Oracle and RTF data

来源:互联网 发布:c 多线程编程实战 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 14:43

Yes, Oracle Text can do this.

You need a context index with the INSO filter on the RTF document column in
order to use it.


create table RTFDOCUMENT
ID NUMBER not null,
DOC CLOB not null,

[insert an RTF document with id=1 using dbms_lob.loadclobfromfile or whatever]
SQL> create index rtfdocument_tx1 on rtfdocument (doc) indextype is
ctxsys.context parameters ('filter ctxsys.INSO_FILTER'); Index created
SQL> declare
2 v_doc clob;
3 v_plain clob;
4 r number;
5 begin
6 select id, doc
7 into r, v_doc
8 from rtfdocument
9 where id = 1 for update;
11 dbms_lob.createtemporary(v_plain, true);
12 dbms_lob.append(v_plain, v_doc); 13
14 ctx_doc.filter('RTFDOCUMENT_TX1', to_char(r), v_plain, plaintext =>
16 update rtfdocument set plain_doc = v_plain where id = 1;
17 end;
18 /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
SQL> commit;

Commit complete

[plain_doc now contains a plain text version of the RTF document].

It seems a bit over-enthusiastic with newlines, but it certainly works.


from ask tom


Tim -- Thanks for the question regarding "Remove RTF Tags from a Text Field Containing RTF", version 9i

Submitted on 17-Oct-2004 12:44 Central time zone
Tom's latest followup | Bookmark | Bottom
Last updated 2-Nov-2008 16:54

You Asked

Hi Tom,In our database we have some varchar2(4000) fields (could later be a clob). Where we store RTF data. I would like to know if there is anyway I can remove the RTF tags returning only the text again. For Example a Function RTFtoTEXT that takes the RTF:{/rtf1/ansi/deff0{/fonttbl{/f0/fnil/fcharset0 Courier New;}}{/colortbl ;/red0/green0/blue255;}{/*/generator Msftedit;}/viewkind4/uc1/pard/lang1033/ul/b/i/f0/fs20 This is a test./par/cf1/ulnone/i0 This is a test./cf0/b0/par/par/par/par/par} And Returns:This is a test.This is a test.Can you do this with Oracle Text or Something?TIATim 


and we said...

Yes, we can do this with text -- you cana) filter to plaintext if you have an indexb) filter to html with or without an indexc) call ctxhx directly from the command line to filter the text and load itI'll demo a) and b).  you can play with ctxhx from the command line from $ORACLE_HOME/ctx/bin if you want (run it, it'll tell you the inputs it takes)ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> create table demo  2  ( id            int primary key,  3    theblob   blob,  4    theclob       clob  5  )  6  / Table created. ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> create table filter ( query_id number, document clob ); Table created. ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2>ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> create index demo_idx on demo(theblob) indextype is ctxsys.context; Index created. ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2>ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> create sequence s; Sequence created. ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2>ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2>ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> create or replace directory my_files as '/home/tkyte/Desktop/'  2  / Directory created. ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> @traceops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12'; Session altered. ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> declare  2          l_blob  blob;  3          l_clob  clob;  4          l_id    number;  5          l_bfile bfile;  6  begin  7          insert into demo values ( s.nextval, empty_blob(), empty_clob() )  8          returning id, theblob, theclob into l_id, l_blob, l_clob;  9 10          l_bfile := bfilename( 'MY_FILES', 'asktom.rtf' ); 11          dbms_lob.fileopen( l_bfile ); 12 13          dbms_lob.loadfromfile( l_blob, l_bfile, 14                                                     dbms_lob.getlength( l_bfile ) ); 15 16          dbms_lob.fileclose( l_bfile ); 17 18          ctx_doc.ifilter( l_blob, l_clob ); 19          commit; 20          ctx_doc.filter( 'DEMO_IDX', l_id, 'FILTER', l_id, TRUE ); 21  end; 22  / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2>ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> set long 500ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> select utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(dbms_lob.substr(theblob,500,1)) from demo; UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(THEBLOB,500,1))-------------------------------------------------------------------------------{/rtf1/ansi/ansicpg1252/uc1 /deff0/deflang1033/deflangfe1033{/fonttbl{/f0/froman/fcharset0/fprq2{/*/panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}{/f1/fswiss/fcharset0/fprq2{/*/panose 020b0604020202020204}Arial;}{/f2/fmodern/fcharset0/fprq1{/*/panose 02070309020205020404}Courier New;}{/f23/froman/fcharset128/fprq1{/*/panose 00000000000000000000}MS Mincho{/*/falt MS ??};}{/f28/froman/fcharset128/fprq1{/*/panose 00000000000000000000}@MS Mincho;}{/f29/froman/fcharset238/fprq2 Times New Roman CE;  ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> select theclob from demo; THECLOB-------------------------------------------------------------------------------<HTML><BODY><h1><font size="5" face="Arial"><b>Primary key index in Partitioning</b></font></h1><p><font size="3" face="Times New Roman"><i>I</i> <i>have a table accounts which has 80 million records (OLTP system). I would like to partition the table byacct_by_date column.&nbsp;I will be going with range partition and global indexes. My concern is regd the primary keyacct_id. The index that will be created for primary key should it be local or global and which should I opt for?</i></font></  ops$tkyte@ORA9IR2> select document from filter; DOCUMENT-------------------------------------------------------------------------------    Primary key index in Partitioning   I have a table accounts which has 80 million records (OLTP system). I would like to partition the table by acct_by_date column.&#65533;I will be going with range partition and global indexes. My concern is regd the primary key acct_id. The index that will be created for primary key should it be local or global and which should I opt for?   Well, this is an easy one.&#65533;The primary key index can be local IF and ONLY IF, the primary key is in fact the (or part of thifilter works without a ctxsys.context index, but only lets you get HTML, filter works only with an index -- but lets you get plain text OR html 


