Workaround of VS Remote Debugging connect from Win2K8 to WinXP

来源:互联网 发布:考试软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/12 01:01

I failed (There is one bug) when connect a Remote Debugging session from a X64 Win2k8 client to X86 WinXP SP3, the error message will be "Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor named '{domain}/{user}@{hostname}'. A security package specific error occurred."

This is not resolved now, but can workaround:

1) On the server, create a local user account. (For example, with the username 'DebugUser' and password 'password1'). Add this new user to the local Administrator group.

2) On the client, create a local user account with exactly the same username and password as the one created on the server. Add this new user to the local Administrator group.

3) Start the Remote Debugging Monitor, but run the program as the DebugUser. (Right-click on MSVSMON.EXE, select 'Run as...’ then login as the specific DebugUser).

4) From Visual Studio on the client, select Debug-> Attach to Process...
    - In the Attach to Process dialog box, enter DebugUser@{server_hostname} for the Qualifier, where {server_hostname} is the hostname of the server running the Remote Debugging Monitor.
    - Set the Transport to Default.
    - Click refresh, and select the running process to attach to from the list.