[I&A] 【整理】2009-07-10:'美国韩国疑遭朝鲜黑客大规模攻击'

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[I&A] 【整理】2009-07-10:'美国韩国疑遭朝鲜黑客大规模攻击'

good evening,
when we talk about national security gennerally we usully thinking about troops and tanks and

ships and planes,hardware and not sofeware,
but our live  story here tonight might change people thinking.Our nation has been hit by a mayor

attack and it's computer-based. 35 important websites,government,private sector have been hit and

hit badly both in the US and South korea since July 4. The attackes have included the Department

of homeland secury and the Pentagon and they show a certain of vulnerablity.
we begin tonight in our Washington bureau with NBC's Pete Williams.
Pete, good evening.
Brain, government and private industry experts say
this attacks are usually       intense  and long-lasting. and they are  scrambling tonight
to find out where they come from.
Among the targets were the New York stock exchange and NASDAQ, both of which say succesfully

fought it off. But it swarmed  public website to at least a dozen US agencis including the White

House, two of them for the Federal trade commission and  transportation Department were out of

commission for at least 2days.