
来源:互联网 发布:星空棒棒糖淘宝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 01:08

  这是一个CBrowseForFolder类。我努力地寻找调用SHBrowseForFolder的一个完善的类,但是没有找到。所以,我自己写了一个。-- BrowseForfolder.h --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ShellBrowser.h: interface for the CShellBrowser class.//// Copyright 1998 Scott D. Killen////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#ifndef __SHELLBROWSER_H__#define __SHELLBROWSER_H__#if _MSC_VER >= 1000#pragma once#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000#include #include ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CShellBrowser//class CBrowseForFolder{public:CBrowseForFolder(const HWND hParent = NULL, const LPITEMIDLIST pidl = NULL, const int nTitleID = 0);CBrowseForFolder(const HWND hParent, const LPITEMIDLIST pidl, const CString& strTitle);virtual ~CBrowseForFolder() = 0;//// Set the handle of the owner window for the dialog box.//void SetOwner(const HWND hwndOwner);//// Set the root of the heirarchy that will be browsed.  Get pidl from// SHGetSpecialFolderLocation.  This can be set to NULL to use the Virtual Folder// that represents the Windows Desktop.//void SetRoot(const LPITEMIDLIST pidl);//// Access a string that is displayed above the tree view control in the dialog box.// This string can be used to specify instructions to the user.  strTitle is a// CString containing the text to be displayed.  nTitle is the index of a string// resource to be loaded.  The return value is false if the resource could not be// loaded.//CString GetTitle() const;void SetTitle(const CString& strTitle);bool SetTitle(const int nTitle);//// ulFlags = Value specifying the types of folders to be listed in the dialog box// as well as other options. This member can include zero or more of the following// values:////          BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER    Only returns computers. If the user selects//                                   anything other than a computer, the OK button//                                   is grayed.////          BIF_BROWSEFORPRINTER     Only returns printers. If the user selects//                                   anything other than a printer, the OK button//                                   is grayed.////          BIF_DONTGOBELOWDOMAIN    Does not include network folders below the//                                   domain level in the tree view control.////          BIF_RETURNFSANCESTORS    Only returns file system ancestors. If the user//                                   selects anything other than a file system//                                   ancestor, the OK button is grayed.////          BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS     Only returns file system directories. If the//                                   user selects folders that are not part of the//                                   file system, the OK button is grayed.////          BIF_STATUSTEXT           Includes a status area in the dialog box. The//                                   callback function can set the status text by//                                   sending messages to the dialog box. //UINT GetFlags() const;void SetFlags(const UINT ulFlags);//// Call GetSelectedFolder to retrieve the folder selected by the user.//CString GetSelectedFolder() const;//// Function to retreive the image associated with the selected folder. The image is// specified as an index to the system image list. //int GetImage() const;//// Call SelectFolder to display the dialog and get a selection from the user.  Use// GetSelectedFolder and GetImage to get the results of the dialog.//bool SelectFolder();protected://// OnInit is called before the dialog is displayed on the screen.//virtual void OnInit() const;//// OnSelChanged is called whenever the user selects a different directory.  pidl is// the LPITEMIDLIST of the new selection.  Use SHGetPathFromIDList to retrieve the// path of the selection.//virtual void OnSelChanged(const LPITEMIDLIST pidl) const;//// Call EnableOK to enable the OK button on the active dialog.  If bEnable is true// then the button is enabled, otherwise it is disabled.// NOTE -- This function should only be called within overrides of OnInit and// OnSelChanged.//void EnableOK(const bool bEnable) const;//// Call SetSelection to set the selection in the active dialog.  pidl is the// LPITEMIDLIST// of the path to be selected.  strPath is a CString containing the path to be// selected.