
来源:互联网 发布:linux服务器硬件配置 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 00:38

      这几天在看项目实施,也一直想找个好用的工具, 以前试过visio,也试过Axure RP,虽然他们做的东西很漂亮也很好看,

但是唯一遗憾的就是它们only windows,没办法,只好再找找,当我看到网上推荐basamiq(其实更多人像我一样为了key,但也






原型软件balsamiq mockups

原型软件balsamiq mockups


  • 操作简单,拖拽成型。
  • 预置了很多元素,大部分的页面元素都有了。
  • 支持内容的导出。
  • 跨平台,基于adobe air平台。

Balsamiq Mockups的下载地址  Adobe air下载地址




Balsamiq Mockups官方演示demo

Balsamiq Mockups官方演示demo


Balsamiq Mockups官方演示demo


balsamiq markup screenshot


  1. 操作方面,拖拽,控件分组,甚至元素之间的对齐都做得很贴心;
  2. 预制了很多界面元素,从简单的输入框,下拉框,浏览器主要元素,到经常用得到的导航条,日历,表格,到复杂的Tag Cloud,Cover Flow, 地图,WYSWYG的格式工具栏等,有了这些不用从头画起,往往比用白板都快;
  3. 界面元素的修改很简单,比如导航条的几个标签页的label,就是用逗号分隔的文字,下拉框的选项就是分行的文字;
  4. 使用xml语言来记录和保存界面元素和布局,
    1. 这使得每个设计都能被很好得放进SVN,Git,和CVS等工具中进行管理和跟踪;
    2. 可以设计复杂的界面元素,保存后,以后可以重复使用(包括修改);
  5. 可以将设计导出成PNG格式的图片;
    balsamiq markup exported to png
  6. 可以用命令行进行导出操作,这样就能让我写个脚本,从svn里checkout某个目录下的所有设计文件后,导出图片,打包后用邮件发到项目经理,工程师甚至客户那;
  7. 跨平台,Balsamiq Mokups是用Flex和Air实现的,所以在Mac OS, Linux和Windows下都能使用;
  8. 不仅仅有桌面版本,还有能集成在Confluence,JIRA,和XWiki中的版本,使得异地在线协作更方便有效;




----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------以下是获得获得free license key


  • If your company bought Mockups for Confluence, JIRA or XWiki, askyour IT admin for your company's license information and use it FREE ofcharge.
  • If you are a do-gooder of any sort (non-profit, charity, open-source contributor, you get the idea), email us with a short blurb and we'll send you a license, FREE of charge.
  • If you are a technical/software blogger or journalist willing to write us up (honest reviews are the most useful to us) email usa short blurb with the link to your blog and we'll send you a license,FREE of charge, so that you can evaluate Mockups properly.
  • If you are willing to demo Mockups to an audience of at least 15 people (at a user group, a conference, a BarCamp), email us your info and we'll give you two licenses, one for you to keep and one to give away at the event, FREE of charge.
  • If you teach a high-school class, email us the name of your school and your class, plus the number of students in your class. We will send you a license for all of them.
  • A note to university students and professors: we currentlydo not offer free licenses to universities, but we'll be happy to offeryou an additional 50% off any orders of 10 or more licenses. Let us know if you're interested and we'll set up a discount code for you.