4 stars Thanks but a small question   October 19, 2004 - 10am Central time zone
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Reviewer: Tim from Denmark
Hi Tom,Thanks for that it put me on the right track.Just a quick followup question or three :)1) I am assuming the trace commands are not needed for anything special or is there a reason for this?2) When I do the filter on a clob nothing happens. Why? I'm guessing that this is already considered plain text or what? create table workflow_temprtf( id  int primary key,  theblob blob,  theclob  clob); create table workflow_rtffilter (query_id number,document clob); create index workflow_rtfidx on workflow_temprtf(theblob) indextype is ctxsys.context;create index workflow_rtfidx2 on workflow_temprtf(theclob) indextype is ctxsys.context;create sequence workflow_rtfseq;declare     l_blob  blob;     l_clob  clob;     l_id    number;     l_bfile bfile;     lrtf varchar2(400);     lresult clob;begin    lrtf:='{/rtf1/ansi/ansicpg1252/deff0{/fonttbl{/f0/fnil/fcharset0 Arial;}}'||CHR(13)||CHR(10);    lrtf:=lrtf||'/viewkind4/uc1/pard/lang1033/fs17 this is a test'||CHR(13)||CHR(10);    lrtf:=lrtf||'/par }';        select workflow_rtfseq.nextval into l_id from dual;    insert into workflow_temprtf values (l_id, utl_raw.cast_to_raw(lrtf) , lrtf );         ctx_doc.filter('WORKFLOW_RTFIDX2', l_id, 'WORKFLOW_RTFFILTER', l_id, TRUE );    select document into lresult from workflow_rtffilter where query_id=l_id;    dbms_output.put_line(lresult);end;Returns RTF still ? why ?3) I did succeed in getting it to work with:create table workflow_temprtf( id  int primary key,  theblob blob,  theclob  clob); create table workflow_rtffilter (query_id number,document clob); create index workflow_rtfidx on workflow_temprtf(theblob) indextype is ctxsys.context;create index workflow_rtfidx2 on workflow_temprtf(theclob) indextype is ctxsys.context;create sequence workflow_rtfseq;declare     l_blob  blob;     l_clob  clob;     l_id    number;     l_bfile bfile;     lrtf varchar2(400);     lresult clob;begin    lrtf:='{/rtf1/ansi/ansicpg1252/deff0{/fonttbl{/f0/fnil/fcharset0 Arial;}}'||CHR(13)||CHR(10);    lrtf:=lrtf||'/viewkind4/uc1/pard/lang1033/fs17 this is a test'||CHR(13)||CHR(10);    lrtf:=lrtf||'/par }';        select workflow_rtfseq.nextval into l_id from dual;    insert into workflow_temprtf values (l_id, utl_raw.cast_to_raw(lrtf) , lrtf );         ctx_doc.filter('WORKFLOW_RTFIDX', l_id, 'WORKFLOW_RTFFILTER', l_id, TRUE );    select document into lresult from workflow_rtffilter where query_id=l_id;    dbms_output.put_line(lresult);end;However, and as also in your example there is a lot of extra lines in the result. Whats with those any idea?Thanks for the help. 

Followup   October 19, 2004 - 10am Central time zone:

1) doh, left that in by accident...2) yes, the clob is just text -- blobs can have pdfs, xls, ppt, docs, whatever.  the inso filter can recognize these.  clobs cannot have those objects as they are binary in nature.3) they are just "there", you could turn them into spaces easily -- but the filters just produce TEXT -- that is what gets fed into the indexing engine -- it just needed words.  No formatting is saved with the text filter, just the text.  If formatting is relevant, the HTML output works. 

5 stars   March 1, 2005 - 2pm Central time zone
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Reviewer: Dmitry from Russia
Excellent! But can we do the same without Text?Oracle CTX produce strange results with russian encodings. 

Followup   March 1, 2005 - 3pm Central time zone:

it should not produce strange results, but this entire answer is predicated on using text specifically. 

4 stars Oracle Text on 64 bit Linux   May 5, 2005 - 8am Central time zone
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Reviewer: Dmitry from Russia
Since russian text in rtf looks like: "/'ea/'e0/'ea /'ec/'e8/'ed/'e8/'ec/'f3/'ec" I have to use INSO filter for indexes, but INSO filter not implemented on my production 64 bit linux box. Don't you know why? I cannot find anything about this on OTN or metalink. 

Followup   May 5, 2005 - 9am Central time zone:

the latest releases use a new filtering technology -- suggest you open an itar (we are dropping the inso filters) to get information on this. 

5 stars Embedded images in RTF   October 31, 2008 - 5pm Central time zone
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Reviewer: Reed from Salt Lake City, UT
Sorry to resurrect an old thread but the ctx_doc.ifilter function helped me get past a hurdle in migrating old data to a new system but there is one part missing and I may need to deal with is outside of oracle. I cant find what I am looking for in the documentation. (Probably just not looking in the right place)I am importing several notes from a legacy system that are stored in varchar2(4000) fields in RTF format. If the RTF document is longer than 4000 characters then another record was created with an incremented sequence. I appended the notes into a blob field in a new table and used ifilter to convert the RTF tags to HTML and stored the results in a clob. This is working great although I had to use a slow-by-slow cursor loop to accomplish all this.What I am now faced with are those notes that have embedded images. Is it possible to extract those images and store them somewhere? If so can you point me to some documentation that will help me figure this out and maybe provide an example?Thanks

Followup   November 2, 2008 - 4pm Central time zone:

but this is a question for "" site.

I have no information about the internal format of a RTF file, sorry.

