to access any character in the string.Both these methods work perfectly well with SBCS and Unicode strings, because all characters are the same lengthand the compiler can properly return the character we're asking for.

However, you must break those habits for your code to work properly when it encounters DBCS strings.There are two rules for traversing through a DBCS string using a pointer. Breaking these rules will cause almostall of your DBCS-related bugs.

1. Don't traverse forwards with ++ unless you check for lead bytes along the way.

2. Never traverse backwards using --.

I'll illustrate rule 2 first, since it's easy to find a non-contrived example of code that breaks it. Say youhave a program that stores a config file in its own directory, and you keep the install directory in the registry.At runtime, you read the install directory, tack on the config filename, and try to read it. So if you installto C:/Program Files/MyCoolApp, the filename that gets constructed is C:/Program Files/MyCoolApp/config.bin,and it works perfectly when you test it.

Now, imagine this is your code that constructs the filename:

bool GetConfigFileName ( char* pszName, size_t nBuffSize )
char szConfigFilename[MAX_PATH];

// Read install dir from registry... we'll assume it succeeds.

// Add on a backslash if it wasn't present in the registry value.

// First, get a pointer to the terminating zero.

char* pLastChar = strchr ( szConfigFilename, '/0' );

// Now move it back one character.


if ( *pLastChar != '//' )
strcat ( szConfigFilename, "//" );

// Add on the name of the config file.
strcat ( szConfigFilename, "
config.bin" );

// If the caller's buffer is big enough, return the filename.
if ( strlen ( szConfigFilename ) >= nBuffSize )
return false;
strcpy ( pszName, szConfigFilename );
return true;

This is very defensive code, yet it will break with particular DBCS characters. To see why, suppose a Japaneseuser gets hold of your program and changes the install directory to C:/. Here is that directory name as stored in memory:





83 88

83 45

83 52

83 5C














When GetConfigFileName() checks for the trailing backslash, it looks at the last non-zero byteof the install directory, sees that it equals '//', and doesn't append another slash. The result isthat the code returns the wrong filename.

So what went wrong? Look at the two bytes above highlighted in blue. The value of the backslash character is0x5C. The value of ''is 83 5C. (The light bulb should be going on just about now...) The above code mistakenlyread a trail byte and treated it as a character of its own.

The correct way to traverse backwards is to use functions that are aware of DBCS characters and move the pointerthe correct number of bytes. Here is the correct code, with the pointer movement shown in red:

bool FixedGetConfigFileName ( char* pszName, size_t nBuffSize )
char szConfigFilename[MAX_PATH];

// Read install dir from registry... we'll assume it succeeds.

// Add on a backslash if it wasn't present in the registry value.

// First, get a pointer to the terminating zero.

char* pLastChar = _mbschr ( szConfigFilename, '/0' );

// Now move it back one double-byte character.

pLastChar = CharPrev ( szConfigFilename, pLastChar );

if ( *pLastChar != '//' )
_mbscat ( szConfigFilename, "//" );

// Add on the name of the config file.
_mbscat ( szConfigFilename, "
config.bin" );

// If the caller's buffer is big enough, return the filename.
if ( _mbslen ( szInstallDir ) >= nBuffSize )
return false;
_mbscpy ( pszName, szConfigFilename );
return true;

This fixed function uses the CharPrev() API to move pLastChar back one character,which might be two bytes long if the string ends in a double-byte character. In this version, the if conditionworks properly, since a lead byte will never equal 0x5C.

You can probably imagine a way to break rule 1 now. For example, you might validate a filename entered by theuser by looking for multiple occurrences of the character ':'. If you use ++ to traversethe string instead of CharNext(), you may incorrectly generate errors if there happen to be trailbytes whose values equal that of ':'.

Related to rule 2 is this one about using array indexes:

2a. Never calculate an index into a string using subtraction.

Code that breaks this rule is very similar to code that breaks rule 2. For example, if pLastCharwere set this way:

char* pLastChar = &szConfigFilename [strlen(szConfigFilename) - 1];

it would break in exactly the same situations, because subtracting 1 in the index expression is equivalent tomoving backwards 1 byte, which breaks rule 2.

