
来源:互联网 发布:维科网络 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 18:08
例程2-4  HelloAction.java
package hello;

import javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

import org.apache.struts.action.Action;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessage;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMessages;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.util.MessageResources;

public final class HelloAction extends Action {

     * Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP
     * response (or forward to another web component that will create it).
     * Return an ActionForward instance describing where and how
     * control should be forwarded, or null if the response has
     * already been completed.
    public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
                                 ActionForm form,
                                 HttpServletRequest request,
                                 HttpServletResponse response)
    throws Exception {

        // These "messages" come from the ApplicationResources.properties file
        MessageResources messages = getResources(request);

         * Validate the request parameters specified by the user
         * Note: Basic field validation done in HelloForm.java
         *       Business logic validation done in HelloAction.java
        ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages();
        String userName = (String)((HelloForm) form).getUserName();

        String badUserName = "Monster";

        if (userName.equalsIgnoreCase(badUserName)) {
           errors.add("username", new ActionMessage("hello.dont.talk.to.monster",
badUserName ));
           saveErrors(request, errors);
           return (new ActionForward(mapping.getInput()));

         * Having received and validated the data submitted
         * from the View, we now update the model
        PersonBean pb = new PersonBean();

         * If there was a choice of View components that depended on the model
         * (or some other) status, we'd make the decision here as to which
         * to display. In this case, there is only one View component.
         * We pass data to the View components by setting them as attributes
         * in the page, request, session or servlet context. In this case, the
         * most appropriate scoping is the "request" context since the data
         * will not be neaded after the View is generated.
         * Constants.PERSON_KEY provides a key accessible by both the
         * Controller component (i.e. this class) and the View component
         * (i.e. the jsp file we forward to).

        request.setAttribute( Constants.PERSON_KEY, pb);

        // Remove the Form Bean - don't need to carry values forward

        // Forward control to the specified success URI
        return (mapping.findForward("SayHello"));



    所有的Action类都是org.apache.struts.action.Action的子类。Action子类应该覆盖父类的execute() 方法。当ActionForm Bean被创建,并且表单验证顺利通过后, Struts框架就会调用Action类的execute()方法。execute()方法的定义如下:

public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,ActionForm form,HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException ;




MessageResources messages = getResources(request);

    在Action类中定义了getResources(HttpServletRequest request)方法,该方法返回当前默认的MessageResources对象,它封装了Resource Bundle中的文本内容。接下来Action类就可以通过MessageResources对象来访问文本内容。例如,如果要读取消息key为"hello.jsp.title"对应的文本内容,可以调用MessageResources类的getMessage(String key)方法:
String title=messages.getMessage("hello.jsp.title");



ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages();String userName = (String)((HelloForm) form).getUserName();String badUserName = "Monster";if (userName.equalsIgnoreCase(badUserName)) {   errors.add("username", new ActionMessage("hello.dont.talk.to.monster", badUserName ));   saveErrors(request, errors);   return (new ActionForward(mapping.getInput()));}



图2-3 ActionMessages、ActionErrors、ActionMessage和ActionError类的类框图




PersonBean pb = new PersonBean();pb.setUserName(userName);pb.saveToPersistentStore();



    Action类把数据存放在request或session范围内,以便向视图组件传递信息。以下是 HelloAction.java向视图组件传递数据的代码:

request.setAttribute( Constants.PERSON_KEY, pb);// Remove the Form Bean - don't need to carry values forwardrequest.removeAttribute(mapping.getAttribute());

    ·从request范围内删除ActionForm Bean。由于后续的请求转发目标组件不再需要HelloForm Bean,所以可将它删除。



// Forward control to the specified success URIreturn (mapping.findForward("SayHello"));


本文选自飞思图书《精通Struts:基于MVC的Java Web设计与开发》