[转] 使用Python写Linux的守护进程(daemon)

来源:互联网 发布:魔兽世界dps怎么看数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 06:29

A simple unix/linux daemon in Python

by Sander Marechal

I'vewritten a simple Python class for creating daemons on unix/linuxsystems. It was pieced together for various other examples, mostlycorrections to various Python Cookbookarticles and a couple of examples posted to the Python mailing lists.It has support for a pidfile to keep track of the process. I hope it'suseful to someone.

Below is the Daemon class. To use it, simply subclass it and implement the run() method.



And here is an example implementation. It implements the daemon as wellas it's controlling client. Simply invoke this script with start, stopor restart as it's first argument.



That's it! I hope this is of some use to someone. Happy coding!

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