what is DECODE function used for?

来源:互联网 发布:郑州淘宝学校 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 14:13

  DECODE is used to decode a CHAR or VARCHAR2 or NUMBER into any of several different strings or numbers based on values,That is DECODE does a value-by-value substitution. For every value that is given in the DECODE function it nakes an "if then"check and matches the value. The general format of DECODE function is given below:




Let us see this with an example:


 Consider a table named A which has following namely:Empname,sex,salary


select * from A


Gives output as


Empname     sex   salary
------------ ---- -------
Priya         F     20000
Sri           F     10000
Sam           M     20000
Raj           M     20000
Sita          F     10000


In the above if we give the DECODE function as below namely:


Select empname, sex, DECODE(salary,’20000’,’50000’,’70000’) from exforsys;


The output of above DECODE function would result as below:


Empname     sex     salary
------------ ----   -------
Priya          F     50000
Sri            F     70000
Sam            M     50000
Raj            M     50000
Sita           F     70000





