Matlab 混合编程资源1

来源:互联网 发布:linux 安装java8 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/09/21 06:33

发信人: roy (中国大兵), 信区: Matlab

  : VC++ 中编译 MEX 程序(zz)

发信站: 红果园 (2003103011:58:08 星期四), 站内信件


VC++ 中编译 MEX 程序

1. 目的

  一般情况下,我们都是在MATLAB命令行或DOS命令行下编译MEX程序。 所用的命令就是

mex filename.c 这有很多不方便的地方:

  a. 虽然mex也可以编译C++mex程序,但是它的主框架仍是C a. 当程序有多个模块


  b. 不能利用VC特有的ClassWizard自动创建和维护类

  c. 不能用MFC类库编写应用程序

  d. 不能方便地进行类似VC的项目管理

这样一个命令行的编程环境可能会大大束缚你的想象力... 其实解决问题的方法很简单


2. 步骤

(1)准备工作 (这里假设MATLAB的路径为:C:/MATLAB)

a. matlab.def创建库文件matlab.lib


  C:/>cd /matlab/extern/include

  C:/MATLAB/extern/include>lib /def:matlab.def /out:matlab.lib

  Microsoft (R) Library Manager Version 6.00.8447

  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1992-1998. All rights reserved.

  LIB : warning LNK4068: /MACHINE not specified; defaulting to IX86

  Creating library matlab.lib and object matlab.exp



b. 修改mex.h


找到这一行:void mexFunction(

替换为 __declspec( dllexport ) void mexFunction(

另保存为 mex_vc.h

(2)启动VC,创建MFC AppWizard(dll)程序框架


a. 设定头文件和库文件路径


Include files:添加c:/matlab/extern/include

Library files:添加c:/matlab/extern/include

b. 设置编译连接选项


C/C++->Preprocessor definitions: 添加MATLAB_MEX_FILE

Link->Object/Library modules: 添加matlab.lib

1. 其它优化、调试以及头文件、库文件等选项看情况调整

2. Release版在General->Microsoft Foundation Classes选项中, 必须设置为Use

MFC in a Static Library. 原因不明 (4)编写DLL主程序

a. 文件名要用.cpp为扩展名,头两行必须是:

#include "stdafx.h"

#include "mex_vc.h"

b. 编写mexFunction函数,用如下格式声明:

void mexFunction(

int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],

int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])




(5) 象普通VCDLL程序一样继续编写其它部分程序,加入其它模块

(6) 调试错误,用F7编译,生成DLL。我的例子:

--------------------Configuration: MatWave - Win32 Release------------------


Compiling resources...







Generating Code...


Creating library Release/MatWave.lib and object Release/MatWave.exp

LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "SHELL32.dll" discarded by /OPT:RE


LINK : warning LNK4089: all references to "comdlg32.dll" discarded by /OPT:R


MatWave.dll - 0 error(s), 2 warning(s)

大功告成,有两个警告,不理它。 拿到MATLAB里面试试吧,不过要有非法操作和异常退


另外:如果要在MATLAB运行中重新编译DLL,需先执行: clear mex






发信人: roy (中国大兵), 信区: Matlab

  : vc中调用matlab的方法

发信站: 红果园 (2003110914:53:14 星期天), 站内信件




 1. COM组件编程。



 2. VC中的Matlab Addin,向导将.m文件直接编译成可执行文件。





 int main(int argc, const char * * argv) {

      return mclMain(argc, argv, mlxReadd, 0, &_main_info);



 void mlxReadd(int nlhs, mxArray * plhs[], int nrhs, mxArray * prhs[])



  1. Defines persistent/global variables

  2. Initializes the feval function table for run-time feval support

  3. Performs wrapper-specific initialization and termination

  4. Initializes the constant pools generated by optimization


 3. 直接写主程序,然后通过Matlab中编译的库机制,实现程序的混编。



 手册的Mixing M-Files and C or C++ P110




 #include "matlab.h"


 void *mlfReadd( void );

 main( int argc, char **argv )


     PkgInitialize();  /* Initialize the library of M-Functions */

     mlfReadd(); /* 调用函数*/

     PkgTerminate();    /* Terminate the library of M-functions */




 mcc -B sgl -W libhg:Pkg -T link:exe -h myplot main.c libmmfile.mlib



 mcc -t -W lib:Pkg -T link:exe -h mrank mrankp.c libmmfile.mlib





 1. 编译.m文件。例子myplot.m

 %example: myplot.m

 function myplot(b)




 mcc -t -L C -W libhg:Pkg -h myplot

 (注意,我这里用了图形,如果不用的话,应该是-W lib:Pkg













 #include "matlab.h"

 void *mlfMyplot( mxArray * );

 main( int argc, char **argv )


 mxArray *N;

     N = mlfScalar(25);

     PkgInitialize();  /* Initialize the library of M-Functions */


     PkgTerminate();    /* Terminate the library of M-functions */




 菜单Tools--Options-Directories,show directories for改成include files,然后





        再将show directories for 改成library files,添加搜索路径:





