
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店类目在哪里修改 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 18:27



    1. 替换Windows socket DLL,然后,你想做什么就做什么吧。
    2. 进程注入,HOOK WinSock函数调用。
    3. 虚拟网卡驱动。


     a. Windows协议栈的简单了解。
     b. WinSock通讯。
     c. HOOK技术。
     d. 线程,进程之间的数据交换和通讯。
     e. 线程之间的同步。
     f. 线程注入。
     e. 其它的一些Windows开发的基础知识,就不一一列举了。


      a. 用户服务器: 虚拟IP分配,用户管理,消息通知等。
      b. 转发服务器: 进行必要的数据转发(无法进行P2P通讯的)

     a. 客户端EXE: 负责进行进程注入,与服务器通讯。
     b. 客户端DLL: 负责进行socket函数替换和处理。


    a. 用户登陆过程
      |  输入用户名和密码,登陆 |
     |   发送登陆包到服务器    |
     |        处理反馈信息        |
           <登陆成功>   ------------失败-------------> [提示用户]
     |  请求其他在线用户信息 |

         | 收到用户登陆包 |
             <数据解析>----------------> [丢弃不合法数据包]
         <验证用户登陆信息> -----------失-败-------+
                  |                                                      |
                  |                                                      |
    +----------------------------+        +---------------------------------+
    |      分配虚拟IP地址        |        |反馈登陆失败信息到客户端|
    +----------------------------+        +-------------------------------+

    |      添加用户到在线用户列表     |
    |                   到客户端                |  (* 这里包含了转发服务器信息)


    b. 用户登出过程
             | 收到用户退出包 |
                   <数据解析>----------------> [丢弃不合法数据包]
             <  查找将用户信息  >   ------------> 未找到,不处理
       |   将用户从在线用户列表中删除   |
       |     回收虚拟IP给其他用户       |
       | 广播用户登出信息到所有在线用户 |


         <判断用户是否在游戏中>   -----------是------------> 提示用户
       |   发送登出包到服务器    |
       |          退出                |

  c. 游戏启动过程
       |      创建内存共享        |
       |  (CreateFileMapping) |
       |   写入游戏当前配置    |
       | (包含在线用户信息和 |
       |    转发服务器信息)     |
       | 根据用户选择启动游戏 |
       | (调用CreateProcess)   |
          <是否启动成功>  ------------否----------> [提示用户失败信息]
       | 将游戏DLL注入到游戏 |
    |     读取游戏的配置信息     |
    |       连接转发服务器       |
    |  游戏DLL HOOK所有网络函数  |
    |   (采用Inline Hook方式)            |
    |   OK, now game start OK!   |

  d. 游戏退出过程

   |  游戏DLL释放所有已经HOOK的函数  |
   |     关闭内存共享文件            |
   |     发送退出包到转发服务器      |



     |                                                                          |
     | 网络函数HOOK层: 主要负责网络函数的替换  |
     |                  并且交由下层处理                            |
     |    这里,其实也就是对于WS2_32.dll中的          |
     | socket函数进行替换。                                      |
     |                                                                         |
     |                                                                         |
     | 数据处理层:主要负责将上层的各种网络        |
     |                     函数功能调用进行处理。             |
     |    举个简单的例子,当游戏调用Socket函数     |
     | 准备创建一个socket时,我们根据它的参数, |
     | 内部虚拟出一个socket句柄给它。而实际的上 |
     | Windows本身并不知道这个调用过程。           |
     |                                                                       |
     |                                                                       |
     | 真实网络传输层:在这一层,才是真正的将数|
     |                 据包进行包装和发送的过程            |
     |                                                                       |

        其实,这里的第二层处理也可以不采用我的这种方法,可以采用协议替换法,比如,当游戏调用socket函数要创建一个IPX socket时,你可以修改其中的参数,变成UDP,然后调用Windows真实的socket函数。

      a. 模拟Windows Socket。


     《红色警戒》: 使用了简单的WSAAsyncSelect模型。(IPX协议)
     《星际争霸》: 使用了Select 模型。(IPX, UDP协议,根据用户的参数)
     《暗    黑》: 使用Select模型。(使用TCP协议)
     《反恐精英》: 使用Select模型。(使用TCP, UDP协议)
     《冰封王座》: 似乎使用了IOCP Socket模型。这个还不是很清楚。(使用TCP,UDP两种协议)

      b. 改进UDP数据通讯的可靠性。

     整个平台,只是在我的机器上进行测试和开发,难度比较大。工程。现在,我也只对《红色警戒》, 《星际争霸》,《暗黑》三个游戏测试通过。感觉一个人开发实在太累了,而且,这些东西都是经过一次次的AV错误一步步调试出来的,想想那些岁月,真是不堪回首!暂时不想再继续下去了。等什么时候有精力和时间的时候再来处理吧。


Contents: This is a simple example of battle zone, just like HaoFangQQ battle zone. VLAN tech is used in this platform.
Key Words: VLAN, Hook API, DLL Inject, Memory File, NAT, Firewall tunnel.

