GOD like 64 - Apache+PHP+MySQL in win 7 64bits - Apache-64

来源:互联网 发布:校园app 软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 21:26

 Apache in 64 bits
Download unofficial binaries for Apache x64 from blackdot.be:

  1. unzip in any where (d:/apache_64)
  2. modify httpd.conf (d:/apache_64/conf/httpd.conf)
    1. ServerRoot "D:/apache_64"
    2. ServerName localhost:80 ---- access point
    3. DocumentRoot "D:/MyWeb" ---- your web files PHP/HTML
    4. DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php ---- verified index type
    5. ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "D:/apache_64/cgi-bin/"
  3. install the service
    1. start -- accessories -- right click cmd -- run as admin
    2. d: --- cd apache_64 --- cd bin
    3. httpd -k install
    4. httpd -k start
  4. run ApacherMoniter
    1. d:/apache_64/bin/apacherMoniter
    2. icon on your right bottom next to the clock
  5. test
    1. web browser
    2. localhost:80
    3. it works
  6.  DONE!!

i wanna run away never say goodbey