shell if [] 条件 and read

来源:互联网 发布:同信证券交易软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/26 12:34

 Recent week  I deal with the shell script met many problem.

 firstly  ksh has some grammar different with bash,so you much well know what sh type you deal with.


 about ksh if condition should take care of


  if [[ $line == $xslSignBegin ]]; then

  echo "$line"


1. there is space between if and "[[" ,  operators and "==" , "[[ "and operators,"]] "and operator ,";" and then

(so many spaces)

2.use "=" if you don't have space in operator . and bash use = not ==


 the following three days I done a shell

 if you met a problem between like test:unknown operator try ' '






if [ ! -f $mozillaDir/$fileNameBack ]; then
 if [ 'id 2> /dev/null | cut -d"=" -f2 2> /dev/null | cut -d"(" -f1 2> /dev/null' ]; then
  cp $mozillaDir/$fileName   $mozillaDir/$fileNameBack
  xslSignBegin="<mime-type type=/"text/x-xslt/">"
  while read line
    if [[ $line == $xslSignBegin ]]; then
    elif [[ $addComment = true && $line == $xslSignEnd ]]; then
    echo "$line" >> $mozillaDir/temp
  done < $mozillaDir/$fileName
  if [[ $isEdit = true ]]; then
   mv $mozillaDir/$fileName   $mozillaDir/$fileName"update"
   mv $mozillaDir/temp   $mozillaDir/$fileName
   rm $mozillaDir/temp
      echo "exectue command update"
   update-mime-database /usr/share/mime
  echo "You should switch root user to config Mozilla environment to support text//xsl MIME  type or change  firefox browser in order to run successfully!"