 菜单project--settings--link下,在Object/Library modules里去掉原来的加入

 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib oleaut32.lib

 ole32.lib libmatlb.lib /nologo libmx.lib libmat.lib libmwservices.lib libme

x.lib libut.lib sgl.lib







 matlabroot/extern/includecopyFigureMenuBar.fig FigureToolBar.fig





:#FangQ(, 2002/6/22.BigGreen/MathTools#






     mcc(生成c/cpp文件)-----m--mex------ mex/dll

                        |---x--mbuild-----C/C++ compiler----独立执行的程序









Creating MATLAB MEX-file

To create executable files from m-files, you can use MCC. MCC is MATLAB to C/C++ compiler. It can compile m-files to executable files with exe or dll extension. For example:

Make a C translation and a MEX-file for myfun.m:

mcc -x myfun

Make a C translation and a stand-alone executable for myfun.m:

mcc -m myfun

Make a C++ translation and a stand-alone executable for myfun.m:

mcc -p myfun

Make a C MEX wrapper file from myfun1.m and myfun2.m:

mcc -W mex -L C libmatlbmx.mlib myfun1 myfun2

Make a C translation and a stand-alone executable from myfun1.m and myfun2.m (using one MCC call):

mcc -m myfun1 myfun2

But there is another way to create MEX files. In this way you have full control of every function that you created and can optimize their speed, memory, size etc.

The components of a C MEX-file

The source code for a MEX-file consists of two distinct parts:

  • A computational routine that contains the code for performing the computations that you want implemented in the MEX-file. Computations can be numerical computations as well as inputting and outputting data.
  • A gateway routine that interfaces the computational routine with MATLAB by the entry point mexFunction and its parameters prhs, nrhs, plhs, nlhs, where prhs is an array of right-hand input arguments, nrhs is the number of right-hand input arguments, plhs is an array of left-hand output arguments, and nlhs is the number of left-hand output arguments. The gateway calls the computational routine as a subroutine.

In the gateway routine, you can access the data in the mxArray structure and then manipulate this data in your C computational subroutine. For example, the expression mxGetPr(prhs[0]) returns a pointer of type double* to the real data in the mxArray pointed to by prhs[0]. You can then use this pointer like any other pointer of type double* in C. After calling your C computational routine from the gateway, you can set a pointer of type mxArray to the data it returns. MATLAB is then able to recognize the output from your computational routine as the output from the MEX-file.

The following C MEX cycle figure shows how inputs enter a MEX-file, what functions the gateway routine performs, and how outputs return to MATLAB.

Creating MEX-files in Visual C++

Run Visual C++, select New... from File menu. In opened dialog, select "Win32 Dynamic-Link Library". In wizard, select "A DLL that exports some symbols" and press finish. Now everything is ready for building a MEX-file!

Add following lines to main source code:

#include "Matlab.h"    //MATLAB API


#pragma comment(lib, "libmx.lib")

#pragma comment(lib, "libmat.lib")

#pragma comment(lib, "libmex.lib")

#pragma comment(lib, "libmatlb.lib")

Add MATLAB_MEX_FILE preprocessor to project settings (Project -> Settings -> C/C++ -> General -> Preprocessor definitions).

Create a text file and rename it to your_project.def. your_project is name of your MEX-file. your_project.def is a definition file for exporting symbols. In this situation, you must export mexFunction. Here is an example:

; mexFunction.def : Declares the module parameters for the DLL.


LIBRARY      "ComputePrimes"

DESCRIPTION  'ComputePrimes Windows Dynamic Link Library'



    ; Explicit exports can go here


Now you must add following compiler switch to your project (Project -> Settings -> Link -> General -> Project Options):



In this example, input argument is an integer non-complex scalar (n) and output is a vector containing first n prime numbers. Name of MEX-file is ComputePrimes. Syntax:

y = ComputePrime(n)

Final Work:

#include "stdafx.h"

#include "Matlab.h"

#include "mexFunction.h"


#pragma comment(lib, "libmx.lib")

#pragma comment(lib, "libmat.lib")

#pragma comment(lib, "libmex.lib")

#pragma comment(lib, "libmatlb.lib")


//return TRUE if n is a prime number

BOOL IsPrime(int n)


    for (int i=2; i<=n/2; i++)


        if (n%i==0)

            return FALSE;



    return TRUE;



void ComputePrimes(double* y, int n)


    int index=0, i=2;



    while (index!=n)


        if (IsPrime(i))










void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray* prhs[])


    if (nrhs != 1)


        mexErrMsgTxt("One input required.");


    else if (nlhs > 1)


        mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments");



    /* The input must be a noncomplex scalar integer.*/

    int mrows, ncols;

    mrows = mxGetM(prhs[0]);

    ncols = mxGetN(prhs[0]);


    if (!mxIsDouble(prhs[0]) || mxIsComplex(prhs[0]) ||

        !(mrows == 1 && ncols == 1))


        mexErrMsgTxt("Input must be a noncomplex scalar integer.");



    double x, *y;




                *y=2, 3, 5, 7



    x = mxGetScalar(prhs[0]);


    /* Create matrix for the return argument. */

    plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(mrows /* 1 */, (int) x, mxREAL);


    y = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);


    //call ComputePrimes subroutines to fill vector of primes

    ComputePrimes(y, (int) x);   




3. Compiling M-file into the MEX-file

3.1. To create a MEX-file from a M-file, your M-file must be written as function M-file.

If you have a script M-file you must convert it to a function. To convert a script to a function simply add a function line at the top of the M-file (the function can be both - with and without parameters).