// NOTE -- This function should only be called within overrides of OnInit and// OnSelChanged.//void SetSelection(const LPITEMIDLIST pidl) const;void SetSelection(const CString& strPath) const;//// Call SetStatusText to set the text in the Status area in the active dialog.// strText is the text to be displayed.// NOTE -- This function should only be called within overrides of OnInit and// OnSelChanged.//void SetStatusText(const CString& strText) const;private:static int __stdcall BrowseCallbackProc(HWND hwnd,UINT uMsg,LPARAM lParam,LPARAM lpData);typedef std::auto_ptr AUTO_STR;AUTO_STR m_pchTitle;BROWSEINFO m_bi;char m_szSelected[MAX_PATH];CString m_strPath;HWND m_hwnd;};inline UINT CBrowseForFolder::GetFlags() const{return m_bi.ulFlags;}inline int CBrowseForFolder::GetImage() const{return m_bi.iImage;}#endif // __SHELLBROWSER_H__---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BrowseForFolder.cpp --////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ShellBrowser.cpp: implementation of the CShellBrowser class.//#include "stdafx.h"#include "BrowseForFolder.h"#ifdef _DEBUG#undef THIS_FILEstatic char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;#define new DEBUG_NEW#endif////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Construction/Destruction//CBrowseForFolder::CBrowseForFolder(const HWND hParent /*= NULL*/, const LPITEMIDLIST pidl /*= NULL*/, const int nTitleID /*= 0*/){m_hwnd = NULL;SetOwner(hParent);SetRoot(pidl);SetTitle(nTitleID);m_bi.lpfn = BrowseCallbackProc;m_bi.lParam = reinterpret_cast(this);m_bi.pszDisplayName = m_szSelected;}CBrowseForFolder::CBrowseForFolder(const HWND hParent, const LPITEMIDLIST pidl, const CString& strTitle){m_hwnd = NULL;SetOwner(hParent);SetRoot(pidl);SetTitle(strTitle);m_bi.lpfn = BrowseCallbackProc;m_bi.lParam = reinterpret_cast(this);m_bi.pszDisplayName = m_szSelected;}CBrowseForFolder::~CBrowseForFolder(){}////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Implementation//void CBrowseForFolder::SetOwner(const HWND hwndOwner){if (m_hwnd != NULL)return;m_bi.hwndOwner = hwndOwner;}void CBrowseForFolder::SetRoot(const LPITEMIDLIST pidl){if (m_hwnd != NULL)return;m_bi.pidlRoot = pidl;}CString CBrowseForFolder::GetTitle() const{return m_bi.lpszTitle;}void CBrowseForFolder::SetTitle(const CString& strTitle){if (m_hwnd != NULL)return;m_pchTitle = std::auto_ptr(new char [static_cast(strTitle.GetLength()) + 1]);strcpy(m_pchTitle.get(), strTitle);m_bi.lpszTitle = m_pchTitle.get();}bool CBrowseForFolder::SetTitle(const int nTitle){if (nTitle <= 0)return false;CString strTitle;if(!strTitle.LoadString(static_cast(nTitle))){return false;}SetTitle(strTitle);return true;}void CBrowseForFolder::SetFlags(const UINT ulFlags){if (m_hwnd != NULL)return;m_bi.ulFlags = ulFlags;}CString CBrowseForFolder::GetSelectedFolder() const{return m_szSelected;}bool CBrowseForFolder::SelectFolder(){bool bRet = false;LPITEMIDLIST pidl;if ((pidl = ::SHBrowseForFolder(&m_bi)) != NULL){m_strPath.Empty();if (SUCCEEDED(::SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, m_szSelected))){bRet = true;m_strPath = m_szSelected;}LPMALLOC pMalloc;//Retrieve a pointer to the shell's IMalloc interfaceif (SUCCEEDED(SHGetMalloc(&pMalloc))){// free the PIDL that SHBrowseForFolder returned to us.pMalloc->Free(pidl);// release the shell's IMalloc interface(void)pMalloc->Release();}}m_hwnd = NULL;return bRet;}void CBrowseForFolder::OnInit() const{}void CBrowseForFolder::OnSelChanged(const LPITEMIDLIST pidl) const{(void)pidl;}void CBrowseForFolder::EnableOK(const bool bEnable) const{if (m_hwnd == NULL)return;(void)SendMessage(m_hwnd, BFFM_ENABLEOK, static_cast(bEnable), NULL);}void CBrowseForFolder::SetSelection(const LPITEMIDLIST pidl) const{if (m_hwnd == NULL)return;(void)SendMessage(m_hwnd, BFFM_SETSELECTION, FALSE, reinterpret_cast(pidl));}void CBrowseForFolder::SetSelection(const CString& strPath) const{if (m_hwnd == NULL)return;(void)SendMessage(m_hwnd, BFFM_SETSELECTION, TRUE, reinterpret_cast(LPCTSTR(strPath)));}void CBrowseForFolder::SetStatusText(const CString& strText) const{if (m_hwnd == NULL)return;(void)SendMessage(m_hwnd, BFFM_SETSTATUSTEXT, NULL, reinterpret_cast(LPCTSTR(strText)));}int __stdcall CBrowseForFolder::BrowseCallbackProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPARAM lParam, LPARAM lpData){CBrowseForFolder* pbff = reinterpret_cast(lpData);pbff->m_hwnd = hwnd;if (uMsg == BFFM_INITIALIZED)pbff->OnInit();else if (uMsg == BFFM_SELCHANGED)pbff->OnSelChanged(reinterpret_cast(lParam));return 0;}
