
来源:互联网 发布:类似于拍拍贷的软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/26 09:08

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int htod(char* h)
 int LastDigit = 0;
 int decimal = 0, value;
 while(*(h + LastDigit)!='/0')
 for(int j = LastDigit; j >= 0; j--)
  value = 1;
  for(int k = 0; k < LastDigit - j; k++)
   value *= 16;
  if(*(h+j) >= 65 && *(h+j) <= 70)
   decimal += (*(h+j) - 55) * value;
   decimal += (*(h+j) - 48) * value;
 return decimal;

void main()
 char hex[10];
 cout<<"input 16"<<endl;
 cout<<"output 10:"<<htod(hex)<<endl;


string Int2Hex(int a_iInt)
string strRet;
strRet = "";

// if a_iInt < 0 then return null;
if(a_iInt < 0)
return strRet;

int i;
int iTmp;
int iResidue; // the residue
int iQuotient; // the quotient
char cTmp;

for(iTmp = a_iInt;iTmp >= 16;)
iResidue = iTmp % 16;
iQuotient = iTmp / 16;

if(iResidue >= 10)
cTmp = 'A' + iResidue - 10;
}else // 0 <= iResidue <= 9
cTmp = '0' + iResidue;

strRet = cTmp + strRet;
iTmp = iQuotient;

if(iResidue >= 10)
cTmp = 'A' + iQuotient - 10;
}else // 0 <= iResidue <= 9
cTmp = '0' + iQuotient;
strRet = cTmp + strRet;

return strRet;