Back to strxxx() versus _mbsxxx()

It should be clear now why the _mbsxxx() functions are necessary. The strxxx() functionsknow nothing of DBCS characters, while _mbsxxx() do. If you called strrchr("C://", '//') thereturn value would be wrong, whereas _mbsrchr() will recognize the double-byte characters at the end,and return a pointer to the last actual backslash.

One final point about string functions: the strxxx() and _mbsxxx() functions thattake or return a length return the length in chars. So if a string contains three double-byte characters,_mbslen() will return 6. The Unicode functions return lengths in wchar_ts, so for example,wcslen(L"Bob") returns 3.

MBCS and Unicode in the Win32 API

The two sets of APIs

Although you might never have noticed, every API and message in Win32 that deals with strings has two versions.One version accepts MCBS strings, and the other Unicode strings. For example, there is no API called SetWindowText();instead, there are SetWindowTextA() and SetWindowTextW(). The A suffix (for ANSI) indicatesthe MBCS function, while the W suffix (for wide) indicates the Unicode version.

When you build a Windows program, you can elect to use either the MBCS or Unicode APIs. If you've used the VCAppWizards and never touched the preprocessor settings, you've been using the MBCS versions all along. So how isit that we can write "SetWindowText" when there isn't an API by that name? The winuser.h header filecontains some #defines, like this:

BOOL WINAPI SetWindowTextA ( HWND hWnd, LPCSTR lpString );
BOOL WINAPI SetWindowTextW ( HWND hWnd, LPCWSTR lpString );

#ifdef UNICODE
#define SetWindowText SetWindowTextW
#define SetWindowText SetWindowTextA

When building for the MBCS APIs, UNICODE is not defined, so the preprocessor sees:

#define SetWindowText  SetWindowTextA

and replaces calls to SetWindowText() with calls to the real API, SetWindowTextA().(Note that you can, if you wanted to, call SetWindowTextA() or SetWindowTextW() directly,although you'd rarely need to do that.)

So, if you want to switch to using the Unicode APIs by default, you can go to the preprocessor settings andremove the _MBCS symbol from the list of predefined symbols, and add UNICODE and _UNICODE.(You should define both, as different headers use different symbols.) However, you will run into a snag if you'vebeen using plain char for your strings. Consider this code:

HWND hwnd = GetSomeWindowHandle();
char szNewText[] = "we love Bob!";

SetWindowText ( hwnd, szNewText );

After the compiler replaces "SetWindowText" with "SetWindowTextW", the code becomes:

HWND hwnd = GetSomeWindowHandle();
char szNewText[] = "we love Bob!";

SetWindowTextW ( hwnd, szNewText );

See the problem here? We're passing a single-byte string to a function that takes a Unicode string. The firstsolution to this problem is to use #ifdefs around the definition of the string variable:

HWND hwnd = GetSomeWindowHandle();
#ifdef UNICODE
wchar_t szNewText[] = L"we love Bob!";
char szNewText[] = "we love Bob!";
SetWindowText ( hwnd, szNewText );

You can probably imagine the headache you'd get having to do that around every string in your code. The solutionto this is the TCHAR.

TCHAR to the rescue!

TCHAR is a character type that lets you use the same codebase for both MBCS and Unicode builds,without putting messy #defines all over your code. A definition of the TCHAR looks likethis:

#ifdef UNICODE
typedef wchar_t TCHAR;
typedef char TCHAR;

So a TCHAR is a char in MBCS builds, and a wchar_t in Unicode builds.There is also a macro _T() to deal with the L prefix needed for Unicode string literals:

#ifdef UNICODE
#define _T(x) L##x
#define _T(x) x

The ## is a preprocessor operator that pastes the two arguments together. Whenever you have a stringliteral in your code, use the _T macro on it, and it will have the L prefix added onwhen you do a Unicode build.

TCHAR szNewText[] = _T("we love Bob!");

Just as there are macros to hide the SetWindowTextA/W details, there are also macrosthat you can use in place of the strxxx() and _mbsxxx() string functions. For example,you can use the _tcsrchr macro in place of strrchr() or _mbsrchr() or wcsrchr()._tcsrchr expands to the right function based on whether you have the _MBCS or UNICODEsymbol defined, just like SetWindowText does.

