
来源:互联网 发布:mac页面放大缩小快捷键 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 14:24


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "ReadConfig.h"

#define MAX_WIDTH 256
int h_item_num;

int name_multi;
int value_multi;
long file_size(FILE *fp)
 long begin,end,current;

  return -1;
 return end-begin;
int open(const char * m_file)
 int i;
 char *str;
 FILE *fp;

 long  len;

 // fprintf(stderr,"cann't open config file,filename is:%s/n",m_file);
  return 0;

 str=(char *)malloc(len*sizeof(char));
 // fprintf(stderr,"cann't alloc mem in open function/n");
  return 0;
 return 1;
int create(const char *str)
// config_name[0][0]=0;
 return 1;
int skip_next_line(const char *str)
 int size=strlen(str);
 int i;
   return i+1;
 return 0;
int get_word(const char *str,char *word,int *multi)

 int i,p,size=strlen(str);
 int len;

  if( (str[i]=='#') || (str[i]=='/n') || (str[i]=='/r')  )
   return 0;

 len=((MAX_WIDTH>(i-p))?i-p:MAX_WIDTH );

  return 0;
 //printf("len=%d ",len);
// printf("word=%s.i=%d,p=%d/n",word,i,p);
 return i+1;
int match_name(const char *str,char *name,char *value)
 int point;
// printf("str=%s/n",str);
  return point;
// printf("value=%s/n",value);
 // return 1;
 return 1;


 typedef struct
  std::string name;//[MAX_WIDTH+1];
  std::string value;//[MAX_WIDTH+1];
  bool name_multi;
  bool value_multi;
 } ITEM_T;
 typedef std::vector<ITEM_T> item_vector;

int split_config_file(const char *str)
 int i=0,point=0;
 int tmp;
 char name[MAX_WIDTH+1];
 char value[MAX_WIDTH+1];

// ITEM_T t_item;

// printf("str=%s/n",str);

//   printf("match_name > 0/n");

   printf("name [%s]/n",name);


 // printf("i=%d,point=%d/n",i,point);
 return i;

int main()

 return 0;




 #ifndef _READ_CONFIG_H
#define _READ_CONFIG_H


long file_size(FILE *fp);
int open(const char * m_file);
int create(const char *str);
int skip_next_line(const char *str);
int get_word(const char *str,char *word,int * multil);
int match_name(const char *str,char *name,char *value);
int split_config_file(const char *str);






 #the kingate config file

#if you don't want open one service ,please set it off

http                    on
ftp                     on
pop3                    on
smtp                    on
telnet                  on
socks                   on
mms                     on
rtsp                    on
manage                  on


#run_user               nobody

max                     500
#max thread limit.

max_per_ip              0
#thread number limit for every ip address.if the value is 0 ,mean no limit.

min_free_thread         3
#the min_free_thread first add in v1.5.

http_port               8082
#http listen port

http_accelerate         off
#be care for don't set http_accelerate to on when you use kingate proxy http protocol
#you must set it on when you use kingate to accelerate the http server
#when you use kingate to accelerate the http server Please add
#http_redirect          { * *  http_host:http_port  none }

x_forwarded_for         off
#add the client ip(who use kingate http proxy) in the http request head

http_time_out           300
#time out in http service.(sec)

#use http redirect ,for second proxy.

#http_redirect          { dst[/dst_mask][:dst_port]     file    redirect_host:redirect_port     flag    }
#http_redirect          { * * none }
#http_redirect          { 211. * proxy }
ftp_port                2121
ftp_time_out            300

pop3_port               1100

smtp_port               2525
smtp_time_out           300

telnet_port             2323
telnet_time_out         300

socks_port              1082
socks_time_out          300
socks5_user             off

mms_port                1755
mms_time_out            300

rtsp_port               5540
rtsp_time_out           300

manage_port             2222
manage_time_out         300

#log section
log_model               user
log_level               2                       ^M
log_rotate              { 0 0 * * * }
log_close_msg           off
#the log_close_msg first add in v1.5 when it on the kingate will log the connect close msg to log_file.
#and when it set off kingate won't log the connect close msg to log_file

#cache section

mem_min_cache           10m
mem_max_cache           12m
disk_min_cache          20m
disk_max_cache          30m
use_disk_cache          off
refresh                 never
refresh_time            0

#redirect               port_host:port          #???ú???¨?ò1|?ü£??ùóDport???úμ????ó·¢?í?áhost:port
#redirect               9999_211.141.90.201:23
#redirect               3333_127.0.0.1:23

user_time_out           0
#set the user login time out

