Calling Web Service from Client-Side JavaScript

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝大衣比较好的店铺 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 14:07

This tip basically helps the developer to call the web service from client-side JavaScript.


è First, create a web service project using and give the namespace and the class name as “consumeDnTWebSvc” and write a method called “HelloWorld” as follows:



public string HelloWorld()


return "Test is Successfull...!!!";



à This is basically a very simple method.


è Second, create a web application. Once created the project, download file from this link


Note: The program will not work without this htc file.


In the .aspx file, copy the following code under the <HEAD> tag:


<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">


function initWebHTC()


            //init and create short-cut name for web service


            var iCallID;

            if (dNtWbSvc.dNtSvc)



                        iCallID= dNtWbSvc.dNtSvc.callService(gtDnTRslt,"HelloWorld");




function gtDnTRslt(result)


            //if an error then get error details



                        //Pull error info from event.result.errorDetail properties

                        var xfaultcode   = result.errorDetail.code;

                        var xfaultstring = result.errorDetail.string;

                        var xfaultsoap   = result.errorDetail.raw;

                        // Add code to handle specific error codes here

                        //document.getElementById("lblDateTime").innerHTML="Error: " + xfaultcode + " ; " + xfaultstring + " ; " + xfaultsoap;                                                                              

                        alert("Error: " + xfaultcode + " ; " + xfaultstring + " ; " + xfaultsoap);







                        //clear any selection

                        var sRng;

                        sRng = document.selection.createRange();








Add the following code under <BODY> tag:


<body MS_POSITIONING="GridLayout" ondblclick="initWebHTC();">


<DIV id="dNtWbSvc" style="BEHAVIOR: url(http://YourAddress/SecondProjectName/"></DIV>


<form id="frmWebSvcDateTime" method="post" runat="server">


<asp:Label backcolor="#99eedd" id="lblDateTime" runat="server" Width="581px" Height="36px">Sample Text Here</asp:Label>



