
来源:互联网 发布:铅酸电池老化原因知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 07:00

分析社会趋势的澳大利亚心理学家麦昆道认为,Twit不会是昙花一现的热潮,the TWIT phenomenon was here to stay,“We don't look up to older people the way we did last century,现在的人不再以上个世纪的标准去衡量年纪较长的人了”。




So are you a Twit? Take our quiz to find out …那么你是Twit吗?做个下面的小测试吧。

(1)Who is your ideal man? 你理想中的对象?

a) That hot twenty-something at the gym. 健身房里20几岁的壮男 b) Brad Pitt. 布拉德•皮特 c) Your husband. 你(未来)的丈夫

(2)What is your favorite way to spend an evening? 你最喜欢如何渡过夜晚的时光?

a) Have a meal with a hot twenty-something, drinks in a trendy bar, then a taxi back to his place then back to my own bed in the early hours. 和20几岁的壮男共进晚餐,再到酒吧小酌,然后一起打车去他家,第二天清晨再回自己的家。 b) Doesn't matter as long as I'm hand-in-hand with my man.只要和他手牵手,做什么都无所谓。 c) Takeaway so I don't have to cook, a DVD, then an early night so I can catch up on sleep.叫外卖,不用自己做饭,看张DVD,之后早早睡觉。

(3)What is your favourite film? 你最喜欢的电影?

a) I don't go to the cinema--I'd rather be out meeting people.我不喜欢去电影院,我宁可出去和朋友聊天。 b) The English Patient, it's sooo romantic.《英伦情人》,超浪漫类型的影片。 c) Anything but rom-coms.除了爱情喜剧,什么都看。

(4)Where do you go on your holidays? 喜欢去哪里度假?

a) Everywhere! Last year, I stayed in a Bedouin camp in the Moroccan mountains. Next week, I'm trekking in Mongolia.都好。去年我住过摩洛哥山里的贝多因营地,上周我还要徒步行走蒙古。 b) A secluded Greek island with my lover.和爱人去一个与世隔绝的希腊小岛。 c) CenterParcs so the kids can wear themselves out.去孩子们可以尽情玩耍的主题乐园。

(5)Do you want babies? 想要孩子吗?

a) No way, having kids would stop me going out, travelling the world and would ruin my fun.不,不!孩子会拴住我,会毁掉我的乐趣,让我不能出去玩,不能周游世界。 b) Four girls, four boys.四个女孩,四个男孩。

c) I've already got two and that's quite enough, thank you very much.我已经有两个孩子了,这足够了,感谢你。

(6)Where do you see yourself in 40 years' time? 你40年后会变成......?

a) Backpacking in Thailand with a toyboy.和个假小子在泰国自助游。 b) Surrounded by grandchildren.儿孙满堂。 c) Dead.已经作古了。


Mostly As 多选a者 You are a Twit. You live it up in style and love it. Life is for living--not hanging about for a decent man to show up. And if one does, he'll have to fit in with you. 你是Twit。你活出了自我并且喜欢这样的生活。生活就是生活,而不是浪费时间空等白马王子的出现。而一旦他出现,你们就一拍即合。

Mostly Bs 多选b者 The complete opposite of a Twit. You crave commitment, heaps of babies and to live happily ever after--you're a romantic at heart. The most important thing is finding a soul mate, getting married, setting up home then churning out lots of children. 你和Twit一点都沾不上边。你有一颗浪漫的心,你渴望承诺,期待着生一堆宝宝,和心上人过着幸福快乐的日子。对你来说,最重要的事情就是找到灵魂的伴侣,结婚、安家,然后生一堆孩子。

Mostly Cs 多选c者 You're a realist. Your husband is your best mate, you have a great life with a couple of kids and get through the bad patches together. Laughter is the best medicine when life does get tough. 你很务实。你的丈夫是你的知己,你会和家人携手克服困难。面对艰难的生活,你也能一笑置之。
