
来源:互联网 发布:js取出数组前几项 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 18:06


In the Assignment One you are required to implement a command-line version of the
software. Your software will allow a manufacturer to create a list of required inventory
based on what is scheduled for production.
Project glossary:
• Product (or product item) – something that is produced by the manufacturer.
• Inventory item (or just inventory) – something that is requited for the manufacturing
of a particular product.



     1.Describe the manufacturer, e.g. name, address, main products,
clients, suppliers. Suggest ten (10) possible inventory items. Suggest two (2)
potential issues with the manufacturer’s supply chain and how they could be

     2.Allow one product to be an inventory for another product.

     3.Collect user input regarding how many items of each product are scheduled
for manufacturing. Then, display a table of inventory items: name/description,
quantity/quality of each item. In the real world, the list could then be sent to
the purchasing department for ordering the items.

     4.Read/write information regarding the currently available inventory from/to a



    1.  Draw a UML class diagram of your classes showing all public methods, e.g.
by using NetBeans.
Connect the classes with “IS-A” and “HAS-A” lines, see p177
Each class: is named by a noun ; is correctly identified as a class ; has
a reasonable set of public methods . 

    2.Display a menu of available commands.

    3.Display a list of products that the manufacturer could produce.

    4. Display a list of inventory required to manufacture a specific product.

    5.Display the currently available inventory.

    6.Setup at least five (5) products, each requiring at least three (3) inventory items. Make sure you use at least ten
(10) different inventory 。