It's not just the strxxx() functions that have TCHAR macros. There are also, for example,_stprintf (replaces sprintf() and swprintf()) and _tfopen (replacesfopen() and _wfopen()). The full list of macros is in MSDN under the title "Generic-TextRoutine Mappings."

String and TCHAR typedefs

Since the Win32 API documentation lists functions by their common names (for example, "SetWindowText"),all strings are given in terms of TCHARs. (The exception to this is Unicode-only APIs introduced inXP.) Here are the commonly-used typedefs that you will see in MSDN:



Meaning in MBCS builds

Meaning in Unicode builds





zero-terminated string of char (char*)

zero-terminated string of char (char*)


constant zero-terminated string of char (const char*)

constant zero-terminated string of char (const char*)


zero-terminated Unicode string (wchar_t*)

zero-terminated Unicode string (wchar_t*)


constant zero-terminated Unicode string (const wchar_t*)

constant zero-terminated Unicode string (const wchar_t*)





zero-terminated string of TCHAR (TCHAR*)

zero-terminated string of TCHAR (TCHAR*)


constant zero-terminated string of TCHAR (const TCHAR*)

constant zero-terminated string of TCHAR (const TCHAR*)

When to use TCHAR and Unicode

So, after all this, you're probably wondering, "So why would I use Unicode? I've gotten by with plain charsfor years." There are three cases where a Unicode build is beneficial:

  1. Your program will run only on Windows NT.
  2. Your program needs to handle filenames longer than MAX_PATH characters.
  3. Your program uses some newer APIs introduced with Windows XP that do not have the separate A/W versions.

The vast majority of Unicode APIs are not implemented on Windows 9x, so if you intend your program to be runon 9x, you'll have to stick with the MBCS APIs. (There is a relatively new library from Microsoft called the MicrosoftLayer for Unicode that lets you use Unicode on 9x, however I have not tried it myself yet, so I can't comment onhow well it works.) However, since NT uses Unicode for everything internally, you will speed up your program byusing the Unicode APIs. Every time you pass a string to an MBCS API, the operating system converts the string toUnicode and calls the corresponding Unicode API. If a string is returned, the OS has to convert the string back.While this conversion process is (hopefully) highly optimized to make as little impact as possible, it is stilla speed penalty that is avoidable.

NT allows very long filenames (longer than the normal limit of MAX_PATH characters, which is 260)but only if you use the Unicode APIs. Once nice side benefit of using the Unicode APIs is that your program willautomatically handle any language that the user enters. So a user could enter a filename using English, Chinese,and Japanese all together, and you wouldn't need any special code to deal with it; they all appear as Unicode charactersto you.

Finally, with the end of the Windows 9x line, MS seems to be doing away with the MBCS APIs. For example, theSetWindowTheme() API, which takes two string parameters, only has a Unicode version. Using a Unicodebuild will simplify string handling as you won't have to convert from MBCS to Unicode and back.

And even if you don't go with Unicode builds now, you should definitely always use TCHARand the associated macros. Not only will that go a long way to making your code DBCS-safe, but if you decide tomake a Unicode build in the future, you'll just need to change a preprocessor setting to do it!


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About the Author

Michael Dunn

Member Michael lives in sunny Sunnyvale, California, and is still tryingto break the habit (as a Buffy fan) of typing "Sunnydale." He startedprogramming with an Apple //e in 4th grade, graduated from UCLAwith a math degree in 1995, and immediately landed a job as a QAengineer at Symantec, working on the Norton AntiVirus team. He prettymuch taught himself Windows and MFC programming, and in 1999 hedesigned and coded a new interface for Norton AntiVirus 2000.
Mike has been a a developer at Napster and at his own lil' startup, Zabersoft, a development company he co-founded with offices in Los Angeles and Odense, Denmark. Mike is now a senior engineer at VMware.

He also enjoys his hobbies of playing pinball, bike riding, photography, and the occasional 360 or MAME game (current favorite: Space Invaders Extreme).He would get his own snooker table too if they weren't so darn big! Heis also sad that he's forgotten the languages he's studied: French,Mandarin Chinese, and Japanese.

Mike was a VC MVP from 2005 to 2009.
Occupation: Software Developer (Senior)Company: VMwareLocation: United States United States