
来源:互联网 发布:北交大网络计费 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 06:42



1. X-ray machine X光机

2. Penicillin 盘尼西林(青霉素)

3. DNA double helix DNA 双螺旋结构

4. Apollo 10 capsule 阿波罗10号登月舱

5. V2 rocket engine V2 火箭发动机

6. Stephenson's Rocket 斯蒂芬森火箭

7. Pilot ACE Computer 英国第一代电脑

8. Steam engine 蒸汽机

9. Model T Ford 福特T型汽车

10. Electric telegraph 电报机

The public has voted the X-ray machine as the best invention, ahead of the Apollo10 space capsule and Stephenson's Rocket.


Out of nearly 50,000 votes cast, one in five people named it for having made the greatest impact on the past, present and future.


Ten of the most significant objects in science, engineering, technology and medicine were selected for the vote. Information on all the items is found at the Science Museum in London.


The first three positions were filled by medical inventions or discoveries,the X-ray machine being followed by the discoveries of penicillin and the DNA double helix structure.


X-rays provided the first possibility of looking inside someone's body without cutting them open--a massive medical advance.


The particular X-ray machine in question was a "do-it-youself" experiment by a father and son who were so inspired by news of the discovery of the X-ray that they set about building the equipment in their ownhome.


Museum curator Katie Maggs said: "It's very inspirational to budding scientists to learn that an invention now declared the most important in world history could be pioneered by enthusiastic amateur inventors."


Professor Andy Adam, president of the Royal College of Radiologists, was delighted to learn of the result.


He said the X-ray machine had revolutionised medical practice and that the technology had now advance so much that we are reaching the era of the "transparent patient".


Culture Secretary Ben Bradshaw said: "Any competition that pits the Apollo 10 spacecraft against Stephenson's Rocket, and the DNA double helix against the Model T Ford, is bound to provide talking points aplenty. "


The poll was conducted as part of the Science Museum's events to mark its centenary.


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