
来源:互联网 发布:如何域名 指向 端口 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 17:55



SqlMembershipProvider 通过对 usernameToMatch 参数使用 LIKE 子句来执行搜索。LIKE 子句中受 SQL Server 支持的任何通配符都可以在 usernameToMatch 参数值中使用。



Wildcard characterDescriptionExample%Any string of zero or more characters.WHERE title LIKE '%computer%' finds all book titles with the word 'computer' anywhere in the book title._ (underscore)Any single character.WHERE au_fname LIKE '_ean' finds all four-letter first names that end with ean (Dean, Sean, and so on).[ ]Any single character within the specified range ([a-f]) or set ([abcdef]).WHERE au_lname LIKE '[C-P]arsen' finds author last names ending with arsen and beginning with any single character between C and P, for example Carsen, Larsen, Karsen, and so on.[^]Any single character not within the specified range ([^a-f]) or set ([^abcdef]).WHERE au_lname LIKE 'de[^l]%' all author last names beginning with de and where the following letter is not l.


简单的说,%就可以做模糊查询了,和sql一样,如果前后字符未知,可以这么做 "%" + name + "%",这样就可以实现模糊查询了。当然,更复杂的查询也可以通过不同的通配符组合来实现。
