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Seven Essential MS Project Shortcut Keys You Must Know When Using Microsoft Project

Essential MS Project Shortcut Keys Number 1
The first MS Project shortcut keys you must know is the [Enter] keystroke. You use this shortcut keystroke to accept the data entered into a cell in a task or a resource. For example if you are working in the Gantt Table and entering a new task name, before the task name is accepted you must select the [Enter] key.
No.1 ENTER  (地球人都知道)
Essential MS Project Shortcut Keys Number 2
Sometimes you will find that the value you have just entered into a cell was not correct. If you want to cancel what you have typed into a cell you simply use the MS Project shortcut key [Esc] (the Escape key). The escape key is located in the top left hand corner of your keyboard.
No.2 ESC (未按ENTER键之前)同大多数软件
有时我们会发现刚键入到某一单元格中的数据不正确, 如果想删除刚键入的这个错误的数据,简单地按一下ESC键即可。这个ESC键位于键盘的左上角。
Essential MS Project Shortcut Keys Number 3
To be able to change the cells of a task you must first activate the cell so just like in Microsoft Excel we have a shortcut keystroke that allows you to that, the shortcut is [F2]
No.3 F2  进入编辑模式, 同EXCEL
Essential MS Project Shortcut Keys Number 4
Sometimes you will find that you need to insert a task whilst you are developing a new project plan. To insert a new task using just your shortcut keystrokes, press the [Ins] key. This key may also be shown as the [Insert] Key.
No.4 INS 在光标位置插入新任务
(这当然在任务工作表中,只是插入一个空行,新任务的内容还要自个输入。 在资源工作表中,INS同样有效,插入一个空行。)
Essential MS Project Shortcut Keys Number 5
There are many pieces of information that you can enter in Microsoft Project simply using the Gantt table but in some situations there are simply some pieces of information that can only be entered into the Task Information dialog box or the Resource Information dialog box. To open the Task Information dialog box or the Resource Information dialog box using the shortcut keystroke [Shift] + [F2]
No.5 [Shift] + [F2]  呼出任务信息对话框或资源信息对话框
在工作表中可输入多个信息,但是有些信息只能在任务信息对话框或资源信息对话框中输入,按[Shift] + [F2]就可打开任务信息对话框或资源信息对话框。
Essential MS Project Shortcut Keys Number 6
To link tasks in Microsoft Project you must first select the two tasks you want to link and then you can use the shortcut  [Ctrl] + [F2]. Sometimes you will also want to unlink a task, simply select the tasks you wish to unlink and then press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [F2]
No.6 [Ctrl] + [F2] 建立任务间的相关性(链接)(默认是FS)  [Ctrl] + [F2] 取消任务间的相关性(链接)
要链接任务必须先选中要进行链接的两个或两个以上的任务,按[Ctrl] + [F2],有时想取消链接,选中要取消链接的任务,按[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [F2]
Essential MS Project Shortcut Keys Number 7
To use MS Office Project to its full potential you really need to assign resources to tasks. To achieve this you can bring up the Assign Resources dialog box by using the MS Project Shortcut Key [Alt] + [F10]
No.7 [Alt] + [F10] 呼出资源分配对话框
为了发挥PROJECT的最大潜能, 真正需要给任务分配资源,按[Alt] + [F10] 就可呼出资源分配对话框。




取消筛选  F3

显示所有任务: alt + shift + * (数字小键盘上)

显示所有子任务: alt + shift + = or alt + shift + 加号(数字小键盘上)

隐藏所有子任务: alt + shift + 连字符 or alt + shift + 减号(数字小键盘上)

显示较小时间刻度单位 :ctrl + / (数字小键盘上的除号)

显示较大时间刻度单位: ctrl + * (数字小键盘上的乘号)

移动到项目的开始: alt + home

移动到项目的结束: alt + end
