eAccelerator for linux 详解

来源:互联网 发布:网络隧道技术 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 19:01

    The amount of shared memory (in megabytes) that eAccelerator will use.
    "0" means OS default. Default value is "0".

    The directory that is used for disk cache. eAccelerator stores precompiled code, session data, content and user entries  here. The same data  can  be stored in shared memory also (for more quick access). Default value is "/tmp/eaccelerator".

    Enables or disables eAccelerator. Should be "1" for enabling  or  "0"  for disabling. Default value is "1".

    Enables or disables internal peephole optimizer which may  speed  up  code execution. Should be "1" for enabling or "0" for disabling. Default  value is "1".

    Enables or disables debug logging. Should be "1" for enabling or  "0"  for disabling. Default value is "0".

    Enables or disables PHP file modification checking .  Should  be  "1"  for enabling or "0" for disabling. You should set it to "1"  if  you  want  to recompile PHP files after modification. Default value is "1".

    Determine which PHP files must be cached. You may specify  the  number  of patterns (for example "*.php *.phtml") which specifies to cache or not  to cache. If pattern starts with the character "!", it means to ignore  files which are matched by the following pattern. Default value is "" that means all PHP scripts will be cached.

    Disables putting large values into shared memory by " eaccelerator_put() " function. It indicates the largest allowed size in bytes (10240, 10K, 1M).
    The "0" disables the limit. Default value is "0".

    When eaccelerator fails to get shared memory for new script it removes all scripts which were not accessed  at  last "shm_ttl"  seconds  from  shared memory. Default value is "0" that means -  don't  remove  any  files  from shared memory.

    When eaccelerator fails to get shared memory for new script  it  tryes  to remove  old  script   if   the   previous   try   was   made   more   then "shm_prune_period" seconds ago. Default value is "0" that  means  -  don't try to remove any files from shared memory.

    Enables or disables caching of compiled scripts on disk. It has  no  effect, on session data and content caching. Default value is "0" that means -  use disk and shared memory for caching.

    Enables or disables cached content compression. Default value is  "1"  that means enable compression.

    Compression level used for content caching.  Default value is "9" which  is the maximum value

    A string that's prepended to all keys. This allows two applications that use the same key names to run on the same host by setting this in .htaccess or in the main configuration file for the whole webserver.
    Determine where keys, session data and content will be cached. The possible
    values are:
    "shm_and_disk" - cache data in shared memory and on disk (default value)
    "shm"          - cache data in shared memory or on disk if shared memory
                     is full or data size greater then "eaccelerator.shm_max"
    "shm_only"     - cache data in shared memory
    "disk_only"    - cache data on disk
    "none"         - don't cache data

    The script paths that are allowed to get admin information and do admin controls

Control panel and disassembler

If you want to use the control-panel you need to compile eAccelerator with --with-eaccelerator-info which is the default value.
You need to copy the control.php file to your webroot and set the path to it in the php.ini or eaccelerator.ini in the eaccelerator.allowed_admin_path directive. If you don't do this you wont be able to see much information and can't control eAccelerator.
You can set the username and password needed to access the control-panel in the control.php file.

When you compile eAccelerator with --with-eaccelerator-disassembler you need to place the dasm.php and PHP_Highlight.php file also in the same directory as the control.php file. The disassembler requires PHP to be compiled with tokenizer support (--enable-tokenizer).
You can set the username and password needed to access the disassembler at the top of dasm.php.

eAccelerator API

API documentation can be found on this website: http://bart.eaccelerator.net/doc/phpdoc/

Contact us
You can contact us with questions, patches or bugs, by sending an email to Bart Vanbrabant
