
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝隐形降权怎么查 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 04:01
QQ 543415188 





一, 阿里巴巴的业务结构












三, 阿里巴巴的管理结构








The three hidden troubles ofthe adjustment of Alibaba’s operation group

Today I enjoyed one interesting message.That’s there are four senior operators of Alibaba will resign. Ofcourse it is nature to alternate the operation group. But it is notlong after Alibaba went public and there are as many as four willresign. I think it is a little beyond our imagination to adjust theoperation group at so large scale.


The statement of Alibaba suggested thatthe adjustment is based on the study plan of operation group. It isnot one common problem. We can discover the reason from the trendof the stock price. We know the study plan is just because thecorporate executives can’t deserve their duties and can’t getalong with the developing of company, but you are old staff, so itis impossible to fire you. So now it is named “additional study”,but as a matter of fact, it is another kind of “firing”. So nowwe can bring forward three hidden troubles after the adjustment,now let’s check it.


The business structure ofAlibaba


At first, let’s have a look at thebusiness structure of Alibaba. Alibaba has many product lines. Butjust Alibaba website can be profitable, others are deficit. SoAlibaba is with less and less energy to develop its business.That’s the reason why Alibaba went public. Now let’s check theidentities of the four managers. One is from Taobao, that’s theCEO of Taobao, Tongyu Sun.


The structure of the operators hasreflected the problem of business structure. Now there are enoughbusinesses but it is still constructing new business. As we know,many businesses are profitless. I think it is better to improve theexisting business.


The person structure of Alibaba


The second problem is the person structureof Alibaba. As we know, Alibaba has 18 officers at first. Up tonow, nobody leaves his duty. We can’t discuss their ability but wecan tell that they have not high ability. Some comments suggestthat most of the old officers didn’t understand what is Internetat that time. That attributes to the especial ability of Jack Ma.Jack Ma is so excellent in arguing. Several years ago, Jack Macheated the students and professors in Harvard University. But nowAlibaba went public and it is so prosperous. Generally speaking, itwill require more for the staff. Jack Ma have to search newsolution to solve the problem.


So, this event reflects the staff problemof Alibaba. We can see if one native company want to promote to beone international company, the primary problem is staff. Just assome commentators surmise, now it is the four managers to accept“advanced study”, how about Jack Ma?


The managerial structure ofAlibaba


How about the managerial structure ofAlibaba? If we said that Alibaba is perfect, maybe even Jack Mawon’t believe it. Now we are blind to the task and duty of thefour managers. We even feel so confused。There are some overallcharacters in the businesses of Alibaba but more are difference.You can’t exchange the officers between them because everyoneneeds adaptive phase.


The cost is high and oppressive. But JackMa know that if he doesn’t reform, the problem will be more andmore. The “advanced study” reflected that maybe there are someexcess personnels in Alibaba. Sometimes in big companies, if thereare many operation managers, it will obstruct the work. Sometalented can’t release their potential ability. How to solve, justsacrifice some to protect others.


Alibaba has gone public. I hope it cankeep cool-headed. You can say it is one kind of “recollect power”or “cultivate senior talents”. It can’t evade the severalproblem which we mentioned just now. Alibaba must face theseproblems and try to solve them. At the same time, if we hopeAlibaba can be better and better, we must point out the weak pointsof Alibaba.



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