
来源:互联网 发布:网络安全法宣传册 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 15:09

Why do smart people do dumb things?


It beats me. But year in, year out, we can count on some pretty smart people in Washington, on Wall Street, on Main Street and all over the world, to do some pretty dumb things.


2009 was no different. Here are the second annual Meanie Awards for outstanding achievement in the field of human ineptitude.


The Meanies for U.S. Politics


The "Commander-in-Chief of the Polycom" Award to President Barack Obama


For recently stooping to conquer a bunch of disrespectful Wall Street CEOs in an embarrassing and messy group conference call .


The "My Machine She's A Dud Stuck in the Swamps of Jersey" Award to Outgoing NJ Governor Jon Corzine


For spending $25 million of his own money and still contriving to lose a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans almost 2:1. Someday he will look back on this and it will all seem funny. Or maybe not.


The "Robespierre of the Iowa Cornfields" Award to Senator Charles Grassley


For suggesting in a fit of pique last March that AIG executives who demanded their contractual bonuses should have the dignity to "resign or commit suicide."



The Meanies for Wall Street and U.S. Business


The "When It Comes to PR, Timing Isn't Anything. It's Everything" Award to Goldman Sachs

“在公共关系上,时机就是一切”奖:高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)

For flubbing its big $500 million 10,000 Small Business Initiative by launching it the same week the TARP Inspector General said Goldman was saved by the AIG bailout.


The "You Should Have Seen the First Draft" Award to Morgan Stanley


For taking an astonishing 1,400 words to say in a press release that heir-apparent James Gorman would in fact succeed CEO John Mack. The eye-catching headline read: "Announcement Follows Thorough Succession Planning Process and Achievement of Key Company Milestones."

获奖原因:长得惊人的新闻稿用了1400个单词,实际上要说的只不过是当然的接班人詹姆斯·高曼将真的接替首席执行长麦晋桁(John Mack)。令人大跌眼镜的新闻稿标题是:《全面接班规划过程及实现公司关键里程碑后的公告》。

The "Jack Welch Taught Me Everything I Know About Humility" Award to GE CEO Jeff Immelt


For recently confessing that GE apparently "had issues in financial services", and that he had "decided that [he] needed to be a better listener coming out of the crisis."


The "Who Is John Galt? I Am John Galt" Award to AIG CEO Robert Benmosche


For spending the first few weeks of his tenure at AIG, giving press interviews and working from his palatial 12-bathroom villa on the coast of Croatia.


The Main Street Meanies


The "Country is Bankrupt, But Still My Bunions Must Go" Award to America's Senior Citizens


For insisting on eroding their grandchildren and great-grandchildren's quality of life in order to maximize their own quality of life.


The "Don't 90% of You Believe in Heaven?" Award to the American People


For refusing to face the inevitability of death and the unsustainability of an American end-of-life medical system we just can't afford.


The "Evil Bankers Made Us Do It" Award to Millions of Obama's "Responsible" Homeowners


For not bothering to modify their mortgages, walking away from money-losing homes and proving that Americans can be both irresponsible and economically rational at the same time.


The Global Meanies


The "No, Nice Air-Conditioning Is Not a Competitive Advantage" Award to the Emirate of Dubai


For proving that the peoples of Arabia are perfectly capable of competing with Americans when it comes to foolish real estate speculation.