关键词: 虚拟局域网,API截获,动态链接库注入, 内存映像文件,NAT,防火墙穿透。

     Generallyspeaking, battle zone client uses VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network)technique. But it’s so hard to descript this in few words. 
    In this article, we discuss how to build a battle zone, not fully use VLAN technique.
    (Written by: james.zhai[etomahawk]   2007-5
    In order to develop a battle zone system, we need to solve the following problems:

 1. How to make a whole in the firewall?

      About this problem, please refers to this article:

2. How to capture the game socket data?


   Refer to the diagram below:
     (Written by: james.zhai[etomahawk]   2007-5)
   Wehook sendto and recvfrom two functions when the game started, if thegame want to send a pack, we capture this pack and modify the data andpack the data into our own pack, then, we re-send this pack with ourUDP socket; when another application receive this pack, recvfromfunction is called here, in our recvfrom function, we can un-pack thedata and re-send the data to the game.

3. How to virtual a LAN? 
    (Written by: james.zhai[etomahawk]   2007-5)
    As we know, LAN can be formed according to MAC, IP address, protocols and others.
    If we want to make a virtual LAN, we only need to modify the IP address,
Inthis battle zone, I use MAC address to form a virtual LAN. There’s atable on the server which record all the machines that connected to ourserver. The table is as blow:
| Index  | Name |  MAC  | Virtual IP address |  Real IP address  |   Port   | Game Port |

     When a client login, we get its basic information and broadcast this message to all the connected clients.
Atclient, we also save a table above. When client want to send a messageto another client (we had already hooked the send and receivefunctions), it searches the table to finds the real IP address andport, pack the message, send the message to another client. Whenanother client gets this message, it unpacks the message and resends itto local application.

 4. How my battle zone works? 

(Written by: james.zhai[etomahawk]   2007-5
    Here is how my battle zone works (It contains two parts: Game client and server):

   Here is how it works:

   1) Login to server

     A Login process contains the following steps:
     a. Send login check pack to server.
      b. If login success, send a pack to get all players’ information.
      c. If get players’ information OK, update the player list and set share memory.

=======================Client try to connect to Server =============================


2) Start a game

      Start game procedure:
      a. Start game process. Create the game process.
      b. Inject the hook dll into game.
      c. The injected dll create a UDP socket.
      d. Send game information to server.
      e. Server receives game information, update the use status and broadcast this information to all players.
(Written by: james.zhai[etomahawk]   2007-5)
==============================Game started====================================

Start Game   -------[DLL Inject]---->    Game

                            1.  Hook API
                            2.  Bind a socket[UDP]
                            3.  Send Info to server
[Game Pack]
Change user info and send information to client and info all clients that a player’s info had changed.
  Get player info change pack and update share memory content

============================Game Run========================================

 (Written by: james.zhai[etomahawk]   2007-5

3) End game
     Send message to server to tell server about this information. 

4) Exit the battle zone client.

     Send a quit message to server, server will delete the user’s information and broadcast this information to all online players.  

   In thisbattle zone, I only capture IPX protocol package and analysis them andresend them, my test game is <<Red Alert 2>>, because I’mfamiliar with this game. J Other games are the same, if a game uses UDP/TCP transfer protocol, we can also pack the data into our pack and resend them. 

    First, we should decide whichfunction (API) should be hooked. Use exescope to spy the game, inGame.exe of <<Red Alert 2>> game, import WSOCK32.dll, thefollowing functions are imported:
   Function Index        Function Name
    00000002                    bind
    00000003                    closesocket
    00000007                    getsockopt
    00000008                    htonl
    00000009                    htons
    00000011                    recvfrom
    00000014                    sendto
    00000015                    setsockopt
    00000017                    socket
    00000034                    gethostbyname
    00000039                    gethostname
    00000065                    WSAAsyncSelect
    00000073                    WSAStartup
    00000074                    WSACleanup
    00000457                    EnumProtocolsA
    0000006F               WSAGetLastError
    0000000B                    inet_ntoa
    0000000E                    ntohl
    0000000F                    ntohs

    Our battle field is only asimple example, so, we only need to hook some of those functions, suchas sendto, recvfrom, socket, e.g.

    Game Send game info to allplayers in the hall, this is a broadcast message, we need to analysisthis info and send the message to all the players in the virtual LAN.If the MAC address that send to address is “FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF” then,this is a broadcast info, we need to send the message to all theplayers, we had already get all players’ game port and real address,so, we only need to loop this broad chain and send to all players. Whenwe get the message from another user, we should resend this message tothe real port of game. Game receive this message, it will process ititself.

    This is a general idea about this battle zone.

     We use a table as blow to save other players’ information:
| Index  |   MAC  | Virtual IP address |  Real IP address  |   Port   | Game Port |

Meaning of each field:
Index: player index
MAC: Player’s MAC address, such as 00-40-D0-12-34-56
Virtual IP Address: Server allocate a virtual IP address to special player, such as
Real IP Address: the player’s real IP address, such as
Port: Player used to communicate with server or other players.
Game Port: Use witch port game exchange data.

     (Written by: james.zhai[etomahawk]   2007-5

5. What knowledge is need in this battle zone client?

   To develop such battle zone, you need know the following knowledge:
1) Communication between different processes.
    2) UDP communication.
    3) Hook API
    4) Firewall tunnel.
    5) Virtual LAN.

 (Written by: james.zhai[etomahawk]   2007-5)

    If there’s any bug or batter idea, please contact me: 
    Personal blog:

     You can download this client and server form the following address:

    For my other works, please visit:

Some pictures of my battle zone:

                                           Battle platform  Game Server
