
来源:互联网 发布:电影天堂域名 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 07:30


Class ShopBag

 Private ProSpace

 Private ItemsCout

'                     共有的

 Public Function PutAPro(ByRef ProData)
 dim size,result,flag
 ItemsCout = ubound(ProData)  '商品信息个数

 if CreateSpace then
 MyPrint "有商品需要检测商品是否存在"
  flag = CheckProExists(ProData(0)) 
  flag = false '购物车没有商品
  MyPrint "购物车没有商品"
 end if

 if not flag then

   size = Ubound(ProSpace)

   for i = 0 to ItemsCout
    ProSpace(size,i) = ProData(i)
   MyPrint "放入一个商品....<br>"
   result = true
 result = false
 end if

 PutAPro = result  
 End Function

 Public Function GetAllPro(ByRef ProList)
  ProList  = Session("ProID")
 End Function

 Public Function UpdatePro(ByRef ProNumList)

 dim ProNumData
  ProNumData = split(ProNumList,",")

  for i =0 to Ubound(ProNumData)
   ProSpace(i,3) = Cint(trim(ProNumData(i)))
 MyPrint "更新了所有商品个数"
 End Function

 Public Function DeleteAPro(id)
 MyPrint "准备删除一个商品"
 dim count
 count = UBound(ProSpace)
 if count=0 then
 MyPrint "商品已经是最后一个了, 将session设为null"
  Session("ProID") = null
  redim tempAr(count-1,3)
   MyPrint "开始查找要删除的商品id..."
   for i = 0 to count
    if Cint(ProSpace(i,0)) = Cint(id) then
     MyPrint "找到ID,删除!"
      for j=i to count-1
       ProSpace(j,0) = ProSpace(j+1,0)
       ProSpace(j,1) = ProSpace(j+1,1)
       ProSpace(j,2) = ProSpace(j+1,2)
       ProSpace(j,3) = ProSpace(j+1,3)

     exit for
    end if

   for i = 0 to count-1
    tempAr(i,0) = ProSpace(i,0)
    tempAr(i,1) = ProSpace(i,1)
    tempAr(i,2) = ProSpace(i,2)
    tempAr(i,3) = ProSpace(i,3)
   Session("ProID") = tempAr
  end if
 End Function
 '得到商品的某项信息列表 , 号隔开
 Public Function GetProList(n)
 dim result
  if isnull(ProSpace) then
   result = null
   for i =0 to ubound(ProSpace)
    if i = 0 then
     result = ProSpace(i,n)
     result =result&","&ProSpace(i,n)
    end if
  end if 
 GetProList = result
 End Function



'                       私有的
 '存 在 返回  true
 '不存在返回 false
 Private Function CheckProExists(ProID)
 MyPrint "检测商品是否存在?<br>"
 dim result
  result = false

  for i = 0 to  Ubound(ProSpace)
   if Cint(ProSpace(i,0)) = Cint(ProID) then
    result = true
   End if
 CheckProExists = result
 End Function

 '新开大小返回 false
 '重构空间大小返回 true
 Private Function CreateSpace()
 dim result
 MyPrint "开始开辟空间...<br>"
  'ReSize: 空间大小
  dim ReSize

  if isarray(ProSpace) then '已经有商品了
   MyPrint "已有空间,需要重构空间大小!<br>"
   ReSize = UBound(ProSpace)+1
   MyRedim ProSpace,ReSize
   result  = true
   MyPrint "重构了空间大小=+1...<br>"
   redim ProSpace(0,ItemsCout)
   result  = false
   MyPrint "没有空间,开辟!...<br>"
  End if  
 CreateSpace = result
 End Function
 private Function MyRedim(byRef aArray,ByVal Size)
  MyPrint "开始重构空间大小...<br>"
   redim TmpArray(Size,ItemsCout)
   for i = 0 to Ubound(aArray)
    for j =0 to ItemsCout
     TmpArray(i,j) = aArray(i,j)
   redim aArray(Size,ItemsCout)

   for j = 0 to ubound(TmpArray)
    for k =0 to ItemsCout
    aArray(j,k) = TmpArray(j,k)

 End Function

 Private Function SavePro
  Session("ProID") = ProSpace
  MyPrint "保存购物车....<br>" 
  MyPrint "释放了空间..<br>"
 End Function
 Private Function GetPro
  ProSpace = Session("ProID")
  MyPrint "将Session中的商品放入了购物车....<br>"
 End Function

 private Function KillMe
  ProSpace = null
 End Function
End Class



<!--#include file="CastClass.asp"-->

Function MyPrint(str)
 Response.write str
End Function

dim aShowBag,ProData,ProList

ProData = Array(1,"ProName","ProPrice","ProNum")

set aShowBag = new ShopBag

 state = aShowBag.PutAPro(ProData) '放入一个商品
 ProData= null
 aShowBag.GetAllPro ProList

 if state then
  Response.Write "放入一个商品<br>"
  Response.Write "商品已经存在<br>"
 end if
Set ShowBag = nothing

if isarray(ProList) then
 for i = 0 to ubound(ProList)
  for j =0 to 3
   Response.Write ProList(i,j)&"=="
  Response.Write "<br>============<br>"
Response.write "没有商品"
End If

