
来源:互联网 发布:ug自动编程的步骤 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 20:51

name    Item    value    tag
John    ITCH   
89.33    1
John    ITCH   
33.22    2
Alex    ITCH   
67.77    3
Jacky    ITCH   
89.01    1
Alex    YHTC   
34.22    2
Bruce    YHTC   
35.11    2
Bruce    YHTC   
89.11    3

这张表有一个缺憾,在Item ITCH上,John有两笔记录(1/2),同样,在YHTC项目,Bruce也有两笔记录(2/3).这是不符合规则的.
目前需求是,对于同一个项目,每人只能取第一笔数据.也就是John tag2和Bruce tag3是不合法的,需要删除.


delete a
from ta a
where exists(select 1 from ta where name=a.name and Item = a.Item and flag <a.flag)


delete a
from ta a where tag <> (select min(tag)  from ta where name=a.name and Item = a.Item  )



delete a
from ta a where tag in (select min(tag)  from ta where name=a.name and Item = a.Item  )






select * from tb t

where not exists(select * from tb where t.name=name and t.item=item and tag<t.tag )


select a.CateNo,a.CateName,(select top 1 TagsPath from T_sol_tags where a.CateNo=CateNo order by TagsPath asc) as TagsPath  from T_sol_tagscate a order by CateNo desc ,Tagspath asc




