
来源:互联网 发布:巨川网络 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 01:11
/*作者:meteor135Email:meteor@mail.biti.edu.cn      smith_135@163.com时间:2003.5.22*/#include <stdio.h>#include <conio.h>#include <graphics.h>#include <bios.h>#include <dos.h>#define  path "C://TC//BGI"     //改为你自己的BGI路径#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <iostream.h>#include <math.h>#define Pi      3.1415926#define RIGHT   77#define LEFT    75#define UP      72#define DOWN    80#define HIDE    'h'#define SHOW    's'#define ENLARGE '='#define REDUCE  'b'#define Alt_X   '-'enum bool { false, true };int  GetKey();int  prompt();void window(int, int, int, int, int, int, int);//////////////////////////////////////////////////class Location{protected:    int x0, y0;public:    Location(int x, int y){x0=x;y0=y;}    int GetX0(){return x0;}    int GetY0(){return y0;}};class Point:public Location{protected:    bool isVisible;    void Draw();public:    void Show(){putpixel(x0,y0,getcolor());}    Point(int x, int y):Location(x,y){};    bool GetVisible(){return isVisible;}};//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class Figure : public Point{protected:    int changeStep;    virtual void  Draw   ()=0;public:    Figure(int x, int y):Point(x, y){changeStep=10;}public:    virtual void  Show   ();    virtual void  Left   ();    virtual void  Up     ();    virtual void  Down   ();    virtual void  Hide   ();    virtual void  Right  ();public:    virtual void  Enlarge()=0;    virtual void  Reduce ()=0;};void Figure::Hide(){    unsigned color = getcolor();    isVisible = false;    setcolor(getbkcolor());    Draw();    setcolor(color);}void Figure::Show(){    setcolor(getcolor());    Draw();    isVisible=true;}void Figure::Up(){    Hide();    (y0 -= changeStep) ? 0 : (y0 += 480);    Draw();}void Figure::Down(){    Hide();    y0 = (y0 + changeStep) % 480;    Draw();}void Figure::Right(){    Hide();    x0 = (x0 + changeStep) % 640;    Draw();}void Figure::Left(){    Hide();    (x0 -= changeStep) ? 0 : (x0 += 640);    Draw();}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class Rectangle : public Figure{private:    int width,height;    void Draw()    {        int left,top,right,bottom;        left   = x0-width /2;        top    = y0-height/2;        right  = x0+width /2;        bottom = y0+height/2;        rectangle(left,top,right,bottom);    }public:    Rectangle(int x, int y, int w, int h):Figure(x,y)    {        width  = w;        height = h;    }public:    int   GetWidth (){return width ;}    int   GetHeight(){return height;}    void  Enlarge();    void  Reduce ();};void Rectangle::Enlarge(){    Hide();    width  += changeStep;    height += changeStep;    Draw();}void Rectangle::Reduce(){    Hide();    width  -= width >0&&height>0 ? changeStep : 0;    height -= height>0&&height>0 ? changeStep : 0;    Draw();}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////class Circle: public Figure{private:    int radius;    void Draw(){circle(x0, y0, radius);}public:    Circle(int x, int y, int radius);    int GetRadius(){return radius;}    void  Enlarge();    void  Reduce ();};Circle::Circle(int x, int y, int radius):Figure(x, y){    this->radius = radius;}void Circle::Enlarge(){    Hide();    radius += changeStep;    Draw();}void Circle::Reduce(){    Hide();    radius -= radius>0 ? changeStep : 0;    Draw();}/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void main(){    Figure *pFigure;    int choice;    while((choice=prompt())>0)    {        switch(choice)        {        case 1:            pFigure = new Circle(320, 240, 100);            break;        case 2:            pFigure = new Rectangle(200,200,300,200);            break;        default:            pFigure = new Circle(320, 240, 100);        }        char s1[10], s2[10];        //char s3[15];        int key;        int gdriver = DETECT, gmode;        initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, path);        setbkcolor(LIGHTCYAN);        cleardevice();        window(0, 0, getmaxx(), getmaxy(), 20, BLUE, LIGHTCYAN);        settextstyle(1, 0, 1);        setcolor(RED);        outtextxy(20, 15, "Now you will see a figure and you can do something with it");        outtextxy(20, 33, "Press any key to continue!");        outtextxy(20, 57, "h:hide  s:show  =:enlarge  b:reduce");        outtextxy(20, 75, "   :right   :left  :up   :down  alt_x:quit");        setlinestyle(SOLID_LINE, 1, 3);        line(26, 88, 40, 88);        line(40, 88, 36, 84);        line(40, 88, 36, 92);        line(100, 88, 114, 88);        line(100, 88, 104, 84);        line(100, 88, 104, 92);        line(214, 82, 214, 95);        line(214, 95, 210, 91);        line(214, 95, 218, 91);        line(166, 82, 166, 95);        line(166, 82, 162, 86);        line(166, 82, 170, 86);        setcolor(RED);        rectangle(390,62,441,81);        rectangle(454,62,505,81);        //rectangle(518,62,601,81);        while((key = GetKey())!= Alt_X)        {            setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,CYAN);            bar(391,63,440,80);            bar(455,63,504,80);            //bar(519,63,600,80);            setviewport(20, 100, 618, 458 , 1);            switch(key)            {                case RIGHT   :    pFigure->Right  ();    break;                case LEFT    :    pFigure->Left   ();    break;                case UP      :    pFigure->Up     ();    break;                case DOWN    :    pFigure->Down   ();    break;                case ENLARGE :    pFigure->Enlarge();    break;                case REDUCE  :    pFigure->Reduce ();    break;                case HIDE    :    pFigure->Hide   ();    break;                case SHOW    :    pFigure->Show   ();    break;                default      :                           break;            }            setviewport(0, 0, 639, 479, 1);            settextstyle(2,0,5);            setcolor(RED);            sprintf(s1,"X0=%d",pFigure->GetX0());            outtextxy(392,62,s1);            sprintf(s2,"Y0=%d",pFigure->GetY0());            outtextxy(456,62,s2);            //sprintf(s3,"RADIUS=%d",pFigure->GetRadius());            //outtextxy(520,62,s3);        }        delete pFigure;        closegraph();    }}///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void window(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int width, int color1, int color2){    setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, color1);    bar(left, top, right, bottom);    setcolor(color2);    rectangle(left+width, top+width*5, right-width, bottom-width);    setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, color2);    floodfill(left+width+1, top+width*5+1, color2);    rectangle(left+2, top+2, right-2, bottom-2);    rectangle(left+width-2, top+width-2, right-width+2, bottom-width+2);    line(left+width-1, top+width*3-2, right-width+1, top+width*3-2);    line(left+width-1, top+width*5-2, right-width+1, top+width*5-2);    line(left+2, top+2, left+width-2, top+width-2);    line(right-2, top+2, right-width+2, top+width-2);    line(left+2, bottom-2, left+width-2, bottom-width+2);    line(right-2, bottom-2, right-width+2, bottom-width+2);}///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////int prompt(){    printf("This program shows a figure, it can move there and here,/n");    printf("hide and then show./n");    printf("/nPlease input your choice to show what figure you want to see:");    printf("/n1:Circle/n2:Rectangle/n0:quit/n");    int choice = 0;    cin >> choice;    return choice;}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////int GetKey(){    int key;    while(bioskey(1) == 0);    key = bioskey(0);    key = key & 0xff ? key & 0xff : key >> 8;    return(key);}///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////The program is over here.