Querying a Service's Configuration

来源:互联网 发布:金山软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 00:33

Querying a Service's Configuration

In the following example, a service configuration program uses the OpenService function to get a handle with SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG access to an installed service object. Then the program uses the service object handle in the QueryServiceConfig function to retrieve the current configuration of the service.

#include <windows.h>#include <stdio.h>BOOL GetSampleServiceConfig() {     LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG lpqscBuf;     LPSERVICE_DESCRIPTION lpqscBuf2;    DWORD dwBytesNeeded;     BOOL bSuccess=TRUE;     // Open a handle to the service.      schService = OpenService(         schSCManager,           // SCManager database         TEXT("Sample_Srv"),     // name of service         SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG);  // need QUERY access     if (schService == NULL)    {         printf("OpenService failed (%d)", GetLastError());        return FALSE;    }     // Allocate a buffer for the configuration information.     lpqscBuf = (LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG) LocalAlloc(         LPTR, 4096);     if (lpqscBuf == NULL)     {        return FALSE;    }     lpqscBuf2 = (LPSERVICE_DESCRIPTION) LocalAlloc(         LPTR, 4096);     if (lpqscBuf2 == NULL)     {        return FALSE;    }     // Get the configuration information.      if (! QueryServiceConfig(         schService,         lpqscBuf,         4096,         &dwBytesNeeded) )     {        printf("QueryServiceConfig failed (%d)", GetLastError());        bSuccess = FALSE;     }     if (! QueryServiceConfig2(         schService,         SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION,        lpqscBuf2,         4096,         &dwBytesNeeded) )     {        printf("QueryServiceConfig2 failed (%d)", GetLastError());        bSuccess = FALSE;    }     // Print the configuration information.     printf("/nSample_Srv configuration: /n");    printf(" Type: 0x%x/n", lpqscBuf->dwServiceType);    printf(" Start Type: 0x%x/n", lpqscBuf->dwStartType);    printf(" Error Control: 0x%x/n", lpqscBuf->dwErrorControl);    printf(" Binary path: %s/n", lpqscBuf->lpBinaryPathName);    if (lpqscBuf->lpLoadOrderGroup != NULL)        printf(" Load order group: %s/n", lpqscBuf->lpLoadOrderGroup);    if (lpqscBuf->dwTagId != 0)        printf(" Tag ID: %d/n", lpqscBuf->dwTagId);    if (lpqscBuf->lpDependencies != NULL)        printf(" Dependencies: %s/n", lpqscBuf->lpDependencies);    if (lpqscBuf->lpServiceStartName != NULL)        printf(" Start Name: %s/n", lpqscBuf->lpServiceStartName);    if (lpqscBuf2->lpDescription != NULL)        printf(" Description: %s/n", lpqscBuf2->lpDescription);     LocalFree(lpqscBuf);     LocalFree(lpqscBuf2);     return bSuccess;}