Chapel 0.9 -- variable length arguments函数中的参数类型推导

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店铺名片怎么改 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 20:21

 最近与 Brad Chamberlain, Steve Deitz讨论这个问题,在其中要推导还是比较麻烦的。



def sum(args:int ...?n)
 var res : int;
 for i in 1..n { res += args[i]; }
 return res;




def sum(args:?t ...?n)
 var res : t;
 for i in 1..n { res += args[i]; }
 return res;





Steve给出的一个方案是使用where clause:

 def writeDefaultValues(args:?t ...?n) where n*t(1) == t {

 def writeDefaultValues(args:?t ...?n) where n*t(1) != t {




I'd forgotten about the heterogeneous case -- for the second example sent in, I think that this argues for the type ?t to refer to the tuple of arguments as a whole rather than simply 'int'.  This suggests to me that the first example is the one that's inconsistent:

       def sum(args:int ...?n) {

in that 'int' doesn't describe the full set of types of args, but only a single one.  Changing this to:

       def sum(args:?n*int ...) {


       def sum(args:?n*int ...n) {

seems more consistent as a way of specifying that args is a homogenous set of integers rather than using a single scalar type as in the first prototype above.  This would also permit one to express that all of args are the same unspecified type using:

       def sum(args:?n*?t ...) {


       def sum(args:?n*?t ...n) {

While this does impose a constraint on the types that can be sent to sum(), in this form the constraint comes more from the presence of the * in the type signature (indicating a homogenous tuple) rather than the presence of the queries themselves.  I.e., not inconsistent with things like [] constraining an argument to be an array.

[Steve, maybe this is what you were suggesting in your mail -- it wasn't entirely clear to me how you were proposing to handle the apparent inconsistency.]

In this scheme, presumably:

       def sum(args:int ... ?n) {

would be illegal because the type of args would have to be a tuple type since it's a varargs argument. 


If think it is more natural to interpret

 def bar(args: int...) {

as defining a function that takes a variable number of integers and

 def bar(arg: ?n*int) {

as defining a function that takes a tuple of integers where n is the number of components in the tuple, thus leading to

 def bar(arg: ?n*int...) {

as defining a function that takes a variable number of n-tuple of integers.

    最后一句真是精辟!怎么区分输入的参数是n个int还是 ? 个int tuple呢?没什么好办法:(


    最后的解决方案似乎是(from steve):

In answer to the question below, that's right, I mean just no queries on the components.  We can still query the number of arguments as

 def bar(arg ... ?n) {

    结果是不允许大家做type query了...不知道这会不会在chapel 1.0中体现(也许到那时会有更好的办法呢...)