3.3.   Enter the 'mcc' command:

>>mcc -x houdini

The -x option is used in case of M-file compilation. This 'mcc' command generates:

A file named houdini.c containing MEX-file C source code.
A file named houdini.h containing the public information.
A file named houdini _mex.c containing the MEX-function interface (MEX Wrapper).
A MEX-file named houdini.mexsol. (The extension of the executable MEX-file depends of your platform, e.g., on the PC the file is named houdini.dll).

'mcc' automatically invokes mex to create houdini.mex from houdini.c and houdini_mex.c. The mex utility encapsulates the appropriate C compiler and linker options for your system.

NOTE: Ignore warning about break statement in magic-function.

3.4. After compiling, a MEX file called houdini.mexsol must be in your working directory. This file can be used like any M-file.




4.4.   Finally, you should check the compiler by using one of the graphics examples provided by the developer.

Let us choose the flames.m file is stored in the directory $MATLAB/extern/examples/sgl.

Copy this file to your working directory and type:

- for a C  

>>mcc -B sgl flames.m

- for a C++  

>>mcc -B sglcpp flames.m

////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    //Matlab工具箱列表


MATLAB 与 C 语言的接口

东北大学 薛定宇 (原作)

    MATLAB C 语言程序的转换可以由两种途径完成,其一是 MATLAB 自己提供的 C 语言翻译程序 mcc, 另一种是原第 3 方公司 MathTools 开发的 MATCOM。后者出现较早,功能远比 MATLAB 自己的翻译程序强大,所以 MathTools 公司已经被 MathWorks 公司收购,并已将其开发技术融于新推出的 MATLAB 6.0 (Release 12) 中。

   依本人的观点,二者都不完善,有大量的 MATLAB 函数及数据类型是不能兼容变换的,所以有时会发现将简洁的 MATLAB 程序翻译成 C 语言程序很晦涩。翻译后的 C 程序几乎不适合手动去维护,更谈不上升级了。

   有几个不兼容的地方是不能令人容忍的,例如 eval() 函数在 C 翻译下是不兼容的,最新的 MATLAB 6 才刚刚敢说已经部分兼容了,但离真正的兼容还有很长的路要走,有很多艰难的技术困难需要克服,短时间内不可能有突破性的进展。另一个大的问题是,众所周知,MATLAB 新的控制系统工具箱中定义了大量的 LTI 类,MATLAB 5 开始也允许使用类与对象的概念,这已经向面向对象的编程走了一大步,但 MATLAB C 的翻译明显都不支持对象的数据类型,所以在控制系统分析与设计 (当然还有其他的领域) 中这样的转换几乎没有什么实际意义,所以不要将这样的转换太理想化。

   从转换的程序速度来看,因为 mcc MATCOM 都沿用了 MATLAB 的程序运算机制,所以不可能大幅度地提高程序运行速度。相反地,如果将 MATLAB 程序中明显的瓶颈部分用 C 语言按照 MEX 格式编写,则可以大大加快速度。作者在《科学运算语言 MATLAB 5.3 程序设计及应用》一书中以例子做过探讨,MCC 可以比快 50%, MEX 的形式可能快上百倍。

〖举例〗分形问题:从初始点(x0,y0) 出发,按下面的公式生成新的点 (x1,y1)

其中 gi (0,1) 区间均匀分布的随机数。要求从 (x1,y1) 再生成 (x2,y2),...,直至生成 1,000,000 个点(有点夸张,但太少了用 MATLAB 测时间不准)。可以下载用 MATLAB M-函数写的程序、用 Mex_C 写的程序。程序调用语句为:
   >> N=1000000; v=rand(N,1); tic; [x,y]=frac_tree(0,0,v,N); toc
然后测试一下速度,再想法用 MATCOM MCC 转换一下,再试试速度。问题:MATCOM 程序到底比 M 函数快多少?我用 Mex_C 实现的速度可是快100多倍啊!下面有文章介绍,用 MATCOMVC 能平均快1.5 (在别的应用上),依作者的观点,为了这区区 1.5 倍还不至于自己给自己找麻烦去用 MATCOM

   这样看,可能 MATLAB C 转换唯一的好处就是它能开发具有自主版权的软件了。 所以本人一般不太赞同用这样的转换方法去开发程序,尤其不赞成刻意追求 MATLAB + C 的方式。本人认为:除非必要,一般别采用这样的方法。提出这样的观点,欢迎商榷。

   MATCOM 目前有 BC VC 两个程序,MATLAB VC 之家中收录了一些文章。作者见到有下载区有这样的软件。

  • 在这里给出一个下载区的链接

